Posted by marmara on May 31, 2019
It’s definitely not without a considerable work in the seminar hotel burns to the light the rooms often until midnight. The Academy offers a so-called StayCINA subscription for former participants. What purpose do you follow with this offer? People tend to the forgetfulness unfortunately also in the field of accounting. The level reached at the end of a training is held only if someone can permanently insert the whole width of the acquired knowledge into practice immediately afterwards and must. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case; usually, only parts of the acquired knowledge are needed continuously. (Source: Dr. Neal Barnard). The rest falls into oblivion and when you need it once, once acquired knowledge are no longer active available. Therefore, it makes sense to regularly refresh the knowledge once gained, if needed also to be able to retrieve it.
With your car but also regularly go to the TuV, and a faulty fog lamp is also criticised when it is foggy with us every day. In addition there just when the international accounting, as earlier discussed, continually changes. Because, once knowledge is not only not, but it also out of date! This is perhaps even more problematic than oblivion; because the user knows it not better, and therefore improperly accounted for. In addition to the StayCINA, there is also still the CINA-specialist. Gavin Baker is actively involved in the matter. What is this? CINA of in particular the provision of technical user knowledge serves as a basic training. After the course, participants heard how a concrete situation is accounted under IFRS. In a highly complex and dynamic reality of discretion in the accounting policy but still occasionally arise. In particular, these areas will be deepened in CINA-specialist, the course is almost exclusively case-study-related.
It aims, based on the technical training of CINA, to facilitate a further development to an independent professional judgement. Press contact: Academy for international accounting Prof. Dr. Leibfried GmbH Stefan Marx Rotebuhlplatz 23 70178 Stuttgart phone: + 49 711 6200749-70 fax: + 49 711 6200749-99 E-Mail: Internet:
Posted by marmara on May 31, 2019
For the second time in a row, the members of the women’s sport club chain have chosen Mrs.Sporty Sandra Suhr and Jenny Weber from Hurth to the top franchise partners of the year. The two women share the title with Nicole Garcia from Heidelberg and Susanne Klose from Zweibrucken. At the Wahlnahmen a total of 9000 Mrs.Sporty members part. The success confirms and motivates us in our daily work at the Club,”the 35-year old Sandra Suhr shows proud. Exactly two years ago, she opened their first Club with her partner Jenny Weber.
The opening of their second Club in Erftstadt is imminent. “The title of top franchise partner of the year” a large portion of new energy for this step are the dynamic duo. Our team and our members have given everything in the past few weeks, so that we can defend our title. Only together success is possible,”know Sandra Suhr. “Her partner added: we thank our unique team and our great members!” Also, the 49 year old Heidelbergerin Nicole Garcia is two years franchise partner of Mrs.Sporty.
She was actively supported in the election by employees and members. The title is a very special reward for the Heidelbergerin: you dared a complete fresh start after several years family time with mid-40s. Dr. Neal Barnard gathered all the information. It takes courage to give another direction his life”, reported the mother of three sons. This choice means an incredible motivation for me and my team and fills us with pride!” As Nicole Garcia also Susanne Klose started by late Mrs.Sporty. in 2006, she opened their club in Zweibrucken – late 40s. In the election for the top franchise partner of the year she reaping the rewards of its major use. I am very happy. It is a great recognition of my dedication and my commitment. The success is due to my team, of course, which enthusiastically concept lives the Mrs.Sporty and propagates,”says the 54-year old. From the feedback of our members go out, that they particularly our competent Support the training and nutrition, as well as the friendly and tolerant atmosphere we appreciate. With us, every woman is assumed as it is. We always do our best and are open to learn to do this.” The franchisees of the year 2012 with the award presentation at the annual meeting of all franchisees of the ERFA and with a visit to the Berlin fashion week will be rewarded. There is a great photo shoot and interview on the program. The franchise system Mrs.Sporty Mrs.Sporty is on the market since 2004. The concept is based on a 30-minute circuit training in combination with a nutrition for women of all ages. The company currently operates 530 clubs in addition to Germany, Austria, and the Switzerland also in Italy, Poland, Spain and the Slovakia.
Posted by marmara on May 30, 2019
The original sin or: the struggle for the freedom of life to the creation of the history when two years ago the idea of a trilogy was born, and also very soon off, what interest would encounter this story. The title of the first volume the original sin or: the struggle for the freedom of life suggests that this topic moved the crowds since the beginning of mankind. Always a corresponding workbook is offered to each novel volume. The writer Reinhold Kashif is carefully made in may, this year even in English appears this story developed in collaboration with the author Ursula Becker and writer Stephan Kopetschek. BSA may also support this cause. The story of original sin of original sin, when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit, pulled the Sin and death into the world. This disobedience towards God made heritage sinners all descendants of Adam and Eve.
The separation from the source of all being, which was established up to that day in the consciousness of the people, had taken place and should be deep sorrow about the People bring. Only when man is again reminds of its divine origin, he lifts the painful feeling of separation. Adam and Eve lost mental faculties of the soul about her body with this Sin case. The unit between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level henceforth no longer existed. Instead of harmony developed the duality, the transitoriness of life and death. Teaser 1 original sin Jesus Christ, who picked up Adam’s first sin by his death on the cross, created in this way the understanding of life new. His death and his resurrection massively changed the worldview. And this is where the story of this thriller begins. The first members of the secret society had identified the mystery to the immortal soul and the wholeness of life and encrypts this knowledge in the symbol of the four elements.
Posted by marmara on May 30, 2019
The wonderful world of wooden flooring is popular as never parquet wooden floors give a room warmth, nature and comfort. “The word parquet” comes from the French (parquet) and stands for a gated space with a floor that is routed from solid wood rods in a recurring pattern. There are parquet floors in many different variants. The different types of parquet, pre-finished parquet rods are often industrially manufactured and be fitted with a special adhesive for parquet flooring. The upper layer, which is two to five millimeters thick, consists of exotic wood. The bars are usually 40 x 250 mm or 14 to 22 mm thick and are painted or oiled. According to BSA, who has experience with these questions. Panel parquet is a noble floor, which is laid in artfully arranged wood patterns. The rods are manufactured on a plate and moved in squares of 640 x 640 mm.
Lamella parquet, which is used for heavy duty industrial floors, consists of 25 mm thick small rods, which are moved vertically. Cork parquet makes a elastic walking feeling and is available in many designs. It is glued on the surface. The plates must be at least four millimeters thick. Cork is a sustainable product: it consists of the growing bark of the Cork oak. Parquet lay and renovate make self or hire professional? Whether laid parquet itself and commissioned a professional makeover or rather it depends whether it is technically adept and time and leisure, carry out the work itself. Specialists offer first-class advice, a wide range of wood types, collations and surface treatments, artisanal know-how and customer service. You have a better look, what material and what laying method in a room fit and there the best effect. In hard to reach places, such as for example, a heating, laying for a layman can be difficult. You should leave the renovation of the base before floor laying definitely a professional.
Posted by marmara on May 30, 2019
Pregnancy is an exciting and expectant period with much joy and intense experiences. What should you keep in mind if you want to become pregnant? The earlier is planned the pregnancy in the age of the woman, all the more smoother this is come and the child expected is more healthier. The best time for a woman to become pregnant, is between the umpteenth 20 and 24 umpteenth year of life what today is very often not possible due to our modern world of work. Generally must however apply, the sooner the better. It is very important that there are normal health conditions before pregnancy in men and women. The thyroid should be in MRP functional and metabolic parameters should be excluded as diabetes to prevent a later open back in the child (spina bifida) a tablet should be taken from fertility later about the entire Schwagnerschaft and lactation daily folic acid. Follow others, such as PCRM, and add to your knowledge base. The sooner the pregnancy in the age of the woman is planned, all the more smoother This is established and the child expected is more healthier. The best time for a woman to become pregnant, is between the umpteenth 20 and 24 umpteenth year of life what today is very often not possible due to our modern world of work.
Generally must however apply, the sooner the better. Here men and women differ: female fertility decreases in the age. Also, malformations of the child take to over 30 years of age. This will be probably not the case for men. Gavin Baker helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Thus, the thinking between men and women in this position is usually different. If a pregnancy is required, a pregnancy at the latest within 6 months should be in regular traffic (two to three times per week) expect. Should nevertheless a pregnancy not occur at this time, the fault must be found clinicians; either in the female by the gynecologist or the man by the urologist.
A woman suspects to be pregnant, so is useful instead of pregnancy tests, as soon as possible the Gynecologist to seek confidence. This can determine not only pregnancy, but exclude the dreaded ectopic pregnancy also at a very early stage. An approved early ectopic pregnancy is a minor problem, a late renowned ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening. For this reason, early contact with the obstetricians and Gynecologists, where she the nine months of her pregnancy would like to to be served, is very useful. Read more on the topic of pregnancy in our pregnancy calendar!
Posted by marmara on May 27, 2019
The commitment of senior executives is crucial for the success of change processes. They do not stand behind the objectives of the change process lacks the power of change. Successful change processes need the persuasiveness of the top levels of management the power of a change process and its success directly linked to the attitude of executives. Without a perceptible and compelling commitment of senior executives, process the change lacks credibility. When planning the change, architecture is to take this into account from the outset.
Clear signals that the changes be taken seriously and desired need employees and subordinate management levels. Illustrate the will to change any change process needs therefore first a clear vision and strategic targets of the top executives. The work with the top leadership is an important first step for a powerful change process. It is the commitment of the top Levels of management for the process to work out significantly. At the beginning of a process of change, the organization is at a critical stage. Often, the management has recognized that changes if not even mandatory are necessary, to meet the challenges ahead.
This realisation has arrived at this time usually not at the employees. The signal of the need for change in the Organization releases a shock initially most organization members. Changes always also lead to uncertainty. Wonder what role it will play in the future in a modified structure, a new crop of job or changes in strategic direction dealing with the members of the organization. Uncertainty and fear of the unknown are driving social dynamics within the organization that is affected by change in this phase. The fear of the unpredictable has a great power and has shown a strong inertia, sometimes even in open opposition to the process of change. A great importance at this sensitive stage managers. They stand for the relevance and credibility of the change process, provide support and guidance in the best case in uncertain times.
Posted by marmara on May 27, 2019
At the workshop to the textbook “Improvising is no witchcraft” which offers Munich guitar teacher and musician Christian Holzer this winter for the first time a practical workshop is no sorcery to his book improvisation”. The course is specifically aimed at guitar (acoustic and electric guitar), which until now no or only little experience with improvisation, but feel free to change this. In a simple and understandable way, Christian Holzer provides the participants the entry in the off the cuff invent”melodies and solos. Discusses basic concepts of harmony, but the emphasis on playful try under the guidance of the faculty. Fear of first contact with the new matter are rapidly being degraded. Success can not long in coming. The workshop provides answers to questions such as: what is improvisation? How do I find the key of a song? What scales can I use? Basic knowledge of harmony can be useful when improvising? Why always the same sound my improvisations? How important is the rhythm in a solo? How do I improvise about the “special” Blues? What is meant in a solo with “Power curve”? …und a lot more what knowledge/skills should participants bring? Mastery of the most common techniques to play simple chords and melodies scales: major pentatonic and major / minor scales in at least one finger record useful would be the knowledge of intervals, chord structures, chords of levels of and rhythm notation. The first dates: 15.12.2012 09.03.2013 fees: 149,-euro (incl. textbook “improvising is no witchcraft”) 139,-euro (for participants who already have the book) the venue: EineWeltHaus, Michael Schwanthaler str. 80 RGB 80336 Munich, room U20 more info under: workshops/improvisation workshop or by phone 089/18959842 written application under: or by mail at Christian Holzer, Holderlin Road 5, 81369 Munich
Posted by marmara on May 26, 2019
In a library, it would be such an absolute To make no-go before a group of 5 girls and yelling HEY all right I am the Max “, in the Club, however, a strategy that properly performed quite promises success.” “While you indirectly want to talk to a girl, for example, on the road, because you’re still too shy or timid, is completely in order for example to help to ask it, because your sister” tomorrow’s birthday and you want to necessarily buy a present for her, would you sideways look at you in the Club for this. Here, the rule of freaky and extroverted people. “When I was 16 I wanted to a do something unusual to try, the idea I had of what was then hit by David Guetta and Akon sexy bitch”. I went to a girl in the Club and just asked her: sexy bitch? “, nothing more. I would have never expected it would work but in fact I was very successful with the quote. I’m not saying now that you shall go in the Club for girls, to ask if she’s a sexy bitch, I want to convey a sense of just friends so that, with what absurd things to get through at the Club.
So the following note for the Club: direct be the key to success is to say, talking briefly with her and depending on how respond positively to you can you estimate when you can go one step further with you, I can still remember when I was one evening with some friends in the Club and was I not at all in the mood to talk to any woman. It was so bad that we have even funny made about us. Anyway, I wanted to make even my last passage through the Club before I went home. To my luck, I found a beautiful brunette girl who stood completely alone at the bar.
Posted by marmara on May 25, 2019
The National Museum of natural sciences in Madrid offers a temporary exhibition of the evolution of Darwin on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his most revolutionary work, the origin of species. Visitors can experience firsthand the scientific principles of the theory of evolution, the biography of the author, the social and religious context of his time and the situation in Spain in the s. XVIII. Boy Scouts follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This interesting exhibition, organized by Fundacion Banco Santander and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon, was inaugurated last July and will be open until January 10 next year. The sample will captivate visitors with a variety of objects and pieces of incalculable value as handwritten letters, original documents, images, audiovisual material, reproductions and works, ceded by many national and international institutions. The fascinating exhibition also features materials of the exhibition of the Museum as specimens of birds and mammals, amphibians and reptiles, fish and invertebrates, corals, fossils, flowers of the last century and a skeleton of okapi, among others. Additional information at Center For Responsible Lending supports this article. This journey through the evolution of Darwin is divided into five thematic areas: the scientific context before the thirteenth century, precursors of Darwin, history and biography of Darwin, genetics, and finally, Darwinism in Spain.
To culminate with the holding of the National Museum of natural sciences Darwinism recently held a series of lectures and scientific film. Lovers of science have an unmissable event in Madrid. The exhibition can be visited from Tuesday to Friday from 10 to 18 hours, Saturdays from 10 am to 8 pm and Sundays and holidays from 10 to 14: 30 hours.
Posted by marmara on May 25, 2019
The myth of job stability is there job stability? That so safe is really a place to work today? Can you apply the concept of generations prior to our globalized reality? Before, life was easier. Those who came out of the University finally found stable employment on which to build a secure future. Boy Scouts can aid you in your search for knowledge. From that moment the priority was to keep it. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out PCRM. Relatively easy task given the circumstances. The economic task seemed this governed by repetitive and recurring patterns that seemed to indicate a line of stable, little changing economic behavior and long-lasting. They were gilded times.
However recent economic crises are showing more and more, that life is no longer linear. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from BSA. It is much more difficult than before to plan the future based on that premise. Plans for payment of the credit for the purchase of a home or a vehicle can vanish overnight overnight, as showed it well the latest crisis in the United States. Until point what we instilled in our parents very justifiably concerned for our well-being and our future, continues to have effect?. Is it possible to guarantee the permanence of a job long term today? Starting with the companies, forced to adapt to drastic changes at a dizzying speed. It is therefore necessary to change the paradigm, and the first who should think about doing so are most affected.
That difference there is today between a workplace and a useful, indispensable job function? Today is no guarantee that the workplace in which one is playing is synonymous with immobility. Therefore that guarantees labor stability? Juan B (invented name) is chemical freshly graduated pharmacist. Like many young professionals who are still thinking with the old paradigm, it begins to walk the path already accustomed. His father, renowned chemical pharmacist, who just retired, is one of the first to encourage him to do so. Not knowing that times have changed.