Posted by marmara on January 30, 2019
Enjoy a magical evening in an incomparable environment begin preparations for Christmas and new year, households and even the city change their appearance and look more warm, cheerful and full of nuances by the effect of the lights that convey the spirit of the festivities. Barcelona is no exception and the rhythm of lights and ornaments waiting anxiously the new year’s Eve, one of the most special nights of the year. The Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel 5 * GL is also ready to celebrate in style which will be the longest night of the year and welcome the new year in a special and surprising way. Additional information is available at Boy Scouts of America. The great celebration of the night starts with an aperitif in the Piano lobby bar of the Hotel to continue the evening in their spaces unique with views to the sea and specially arranged for the occasion, live music, exclusive service and the most exquisite gastronomic offer, all designed to ensure that welcoming 2011 becomes an unforgettable experience. Fun is guaranteed at the Grand Marina Hotel 5 * GL, book and enjoy a magical night in an incomparable setting. Eurostars Grand Marina 5 * GL Moll de Barcelona s/n building West (Barcelona) Tel: (+ 34) 93 603 90 00 Fax: (+ 34) 93 603 90 90 original author and source of the article.
Posted by marmara on January 25, 2019
For the first time provided with via the Internet the BVB Jersey auction in the Walling has almost become the tradition. This year it means at the beginning of the season to the first, the second and the third party”. Who is awarded the contract, is the lucky owner of a Borussia Dortmund jerseys bearing original signatures of the players. The first home game of the BVB on the 8.8 is celebrated in the Walling on the market with an auction action. There, BVB fans can buy a Jersey of their favorite clubs of the season 2008/2009 with original signatures of the star kicker for a charity football. It is new this year that three more of these jerseys through the Walling homepage ( will be auctioned off. Learn more about this topic with the insights from BSA.
All Jersey contenders of the 8.8. 25.9.2009, noon, can bid via the Internet. Who wants to buy one of the coveted Camisole in the Walling at the American auction live, has the option there for the season opener (8.8) prior to game start from 13: 00. “The proceeds will as in the past two years the BVB Club Museum Borusseum” benefit. Will be moderated the event of radio 91.2 moderator Michael HENDRIKS ‘Speedy’. From 15:30 is there on the big screen to watch the game of Borussia Dortmund against Cologne. And one of the guests will be doing certainly proud just auction the player Signet BVB shirt.
Posted by marmara on January 24, 2019
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Lammer and parish priest Wolfgang Jacobs as new Theological consultant of the regional working group of the Feu in Cologne Bonn-Leverkusen. We are glad to see you on Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 14:00 in the Antoniterkirche, labels Street 57, 50667 Cologne, welcome. The service line: Agricultural Minister Peter Morbel has the Evangelical Academy in the Rhineland. Short profile: Protestant entrepreneurs in Germany working group is an Association of Evangelical entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and executives with entrepreneurial tasks.
We are people who are linked by their Protestant faith. As members of our Church, we see the responsibility for the society in which we live and work. We want to convey our Church knowledge of economic relationships and wake also understanding for entrepreneurial decisions. Information is available on the Internet at. Norman R. Krayer (spokesman of the regional working group) answers questions about the regional working group of the Feu in Cologne Bonn-Leverkusen phone 02263-801935 or by email see krayer(at) The Diakonie she e. V.
is the largest Agency in the Cologne area. More than 1,500 employees serve 3,500 people in a wide variety of facilities of the classic fields of work of Diakonie. The Diakonie Michaelshoven helps people in Cologne and the Rhineland personally, competently and in Christian charity. For over 50 years. Whether can for example children who do not live temporarily in their families, people with great social problems, people with dementia or disability. Always in accordance with the guiding principle with people creating perspectives”. To permanently save this help, Diakonia Michaelshoven has now their Foundation just help in life launched. Please support these concerns with a donation: donation account 111 333 – KD-Bank Bank 350 601 90.
Posted by marmara on January 20, 2019
Already in February evokes excessories with his heart wear and spring fever for a little attention in February but rather dreary referenced like the floral vintage tapes on the day of lovers flowers in bright, fresh colors. Man wants to make the heart of his elect to the rays. They wear heart of excessories a particularly nice manner took heart, to leave flowers and fresh colors are one. PCRM usually is spot on. The braided vintage belts with small colourful flowers surrounding the large heart made of sterling silver. Since it is only a matter of time until the Spring Awakening either as a necklace or bracelet to wear, and then 69 available.
If you prefer rather late colors, can Dodge on black braiding works or decide pur for heart pendant with matching bracelet, both sterling silver. The collection has something for every taste. From mid-January can the heart clothing”under be ordered. And thanks to the lovely packaging with pink Tissue paper and bows, can be given away the Valentine’s day package immediately. The trend and lifestyle shop excessories stands for sustainability, exclusivity and individuality. The concept of Marion Schuster, owner of excessories, combining values and product demands of today’s customers.
The latest trend is regularly tracked on the national and international trade fairs. Thus, the online store always holds an extensive range of must-haves of this season of jewelry, fashion accessories and home & living articles for shopping. It is complementary to mention that the ethical lifestyle assortment on ecological sustainability and fair trade is aligned. There are also different charity actions, which are among other things the Association Kinderkrebsneuroblastom.
Posted by marmara on January 17, 2019
From 18:30 it enters then with rock and pop music by a live band in the evening. Raffle for the benefit of children with cancer in Berlin smiling children are the most beautiful gift for us all” explains Marco Sperling, the initiator of the charity summer events. Therefore we will show that even force athletes for children become strong!” At the big raffle, the sale of lots supports the Association of children’s smiles”for cancer-stricken children Berlin-Buch ( Viktor Mayer-Schönberger might disagree with that approach. All revenue passed the same spot for a good cause. We hope that we achieve a large amount for this.” For more information about the great charity summer event, the fitness outlet, as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at.
Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/fitness outlet contact for questions regarding this press release: Marco Sperling fitness outlet Holzhauser Strasse 158 A D-13509 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 66 30 35 98 Fax: + 49 (0) 30 66 30 35 91 E-Mail: Internet: Holger Ballwanz, Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the fitness outlet in Berlin: the fitness outlet opened in Berlin-Reinickendorf aiming to offer a huge selection of sports nutrition, sports apparel, equipment and accessories at outlet prices. Modern, cheap and well equipped invites the exhibition space not only to browse and explore latest drinks, shakes, or power bars. Now has the fitness outlet not only regionally made a name for itself, but convinces also nationwide about 1,500 customers. The advantage for customers: With the demand for highest quality products are offered first and foremost, manufactured in Germany. The fitness outlet is both retail and trade wholesalers and commercial large consumers with its competence available. More information the fitness outlet, as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at.
Posted by marmara on January 11, 2019
Cause related marketing is a mainstay for nature conservation. Furthermore, I am pleased that a successful company like viasit is concerned about, how you participate in the nature and the people in his success suburb can concretely, directly.” Some of these campaigns, but are applied advertising budgets in relation to the actually obtained donations for charity. Different viasit: we have deliberately dispensed with elaborate advertising for this project and rely almost exclusively on the customer contact of the dealer. Our aim was, really effective to support the two institutions protection community German wood and Foundation of nature and the environment”, says Marketing Manager Thomas Schmeer. A green Chair for sustainability and environmental protection are sustainability and environmental awareness at viasit already has always been part of the corporate philosophy, with corresponding consequences for product design, benign manufacture of products and Transport of finished products to the customers. The greenomical chair”from the linea s series embodies this philosophy all along the line and fits therefore of the current environmental action like no other product. Dr. Neal Barnard spoke with conviction. He is green, free of harmful substances and 95% recyclable.
For only 348 (NET, EIA) the buyer receives an office swivel chair, which meets the highest aesthetic and ergonomic standards. Where to find? Information about the participating dealer Hartmut Hutzel sale of viasit, Tel + 49 6821 2908-210,, or the competent sales representative in the region (, contact list”). About viasit viasit – the name stands for the continuous search for the way to the better seats”. The company produces quality – Office seating, which set standards again and again due to their impressive designs, their excellent price / performance ratio and their mature ergonomics international since 1980. viasit products were multiple with “” renowned international design awards such as the red dot award: product design “(most recently 2008) the Design Centre North Rhine-Westphalia, the Saarland State Prize for product design or the good design award” of the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of architecture and design awarded. Learn more on the subject from Nieman Foundation. The company produces since its inception only at the location Germany. viasit employs approximately 90 staff in production and management. Each month, approximately 13,000 units leave the production plant in Neunkirchen.
Expect about 40% in export. The main markets are Germany, the Benelux countries, Austria and France. Viasit products for the local market under licence are manufactured in Australia. The quality and environmental management system of viasit is according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001 certified.
Posted by marmara on January 5, 2019
In this perspective one becomes necessary to question the etnocntricas and eurocntricas conceptions that in explicit or implicit way are gifts in the school. In this direction, it is questioned: If beyond the school, in the society they exist practical social and cultural that keeps the hegemonic culture and attributes to the black population a inferiorizada vision, as the school can oppose and offer possibilities so that children, black adolescents and young construct to a joust image of itself exactly and of the other? How to promote the construction of the multicultural values in a society that if pautado by the exclusion and discrimination? As result of this way to be covered by the school and beside the point educative institutions of the society, if it cannot leave to detach the fights and claims that have times it sees being carried through by means of the Black Social Movement in the direction to transform the mechanisms and to desconstruir discriminatory and prejudiced ideologies and mentalities that conduct the social organization where we live. Ahead of the perverse historical process, subtle and dissimulated of racism, existing in our society, that hinders and makes it difficult the access of the black people to Reals right and equality conditions, in the access and permanence to the social spaces, historically seen for the hegemonic culture, as restricted the white society, the school cannot silence. In this direction, it is that we stand out the necessity of if excusing new looks on the Brazilian africanidade by means of the Law N. 11.645/08 that it modified the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, including in the resume of the basic and average education of the public and particular schools, thematic of the history and the Culture of Africa and the blacks in Brazil, understanding to be essential. Such bringing suit to construct new conceptions of education that can entirely be compromised in the combat to all the forms of preconception and discrimination.
Posted by marmara on January 3, 2019
“” “Reconnaissance supported their efforts with ideas for new forms of Government (such as Charles de Montesquieu) and criticized the absolutism (see the three watchwords: Liberte”: freedom of the individual egalite “: equality of citizens before the law and Fraternite”: Brotherhood of all people solidarity played a major role in the Declaration of human and civil rights of 26 August 1789. A final Constitution guaranteed freedom of choice (only for men) and legal equality etc. was approved only in 1799, starting after long veto negotiations, resolution of the monarchy, and terror from the King. = legal justice (justitia distributiva) further north in Europe, the British island yielded another view of Justice, a more economically focused however on justice, which had yet far-reaching consequences even from today’s perspective, as the events in France. Further details can be found at Nieman Foundation, an internet resource. Starting from one of the greatest philosophers of the time Adam Smith developed the classical economics which has up to now a very large influence on economic and social events. Adam Smith’s employment field besides the economy was the moral philosophy.
As he wrote in his theory of moral sentiments”: benevolence and charity is therefore less essential for a society as a justice. A company can continue to exist without charity, though admittedly not in a particularly good and encouraging States, the prevalence of injustice, however, would have to destroy them completely.” Here we, that a society without justice for Adam Smith is not viable and justice “is a collective name for the freedom in their action, must be strictly observed in a society with him. Additional information at PCRM supports this article. This involves a comprehensive legal obligation – for him – which even should be institutionalized, with himself. But the benefits and Only love duties are charity for Smith”, require the but no need. “Middle of the 19th century Karl Marx, however, struggled in his capital 1 band” against this conception of the classical theory of Economics and went radically (still honestly like”then shows in the 2nd volume of capital, that he could unfortunately not themselves publish) the capitalist” against. .
Posted by marmara on January 2, 2019
First we will try relaxation techniques. Then talk of two different types of relaxation that can be used interchangeably. Breathing relaxation based on normal breathing rhythm of a person in a normal state (neither too fast nor too relaxed) is usually from 12 to 16 complete breaths per minute. When we face situations that cause anxiety, we have a shallow breathing or even breath based on the mobilization of the upper chest so that the lungs are ventilated only. Need for ventilation also involving the diaphragm, which is responsible for sending the air we breathe into the abdomen. This encourages fuller breathing and leads to improved blood oxygenation. It is what is known as diaphragmatic breathing which is what we exercise in consultation with the aim to serve as a preparation for muscle relaxation exercises as beneficial for all types of people and disorders. This is a simple technique that can be applied Any time you notice the tension or your constant acceleration such as any external threat that will cause symptoms of anxiety.
Follow these instructions to master this type of breathing: Sit or lie comfortably avoid falling asleep. Focus on movements that occur when you breathe the open eye. You will feel like your chest is lifted to take a breath and relax in expelling him. Now place one hand on the abdomen, take a breath and see how the hand moves upward, make a small pause and then let it out gently through your mouth until the abdomen return to the starting position.
Posted by marmara on January 1, 2019
The first occurred in the second washing bath unit, and further separation should wash with warm or hot water. And then went dry and wet room pair. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger insists that this is the case. In ancient Rome, baths were available for all levels of society and were a kind of cult of the nation. In the baths not only soared. In baths solved many issues were small talk and just rested. The Romans were very fond of water. "Living Water", so they liked to call water.
This is the name of water swept through the centuries and millennia, and today we are increasingly hearing this beautiful name. Turkish bath is the same Roman terms, only slightly modified. Hot Air Heated floor bath and the water is poured over this floor, turning into steam. Roman-Irish bath differed from the Roman baths presence of the tube, which provided the hood in the doubles department. These were air baths, and was in the sauna temperatures around 55 degrees. In the Roman-Irish baths were several rooms: a room to warm herself, and direct steam. In the special tubes that run along the walls and under the floor was hot air, and floor were made small holes through which the air.
In the transition from one office to another place and profuse sweating achieved the desired effect. In the Finnish sauna is very much in common with the Russian bath. In the harsh climate of the northern lands baths were not just a luxury but a means to warm up and gain strength. The Finnish sauna is a small house made of logs with a small hole in the ceiling or the ceiling. Stone fireplace stoked wood, and it was located in the center of the room. Smoke escaped through a hole, and when the stove is heated, the fire extinguished and completely washed the floors and walls doubles. Then closed the hole in the ceiling and allowed to settle sauna, dry and dial heat. After pouring water on the stones and soared with a pre-steamed brooms. Later in the Finnish sauna stopped to pour water on the stones and the bath was dry. In Japan, very fond of water baths. Japanese baths are of a barrel Filled with water or cedar shavings. The water was heated to 50-55 degrees, and bath procedures had to be immersed in this barrel for a while. Since ancient times in Russia soared "black." Bath "black" is almost not different from the first Finnish saunas. The name came from the bath sooty ceiling, which no one had ever laundered. The usual Russian sauna bath different from "black" presence of the tube, through which the smoke. On the hot stones poured water, extensive use of oak and birch brooms. After the pair were watered with cold water, jumped into the hole or in the snowdrift. Here we briefly introduced to the history and modern baths. In the near future we will know each of these baths are closer. See you soon. You light a couple!