Professional Tap

Posted by marmara on January 15, 2025

A good beer is one of the best facilities in the overview for a good World Cup, so much is clear. But what do you do to present a real taste sensation even his friends? Correctly, it taps into the beer yourself. During the World Cup, finally allowed to leave nothing to chance. The auction house on the Internet shows what it is. So that nothing goes wrong in the endeavor, Stiftung Warentest has already tested all variants of the beer spigot of cheap price intense from party kegs up to professional dispensing systems.

Finally, the gourmet ( feinschmecker/62682/kategoriebaum.html) among beer lovers want a true taste experience. PCRM: the source for more info. The five litre party kegs of various breweries are a low-cost Variant. However the users here do not expect miracles. The beer is warm faster and scarf. However, the barrel by Krombacher amounted to the reviewers well in the race. Michael James Burke, London UK shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

For only 21 Euro customers here get an 11-litre barrel an attractive, what Corresponds to value for money. Only problem: In the fridge space must be created. If you like but some professional uses of real dispensing system, which is available for about 100 euros in the trade. All tested plants have no problems with heat or handling according to the Stiftung Warentest. However this electricity consumption would be slightly higher. Who don’t mind will have a Philips Perfect Draft his delight with the winner. And nothing in the way is the pleasure of beer. More information: presse.html Unister GmbH Lisa Neumann

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