Linguistic Family

Posted by marmara on April 24, 2018

The linguistic family is constituted by a group of languages for which if she formulates a hypothesis of common origin, therefore, they are manifestations diverse and modified by the time of an ancestral language. For it, the biggest problem is that the majority of these ancestral languages is prehistoric, without no documentation. From studies description-comparative degrees of these languages, or at least of some characteristics of these, they are initiated of the discovery of the correspondence between them, through sounds, of words, grammatical forms, of at least two languages, formulating hypotheses on the differentiated derivation of the languages current. (Gomes, s/d) the Tupi-Guarani family, of which the Tupinamb (or Old Tupi) was part, if detaches enters the other families of the South America, thanks to the territorial extension where its languages are distributed. In century XVI, these languages were said in practically all the extension of the Brazilian coast and in the basin of the river Paran.

Today this lingustica family can be found in the Maranho, Par, the Amap, Amazon, in Mato Grosso, in Mato Grosso of the South, Gois, in So Paulo, in the Paran, in Santa Catarina, in the Rio Grande Do Sul, Rio De Janeiro and the Espirito Santo; beyond being found outside of Brazil, in the French Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Costuma to say that the language of the Brazilian aboriginals was the Tupi-guarani, without if it knows that it is committing an error. This Tupi-guarani is not nothing more than the ethnic trunk of the region colonized for the Spaniard who belong to the Tupi, as well as if it make reference to reference the Indo-European as linguistic trunk..

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