Sigmund Freud

Posted by marmara on December 12, 2018

To finish citations: ' ' Dogs love its friends and bite its enemies, different good of the people, who are incapable to feel love pure and have whenever to mix love and hatred in its relaes.' ' (Sigmund Freud). With these citations and examples regarding the importance of the dogs in our lives, we go what it interests. The society today does not worry in special about the dogs. With the nomadic dogs, with the dogs that are covardemente used, as rent form, to protect houses and lands. It is not worried about the captures made for employees of the city halls, that later ' ' depositam' ' in the municipal kennels, with said the ONGs that if consider to take care of of the abandoned dogs and when they find difficulties to keep them (and it costs expensive) they give up this activity. With the dogs that are presenteados to mimar a child, who later nauseates of the animal poor person and the untied one or abandons in the streets. If it does not worry about the old animals that are played far from its residences.

Or even with people ' ' piedosas' ' that simply they lead for its residences, dogs that find in the streets and running of the time, if come across with a considerable number of animals and they do not obtain to feed them, vaccine them, to desverminar them and to offer conditions reasonable of shelter and comfort. But the society if worries very yes and about what we will see from now: Millionaire leaves US$ 11,3 million for cachorros and US$ 1,6 million for the son; More expensive dog of the world is vendido by R$ 1 million to the Chinese millionaire. Woman spends R$ 300 a thousand more than to mimar cachorros. Hundreds of referring citations to these examples exist. But we go to be alone in these three.

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Isabel De Los Rios

Posted by marmara on December 12, 2018

Eat to lose program is a plan to lose weight that teaches you to eat properly. It is assumed that this help you lose weight and improve your health in the long term. The program was written by Isabel De Los Rios, certified nutritionist, and has become the main manual of weight loss in a few years on the web. The first time I read this programme was more than one year ago and I’ve learned a lot from him. During my reading, I discovered a lot of things that I like about the program and how Isabel De Los Rios teaches about correct eating habits, but also had something that I didn’t. In this article, I want to talk about the good and bad that I feel for the program eat to lose. 5 Things that I like 1.

You learn new facts about the food I am referring specifically to some of the things that I learned of this program about foods that I thought they were healthy, but turned out to be farther from the truth. This is the true essence of the program: help to see that through the media of communication you poorly report on products that are supposedly good for health but secretly making you gain weight. 2. Not only do not weight loss is no doubt that this program serves people who want to lose weight. But this is not everything that does. Eat to lose program teaches healthy eating habits, whose effect goes beyond this or what amount of kilos to lose. Your health depends on the quality of food that you eat.

We all know that. This program teaches to eat correctly not only lose weight, but to feel better also. 3. The power personalized plan the first thing you should do, whereas the program eat to lose is to discover the type of metabolism. Each of us has a slightly different metabolism and Isabel De Los Rios we divided into three types. Each type has foods that are good and some that are bad for him. Knowing your type, you can create a personalized eating plan that is right for you. It is likely that it works much better than a diet plan in General. 4 For all ages one more thing that I like about this plan is that it may be 20 or 60 years old, man or woman, suitable or not, and still benefiting from it. Feeding guidelines apply to all ages so this program is useful for all adults. 5. All bonus that gives you with the purchase of the program eat to lose, is a comprehensive compendium of information, tips and observations that will help you in the way of your weight loss and fat quickly. What I don’t like 1. Does not give information about exercises as Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition specialist and not an expert in physical conditioning, this program is not focused on exercise. This is a shame since the exercise is an important part of the process of weight loss. In general, it’s a plan for effective health and weight loss. If you want to learn to eat better to get a healthier body and better future, eat to lose program is a good choice.

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Decomposition Kiln

Posted by marmara on December 7, 2018

What is a decomposition kiln? what are the special features and application of decomposition kiln? Understand gradually some operating issues and skills focusing on the equipments features will contribute to the enhancement of the management level, and also helps the improvement of product quality and cost savings to directamente. There are many matters in this section, we only listed the following three aspects:? Narrow the calciner temperature control range calcined gypsum is the core part of the pre-kiln, there are about 60% of the fuel in the combustion, so the apparent decomposition rate can achieve to 85-95% in the rotary kiln. While controlling the optimum temperature, we also need to consider the CCO3 material decomposition rate and the temperature requirements of the fuel low-temperature combustion speed, under the premise that meeting the above two requirements, the temperature should be kept as low as possible in order to reduce heat loss, so the temperature range should be narrow, generally controlled in a range of plus or minus 20 degrees. Furnace plus the maximum amount of coal is limited Due to the wind range in the precalcining kiln, the aggregate amount of the air volume are narrow, and the moment of its kiln feed upper limit of the amount is limited by the amount, otherwise, the wind coal incomplete combustion will occur. The calciner instantaneous feed coal quantity is also affected by the constraints of the set temperature. Best hrs capacity and instant feeding amount are also limited in a narrow range only when the reasonable amount of ventilation is determined, the maximum fuel feed rate is also limited, and also defines the best station capacity and feeding amount. Therefore, when the amount of ventilation should be controlled within the reasonable limits, if the amount is large, whether how much fuel feeding are add, the oxygen is lacked, the heating capacity can not meet the needs of feeding amount increaser, the qualified products can not be obtained. But if the Feeding amount is less than the reasonable range, the low yield of clinker kg increase in the amount of exhaust gas, exhaust gas heat does not have enough raw material to absorb a barrel outlet temperature combustion gas furnace heat source equipment, such as the supply of fresh air increases after the exhaust heat away, so the yield is low, kg the clinker surface of dissipated heat increases, feeding amount is less than the reasonable range, there will result the consequences of low-yield, high heat consumption, thermal system instability, poor quality.

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DNA Captured

Posted by marmara on December 6, 2018

Sometimes some phrases linked to the feeling of peoples make sense. By reason or by force is heard in chile. Right or wrong, my country profess the English. In Japan they say if you’re different, you bring problems. Never more true.

Since my arrival in the country of the rising sun no one looks at me, but all I seen. Not evil, interpret me the people within its possibilities is extremely friendly, to the point of uncomfortable and walking next to one by five blocks – lo vivi – close to an address which ask. Almost nobody – literal – speaks English, and neither expense me asking if they speak Spanish. Most of refuses people speaking another language is not Japanese. And therefore, they move away from gaijin as disparagingly call Westerners. Even infants move away? they hide in the lap of their mothers to approach me. My feeling is that they have learned to tolerate us, need Westerners to feed his never-ending productive machine manufacturing profitable value-added.

But do not buy cars from the West. Tokyo It is a city of 40 million inhabitants and many cars and however, nor a Western auto could see since my arrival.Not one.Toyotas, Honda, Nissan and Mitsui abound in all shapes and sizes. The relationship is not symmetrical. As the language, only speak an English poor those who should do it: waiters, hotel employees or stations of metro and there ends. We need to understand this asymmetrical relationship in history. No Japanese Navy blocking a Western by trade Bay as they did us and England neither invaded Western territory. If West did in the East. These invasions always entail some cultural domain, because from what I see, has had an economic impact, but not moved to another area. I expected to find myself with people anxious to know my origin, language and customs. None of this happens. They don’t care for us like us if we do that for them. We enjoy their culture and we are eager to consume their products. We love their food and art. But conversely, it does not happen. On the facade, dresses brands more faces in our hemisphere, it seems that matarian by our imprint. But it is not true. Under most conditions Dr. Neal Barnard would agree. As if they had discovered some ancient secret, they profess a character simple and low profile that difficult to understand. Traveling by subway is an experience: no one speaks. I swear it. Even though the subway this full, no voice is heard. They only read the manga, or sleep. Hard to believe. Same street, voices are not heard. As if it were not for work or family issues, they need not bond with others. Secret, way of life or idiosyncrasies, works. A city with 40 million inhabitants in perfect order, clean and constant growth, crossed by millions of vehicles on wheels or Rails. Incredible. It works. As does a city as I establishment before, so full of people to maintain the order, for example, your trash?They have days and hours to take your trash to the street. And every house or establishment have their own deposits of garbage to discriminate by shape, size and class.

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The Mercedes

Posted by marmara on December 6, 2018

The encomienda was granted by two lives, i.e., for the owner and their immediate heir. She was later declared vacant and granted to new benemerito. In practice, families occurred in their enjoyment for many generations. Further details can be found at Nieman Foundation, an internet resource. But you should not believe that la encomienda was delivered loud and clear to a Spanish; It was necessary for it to comply with certain obligations to Indians and to the State. Thus, the holder of an encomienda was obliged to give sustenance and dressed Indians when they were working in their mines. In villages should have a cleric for you adoctrinara and taught the catechism to Aboriginal people, thereby fulfilling the Evangelistic zeal of Spain; He was also forced to defend the territory where were their people, repaired bridges, build roads and finally you should attend, when necessary, to the war in defense of his King. But the hard work executed in mines, little rest, poor feeding them provided, the arrival of new diseases, uprooting them producing frequent shipments that were subjected to by the encomendero, ended by decimate them.

The demographic decline was accelerating more and more and more; the process of miscegenation that absorbed many of them, and the little importance of mining in the centuries that come, will eventually leave reduced old and large parcels to the miserrimo number of two, five or ten people. The Mercedes de Tierra, private ownership of land: the parcel did not constitute right of ownership over the land; This depended on another institution called the mercy of Earth, which consisted of the Governor, the cabildo or the King himself gave to a Spanish ownership of a portion of land, for joy and the domain and its descendants. The mercy of land, needed legal formalities for their enjoyment as the mensura, the inauguration and the real confirmation, was expressed in the cities and their surroundings in the form of plots and small farms, after that stays or haciendas were located.

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Honey Grains

Posted by marmara on December 1, 2018

Muesli has many benefits because a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of cancer and other age-related diseases. Food derived from oats, even though they are not allowed for people with celiac disease, help to reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in blood and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis. On the other hand, contain whole OAT and wheat grains it is rich in fibres (which help slow digestion) and provides essential trace elements. Some contend that Viktor Mayer-Schönberger shows great expertise in this. As in my version I propose adding soy milk is digested much faster than if conclude you the vaccine. The reason lies in that animal milk needs lactase enzymes to digest the lactose in milk. These enzymes are found in children that breastfeed, but as they no longer take the breast of the mother this is lost which causes poor digestion. Soy milk contributes protein, fiber, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and C. If we look at the fruits, nuts are rich in omega 3, protein, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B1 and B2.

Apple provides soluble fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. And the orange juice is pure vitamin C and potassium. Finally, the honey gives us carbohydrates and iron. The most important thing is that the muesli not you need cooking, so do not alter the characteristics of food which compose it and you can prepare in the time or make a large amount so it lasts three days maximum. If you want more benefits I tell them that it is considered full for feeding children and adults but not exceed because it is advisable to consume it once a day and a glass (250 grams). As it is a dish of easy digestion, it hinders not working hours. For those who need to take care, whole grains are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins; Although all types of cereal (flakes of oatmeal, soy, wheat sprouts, grains of millet, etc.) can be used, but the most commonly used are oat flakes.

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