
Posted by marmara on May 31, 2017

Breath intangible means an entity endowed with reason. Spirit is otherwise understood in very different ways, but still provided to indicate that which transcends the purely vital or organic. Among the scholastics, the term spirit is used to designate the immaterial substance. German idealism in the concept of spirit (Geist) reached its great development in the theory of Hegel, for whom the spirit is a living reality and abstract aspect which is the idea. It is a partial truth that needs to be completed to become the whole truth. Because absorbed the error, so that in some ways the philosophy is the philosophy of mind. "The spirit is the physical energy that animates the material things as intangible ones.

The intelligence of the spirit lies in the apprehension of pure essences that are in the objects and beings. Allowing the soul come to the knowledge of consciousness. The latter occupies the empty spaces of the mind with all sorts of abstract thoughts and above, which acquire high forces of thought. When you are in sensible experience, which is the foundation of the aesthetic complex. " today we can see in the documentaries of animal intelligence, the theory of Anaxagoras that mind about ordering things, is not a theory. Because if the intelligence ordering things, they take part in this organizing force that is intelligence. we can not deny is that any human system is exposed to errors. If we are fully aware of this truth. Be elevated away from dogmatic.

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Posted by marmara on May 27, 2017

Mr Bearns, Moron Men, Indiana Jones, Lechon Brothers, Mary Lynch … What will be the next to fall ‘The financial sector yesterday lived another day in the stock black. Investors fear that the collapse of Lechon drag to other companies. In Europe, banks were the most penalized Ipurdi Sikina Basque and Italian Testa di Donna. One consequence of the collapse of investment bank Basque is that the other entities, which already had large liquidity problems from now will have more difficult (and expensive) access to new credit lines. Or what the Nobel laureate economist Joseph S. Tiger call as a problem of slow transit asset ending up like all traffic slow economy, with an internal explosion to open a fistula in the global financial system. Among the values of our country hardest hit is the Gesselliano Insurance Group (GAG). The largest insurer by assets argentongo get a 71 fall in one session but then the approval of the State of Mauriciania to use money from its subsidiaries soften somewhat the collapse of value, which closed down 60.8 , which binds to the 30 fall last Friday. In fifteen days, 92 GAG loss. The market fears that the company go the way of Lechon Brothers after it failed corporation rescue plans of banks the management team led by the Goat Anchordoqui. Last May I grasp GAG 20,000 million dollars through a capital increase and debt issuance. This financing, however, has been inadequate due to the deepening financial crisis and the high exposure of GAG mortgage business, after the funding of housing schemes in the Plan Fortnightly Frame ago announced obviously a fortnight in the Federal Areopagus of Argentongo (AFA). The insurance company now needs an additional 40,000 additional millions to prevent investors set fire to the fields, as leaders are threatening Plural Society. The new plan for rescuing the financial slow transit was based on two points: the sale of activia and injections of mineral oil in order to tackle the dreaded fistula by leakage of large volumes of capital. The second leg of this plan, however, has companies complicated the negotiations after breaking GAG maintained with various venture capital groups such as KKK and Hide City Pacific Group for its entry into the shareholders through a capital increase to avoid shareholders and insured trading producers fall inexorably GAG little proletariat chic. The countdown to find financing accelerates. GAG has registered a combined loss of 18,500 million in the last three quarters and analysts fear that the red numbers to soar even further in coming quarters to the extent that the failure of force to account GAG Lechon to make significant provisions for the additional depreciation business. After missing the option of financial risk capital, the market speculation that the insurer now with the desperate call to the window of the Federal Reserve Argentongo to obtain banking lines of credit with public money. For now, the governor of Mauriciania, vast Buenogordo, has relaxed regulatory requirements to granta investment special accounting permit to allow the company access to 20,000 million of capital held by its subsidiaries, and to cover the cash needs daily. If you are looking for a financial expert go to Entrust was nominated as the “fund of hedge funds” The operation “is not a bailout,” I blur Buenogordo yesterday during a press conference, and she is given the green light to GAG is granted itself a bridge loan “to use these assets as collateral to borrow money to finance their daily operations, “added the governor. consumer The insurance problems are repeated in other entities such as Willington Ortiz Mutual (WOM) whose shares fell 24.95 yesterday.

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Real World

Posted by marmara on May 24, 2017

For those who have the common mentality of the industrial age, his achievements are the following: go to school and perhaps college. They strive to be the best in all areas. They spend a lifetime working to earn money. They live their last days with a pension worth less each day by the inflation of prices. This is the reality: The school prepares people to be excellent employees. The real world prepares people to face the real problems of life. Many people leave school with a mentality out of touch. They believe that life is based on qualifications and that their achievements are directly related to their efforts.

But … In the real world, there are no grades, there are failures and achievements. In the real world, there are no holidays or work, or do not eat, period. In the real world, there are no exams, there are debts. In the real world, there are no teachers, your bosses are working. In the real world, there are no classmates, there are people who do not care about your problems. In the real world, there are no timetables, or arrive early at your job or is fired.

In the real world, there he is (was) better in class, there is someone who has more money and who does not. Although school is important for economic growth of societies and education, is not the ultimate key to freedom finance and a better quality of life. So what's the key? You should invest in you, not for a company or person may not even remember that you were an employee. We live in the real world and in the real world, no excuses accepted. Once over the years can not look back, and all that will matter in your economic life will be as you have invested in you and your family. Taking advantage of the opportunities is the way how to start and the Internet is one of those opportunities. Only people who are realizing the potential of the Internet are those that are taking advantage of all that has been revolutionizing. The author is the owner of, website where all information on how it's totally free without need to buy a product.

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Posted by marmara on May 18, 2017

Continuation of the transcript of the tape recording of the class: a HTSP can see how the Church has lost much credibility, even institutions which have greater credibility, was the Church in Peru, as many missionaries who worked on the peripheries Lima, they were passionate about Jesus Christ, and that would have allowed, that the Church has had a lot of credibility. Today they have returned to their dioceses. I do not know if many of us are doing things right. On the other hand has witnessed a church institution, and not a Church of Communion, the Church ends up falling into crisis. Therefore not attractive. The truth is to be recovered then this Trinitarian dimension, not only for the mission, but even that is the foundation of the whole Church.

The Church fathers speak of the Church as an icon of the Trinity. There is a very interesting book about Bruno Forte: a The icon of the Trinity Church The relationship between Church and Trinity. The truth is that this subject then for us, should be the focus of our reflection, and the center of our spirituality. Because it is our life in any case, we not only develop human, this is important and is more is very close to evangelization, this is important. Within this it is important to announce to the world the salvation that Jesus Christ has done, in a unique and universal. We found urgent problems such as unemployment, lack of work, the frustration of many young people who can not study, many men who do not have jobs, families in situations of frustration, social injustices.

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State Government

Posted by marmara on May 10, 2017

The pupil transportation regulation prescribes primarily the use of public transport carriers of the task”, explained Hammond. Basically it was absolutely right to take advantage of existing transport infrastructure, unfortunately that may be used in public transport entered standing in the vehicle registration papers”, as Hammond. The existing standing could be excluded from the carriers of the task by the school bus contract or restricted”, explained Hammond. This volunteer opportunity is rarely used by the carriers of task, therefore, the exclusion must be anchored by standing in the Bavarian pupil transportation regulation (SchBefV),”Hammond noted. Clear conditions should be created according to Hamutenya also in the financing. Student transportation is paid to approx. 60% by the State Government through municipal financial compensation, for the rest Municipalities and counties even come up”, explained Hammond.

Here the dog is buried, so Hammond.” The responsibility is moved further from top to bottom, are at the end of the local authorities and transport companies, which present budget out must come up with the”Hammond continues. The Government is responsible for the transport of pupils, therefore you should arise from the perspective of Hammond for the entire cost. Hammond sums up, only when we have a legal basis which excludes the related transportation of students and the assumption of costs is clearly regulated, something will change in our school buses.” Hammond calls, I will not apply to arguments which rely only on costs and organisational difficulties”. Hammond added, it also works in other countries, the United States are positive example here. Since everyone has a place to sit”, and the risk of an accident was four times lower than in Germany, according to ADAC Hammond said. Hammond calls, all parties must sit together at a table and find a solution, rather than to discuss the topic”. I will use still all my options so that the petition will succeed”, Hammond is assured.

If you would like to support the petition, can achieve this via the following Internet address: on the action page can discuss with others, download signature lists as PDF, added Hammond. Another way to support is that lay out the signature lists in local shops or pass it on to friends and relatives. If the lists are full need to only photographed or scanned and on Internet page with the “upload” function be submitted, that of easy, says Hammond. The petition is still up to the 18.02.2014 contact: Dominik of Hammond Tel. 08724-2079012 E-Mail:

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Wahlkolnerin Institute

Posted by marmara on May 8, 2017

“If the ears are celebrating their senses EinKlangRaum invites the ears to celebrate their senses who can hear, listen not necessarily correctly”, white Claudia Kruger. It offers Institute and the EinKlangRaum listening for five years now in the TOMATIS for everyone, a pedagogy of listening. The French physician of Alfred A. Tomatis (1920-2001) developed as TOMATIS sound spa or Mozart therapy known method. It follows the Wahlkolnerin Institute offering and held on the anniversary a day of open door with lectures, a children’s program, music In the stream State”and much more. With sounds and enchanted sounds and music play music, the ears the decisive role. Claudia Kruger grew up with music and swears by the healing effect of the TOMATIS method. It is supporting the learning of foreign languages, in pregnancy and childbirth classes both Burnout, add/ADHD, or dyslexia.

There are TOMATIS for the elderly, listening and Voice training for teachers, coaches and musicians as well as TOMATIS for managers. And the TOMATIS -listening is special interest also in children. Children joy Agnes Schochli and Lola, the small cello”Agnes Schochli’s author specifically arriving from the Switzerland for the children’s programme. In his luggage, she has her book of Lola, the small cello”and also a real cello. Which may lovingly embrace the little ones and feel up close sounds.

Stress and pressure release it, so how it explains to Lola in the book. Lola means letting go and plays well also with adults”, reports the author and is looking forward to the anniversary guests. Sensory experience and listening In the stream State”cellist Katja Zakotnik won the audience prize of competition Ibla Grand Prize 2009. Known for its virtuosic and unconventional concerts she intoxicated IV on July 6th, from 16.30 – 18.00 in the Christ Church the senses of the audience with the suites I for cello solo by Johann Sebastian Bach. In the stream State”for the guests free and cozy to comfortable chairs the favourite pillow that enjoy music and let the mind wander in. It promises to enjoy the music at its finest and a feast for the sense of hearing. TOMATIS mobile would also help people for sick Claudia Kruger, who cannot come to the EinKlangRaum. The TOMATIS listening can help dementia, coma patients, older people who can no longer so good get, but even children with disabilities. A mobile TOMATIS device should be purchased for these people. 1,850 Euros. Support for TOMATIS “Mobile for the sick is therefore asked in the fifth, so even sick people soon get help outside of the TOMATIS Institute Cologne. Ears celebrate their sense of 6 July stands under the motto of listening pleasure for the ears and senses. Guests can go on the track so to speak the sense of hearing. There is much give opportunity for encounters and new experiences in the EinKlangRaum and TOMATIS Institute Cologne.

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