The benefit of yogurt in our diet, is based on that it’s a food highly suitable for a good digestion, is rich in calcium and is suitable for taking it every day. To be rich in calcium is recommended for children, adolescents, for women during lactation and for the stage of menopause, also for the elderly still with problems chewing and after having suffered from any disease. For people who have problems with the assimilation of the milk, who present with digestive problems or different allergies, yogurt represents them a solution because it is easy to digest and not to the intestine. Yogurt is a food that can be compared with milk because it provides the same nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts such as calcium. The properties of yogurt are due to fermentation.
This is a process whereby milk becomes yogurt, improving the assimilation of lactose by some organisms and their living bacteria favor the regeneration of the intestinal as well as acting against diarrhea. In comparison with milk can say that 1 gram of yogurt contains a minimum of 10 to 100 billion live micro-organisms, the so-called Lactobacilli however the lache does not contain them. If it is necessary to reduce the caloric load is advisable to select nonfat yogurt, yogurts with mashed fruit are nutritious but increase calories. It is recommended to consume between two to four dairy a day in lots of 200 ml. Yoghurt is a product that has expiry date, that is why it is necessary to immediately store it in the fridge at a temperature below 8 C, above this temperature, bacteria begin to die and lose effectiveness. The daily requirement of calcium would be covered with four yogurts per day although it can also be covered with lots of cheese, milk and all its derivatives.