Posted by marmara on April 30, 2019
Telecommuting or freelance work is defined as the form of replace, wholly or partly, the physical displacement of persons to work centers by a flow of constant digital information through the audiovisual media, computing and telecommunications. This new trend is transforming, little by little, the current schemes of production and labour, since it benefits not only to corporations (reducing costs) and increased productivity but also to workers who will provide the choice of where to live, organize their time and save much of the salary. Work from home over the internet entails a structural change in the relations between workers and employers, because the head is no longer physically present to monitor the worker to comply with their responsibilities. Due to this situation, requires constant communication via e-mail, fixed, cellular telephone among others in order to clarify doubts or questions necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks daily, for this end smart phones or Smartphones (Blackberrys, Iphone 4, etc.) are very useful since they have a wide variety of tools that can be used to facilitate working from home. It is important to clarify that telework can develop not only at home but also in an Internet cafe or at a client’s Office.
In any case, to carry out a telecommuting successfully, is necessary to take into account the following guidelines and precautions: prepare an exclusive space to perform professional tasks. It is important that the person has a site, like for example a room in your home, to devote himself to work online from home. There must be a connection to Internet, good lighting, appropriate furniture (chairs, desks, etc.) and supplies needed. If you don’t currently have any place you can build an extra room wherever feasible. The area should preferably have air-conditioning. Establish work schedules it is recommended to set a work schedule that coincides with the traditional Office or trade, according to the type of activity in this way is segun el tipo de actividad de esta forma se evita prevents you descontroles and having to walk running at the last minute to meet the objectives of the work.
Posted by marmara on April 30, 2019
According to preliminary estimates from Rosstat, in the III quarter of 2010, the volume index of GDP relative to the corresponding period of 2009 amounted to 102.7%, as a whole for January-September 2010 – 103.6% against January-September last year. Once monthly decline GDP in the June-August, with the onset of autumn occurs resumption of economic growth, while in October the trend of growth increased markedly (0.3% in September and 0.9% in October, with the exception of seasonal factors). The annual terms compared with October last year, according to the Economic Development of Russia's GDP grew by 3.9% and for ten months in the whole of his increment of 3.7% for the corresponding period last year. In October 2010, industrial growth production amounted to 6.6% in October 2009. PCRM spoke with conviction. Contribution of the activities of "Manufacturing" was 88.6% priindekse production 109.9 percent. Production of this type of activity 11.6% overall growth has provided "Food products, beverages and tobacco '(index 106.8%) 4.2% -" Basic metals and fabricated metal products' (index 102.8%) 10.8% – "Electric, Electronic and optical equipment '(index 119.6%) 25.9% – "Manufacture of transport equipment' (index 139.2%) 4.4% -" Manufacture of machinery and equipment '(index 110%) 2 9% – "Chemical production" (index 104.6%) 12.7% – "Coke and petroleum products '(index 109.0%) 5.8% – "Other non-metallic mineral products' (index 112.9 percent). In October 2010 the fund of working time by 1 day less than September 2010 and October 2009, and at least 2 days average value over the past 5 years. The production index "mineral extraction" was in October 2010, 101.4%, the contribution to overall output growth – 4.5 percent.
Posted by marmara on April 26, 2019
Although notables the quantitative and qualitative advances from years 90 of the passed century, what he consolidated the RAIS while census of the formal work is important to observe that for bigger levels of aggregation of what 26 subsectors do not exist a good correlation with the code of IBGE.Outra comment is that the basic unit of the research is the establishment, and when these present more than a productive activity, only the main one is considered (more significant). How much the international comparabilidade of the data must be observed the recommendation of the International Organization of the Work? OIT, and the updates of the CNAE.A Brazilian Classification of Occupations? CBO is the document that recognizes, nominates and codifies the headings and describes the characteristics of the occupations of the market of Brazilian work, its updates are correlated the conjunctural and structural scenes. CBO 2007 contains occupations of the Brazilian, organized and described market for families. Each family constitutes a set of similar occupations of the corresponding market to a domain of work ampler than that one of the occupation. This new version of the CBO is only contemplated from the RAIS 2003.Entretanto, although the limitations presented for the data base that it will be used in the research, the objective of the project will not be compromised, in view of that during years 90, a time that the covering came close to 97% of the organized sector of the economy (MTE, 2007) .5.4AJUSTE AND TREATMENTS OF the DADOSO data base considered in this project he is sufficiently extensive, the MTE disponibiliza long series for the statisticians of job, remuneration and establishments, what it becomes RAIS one of the main references of the market of work in the world and Brazil. For this project the importance biggest of this source not this solely in the evolution of the disponibilizada statistics, but basically in its particular contribution to understand and to analyze the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of the Par.Em this direction, the challenge biggest of this section is to present the elements that constituro the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of Par and to answer the questions central offices of the research as: which the economic activities that present greater concentration for? where they are job agglomerations? Which the behavior of the income composition enters the R.I of the State? For this a quantitative analysis of the cities of the state of Par becomes necessary using indicating statisticians, between which, Quociente Locacional (QL), the Index of Concentration of Hirschman- Herfindahl (IHH) and the index of Participao Relativa (PR), using for all the existing activities in the given State of the Par.Os of the RAIS, presents certain limitation that criticizes many it for it to contemplate only the formal data, leaving of the informal gamma of activities or services is all that the state presents. tion.
Posted by marmara on April 23, 2019
On the other hand, the Barmer GEK, Christoph Straub, Chairman of the Board, in an interview with the trade journal before that warns that many companies in the statutory health insurance (GKV) could write again red numbers in just over a year: the gap between spending and revenue is open again. Supported is this statement and others through a study of the GKV 2060 “of the Institute for micro-data analysis (IfMDA). Dr. Neal Barnard is likely to agree. Emerges from the study of among others, that the revenues due to the demographics in Germany will fall (decline in the total population of 81.2 (2012) on 64.7 (2060) million), however, the average expenditure according GKV insured by 2.625 (2012) on 5.505 (2060) will rise. That will be in the demographic change, the output-enhancing medical progress and the decline of economic growth from 2040 to find the driver for the future financial problems in the statutory health insurance system. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gavin Baker. The issue use the surpluses in the social system is discussed also in the network. Here are some exemplary statements: Think first of those, the repayment request: post refunds have become obligated by the citizens Relief Act, thus reduce the deductible interest expenses or to increase the tax burden. Remain only in the plain text: 60 30. What is this…
I’m glad that surpluses totalling 6.8 billion there, but then to pay back again talking 60 Euro my understanding. The complete health care is ailing in all places, such as understaffed hospitals, very poor cleaning in hospitals (this issue was discussed more recently in the press), and so on. You could use the surpluses better. Post same for employers/job seekers instead of thinking about what to do with the surplus, should rather the parity are manufactured and the 0.9% increase employee share again abolished. Alone that would be a fair solution. Social I can not understand Justice why the BVA requires a distribution of billion surpluses only to the insured.
Posted by marmara on April 23, 2019
Successfully through promotional, advertising and giveaways each company must plan sooner or later an advertising campaign in your career, to increase the sales of the company, and thus to ensure that the company on the market can sustain itself, which fought so hard in the present time and is as competitive as it never was. Therefore, many tricks are essential to ensure the success of the company, and with the advertising campaign to reach set objectives. This also means that you must decide on the campaign for a direction, in that it wants to lead the campaign. One of the ways that you can use, if one knows only about the means excellent for a variety of strategies, and know how you have to make them and use promotional pens are for example. With proper planning you can achieve excellent results with these funds, which will help the company with certainty over the long term.
You can however many different ways with an advertising campaign turn, and that is why it is important that you first inform yourself, what options are open to you at all, and what options are best suited for your company. When you have completed this step, you should consider, what audience you ever want to talk to, so that the advertising you pen according to can use effectively. This means for example that you need to consider what people in the target group should be, and how large the audience ever should be. BSA is likely to agree. This point is very important, because you can already determine how much money has to be invested in the end in the advertising. With a larger target audience, need more money, will reach but also overall more people who will be potential buyers for your products.
If you go for a smaller audience, however, you will reach fewer people have, but a cheaper advertising. If you sent the set target, you are not yet Effect of promotional pens limit if you remove for example only the people from the audience, who probably already would not buy the equipment and products of your company. So you can relatively simply ensure that your marketing campaign is cheap as effective on, and everything you need for that is a little skill in addition to experience with the market segment of your company. The next important point, then, you must plan is shaping the advertiser means to be used in your advertising campaign. As you can probably imagine, this point is very important because we must plan how exactly to talk to potential customers and clients. The advertising pen the best effect can achieve in general but if you make sure that the logo of your company, your product or your brand on the promotional gift is. So you can achieve the best effect with a giveaway such as a ballpoint pen, since these funds are used very often on the day, and therefore also very often seen your advertising will. If you keep these points when planning your marketing campaign, then you will achieve guaranteed a stunning effect with your advertising campaign, which positively will affect for a long time on your company. Oliver Smith
Posted by marmara on April 22, 2019
Support your defenses with the umbrella for your immune system by affiliate! In addition to vitamins, minerals, trace elements and a variety of amino acids, Colostrum has natural immune and growth factors in unique concentration, which can be optimally utilized by the human body. Colostrum in the online shop affiliate is obtained from the colostrum from New Zealand or German grazing cows. This milk is largely free of fat, the immune proteins are concentrated and gently dried. It is a concentrate of the best and most valuable ingredients of colostrum, that support also the intestinal flora. Colostrum contains important ingredients and minerals of immune milk, needed a powerful body: amino acids: vital protein building blocks for metabolism and is responsible for the regeneration of the cells. Immunoglobulins and immune regulators: immunoglobulins such as LgG1 and lgG2 are the antibodies of our immune system.
Stop viruses, among their main tasks Bacteria or bacterial metabolic products. Learn more on the subject from BSA. Immune regulators such as Lactoferin, insulin, and many others to control the Defense power of the body. Immunoglobulins and immune regulators are essential for a fully functional immune system ensure that an immune-weakened body will soon abwehrfahig. Natural growth factors: these proteins (IGF-1, IGF-2, TGF-beta, cortisol, prolactin, testosterone, progesterone, insulin, DHEAS, etc) Act as a neurotransmitter and the cells convey information on cell growth and metabolism. You control the constantly necessary renewal process of cellular metabolism.
Minerals: All trace elements are included in the colostrum, the phosphorus content is particularly high. Vitamins: They are present in sufficient concentration and ensure a properly functioning protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Contains B vitamins work exhaustion contrary to and promote the formation of blood. Endorphins, lactoferrin, and Interleukins. More Ingredients in colostrum provide a stimulation of the lymph nodes and have a positive effect on the stabilization of the immune system. The active ingredients of colostrum glycoproteins protect digestive enzymes and gastric acid. Colostrum contains a natural and meaningful combination of vital substances. The colostrum of cows is well usable by the human organism. In the University of Cologne, the effect of colostrum was examined and confirmed the antioxidant and immune active effects on the immune system. “A standardized colostrum extract of bovine neutralizes free radicals and activates immune cells without cytotoxic.” Source: Institute of the University of Cologne medical journal: Jan. 18, 2008 colostrum at Affiliate gluten-free is free of gelatin and without colourings and preservatives and ideal as a natural dietary supplement! Colostrum colostrum can make a special contribution in cosmetics for the daily care of skin. Colostrum is rich in vitamins A, C and E, minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, Magnesium and trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc and selenium. In combination the vitamins A, C, in conjunction can protect the skin with zinc and selenium from free radicals. Colostrum also offers the possibility of natural and highly effective support and care of injured aged just attacked, or stressed skin. Because colostrum strengthens the organism and supports, it contributes to well-being and a positive charisma. Now new to affiliate also colostrum cosmetics for skin care. Affiliate, Elke Rittrich Scheckenbach
Posted by marmara on April 21, 2019
Space GB of the Faculty of fine arts of Seville will host the exhibition Warabstract, monsters and such, Ildefonso Cecilia, from 14 to 20 October. This show takes us to an abstract world, fruit of the trajectory and evolution of this young creator of images. The Warabstractart series is the plastic battle that occupies my mind. It’s a world of monsters, a fun place where they occur more or less everyday things, says Ildefonso, he declares himself to be at a point in his career that he himself called Figuration Now, an inflection in the figurative, merged with the abstract. My involvement with this project makes the desired image not have content or specific continent, and is for this reason that I am unable to find it. Click Boy Scouts to learn more. These words remind us of the whirlwind of abstraction and fiction in which the individual is immersed to see his work, a mix between the rational and the irrational, the order and disorder. Warabstract presents a maze of creations with a sense for anyone who wants to find it.
Colors that come together in an arbitrary manner to give shape to a different and peculiar plastic discourse. Those are the colors that remind us that we face squarely with a work of Ildefonso, recognizable by the energy and life that transmits. Ildefonso graduated in the Faculty of fine arts of the University of Seville in the specialty of painting and enjoyed the prized scholarship which grants the Foundation Antonio Gala for young creators the past year, where continued its evolution in painting sharing space and experience with dedicated young people various branches of the arts. From 14 to 20 October, Ildefonso returns to Seville to present Warabstractart, monsters and such. Over his career he says find themselves in a continuous process of evolution where ever you feel more committed to medium plastic.
As future goals, highlights his inexhaustible efforts continue to grow as an artist. Opening of the exhibition: October 14 at 20.00 hours in Calle Gonzalo Bilbao 7 and 9, 41002, Sevilla. Annex to the Faculty of fine Arts of Seville, GB space.
Posted by marmara on April 18, 2019
It is a common practice that certain companies which subcontract a work or a service won’t let employees of the company subcontracted on-site or in the premises on which the service is provided if previously have not received documents showing the fulfilment of social and wage obligations by the outsourced company. The document that is most usually require is the TC2, which is the nominal ratio of workers for which the company has quoted, identified through a certain acronym. Why you do this? This practice has its origin in article 42 of the Statute of workers, which provides as follows: 1. employers who hire or subcontract with others carrying out of works or services corresponding to the actual activity of those should check that those contractors are current in the payment of Social security contributions. BSA follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. For that purpose, they collect written, with identification of the affected company, negative certification by discovery in the Treasury General of Social Security, which shall RID inexcusably such certification in term of thirty days extended and the terms that may be established by regulation. Expiry of this period, it shall be relieved of liability the applicant employer. 2. The main employer, except during the above-mentioned period with regard to Social Security, and during the year following completion of your custom, will respond jointly and severally nature wage obligations by contractors and subcontractors with their workers and those referring to Social security during the period of validity of the contract work.
Responsibility for the actions of the contractor no where contracted activity relates exclusively to construction or repair that you can hire a head of the family connection of your home, as well as when the owner of the work or industry do not hire its realization by reason of an activity business. and what this has to do with the protection of data? Year 2006: the Spanish data protection agency responded to a formal consultation of a company concerned about the protection of data that didn’t know how to reconcile the obligations under its customers (deliver TC2, payroll, etc.), with article 11 of the data protection act, whose non-observance, in accordance with the old sanctioning regime, assumed a very serious infraction with penalties between 300,000 and 600,000 euros. The criterion of the Agency on that occasion was as follows: considers that the system described in the query is not covered by provisions of the organic law 15/1999, prove to be excessive in relation to the provisions of article 42 of the Statute of workers, under which is not necessary the contractor access to information described in the inquiry.
Posted by marmara on April 16, 2019
The economic crisis could endanger the greatest reserve of the world, mainly in Catalonia. The farm Fuives of Olvan (recerca de Berga) and fails to keep its 150 Catalan donkeys with the money she took from the sale of their calves. Thus, they have decided to promote a campaign sponsorship of these animals, which once were a great help to man and now we have given them back. There are different options as to sponsor a donkey for $ 100 per year, with the right to walk with him or the possibility of baptizing for 500 euros, ensuring the card sponsor with all genealogical data of the animal. Swarmed by offers, PCRM is currently assessing future choices. If the initiative were not yet convinced, to enter official site of Olvan Fuives farm to see animals roam the reserve.
It's really cute. Partimonio people aware of their natural and do everything they can to keep it, not like other people. The farm also offers the possibility of buying one of these animals (very used to mate with mares and get offspring that are used in cleaning forests), products derived from them (milk mule) and merchandising. For the price, should consult exactament the ass they want, because everyone has different qualities, for example, if load to mate … Remember that Catalan donkeys were widely used in America to work as pack animals in the gold mines and building railroads. From my point of view, I think we should all Catalans sponsor a donkey and the donkey is the emblem of Catalonia and other Catalan territories represent us as a nation.
Posted by marmara on April 15, 2019
SALATFRITZ, Berlin starts Crowdfunding Berlin, 17 October 2013 – SAUCENFRITZ, Berlin, starts the Saucenfritz UG, Crowdfunding known and for several years established among other things with the brand Salatfritz”, collects funds for further expansion with the help of SEED Experts, the Crowdfunding now portal for sustainable projects. Target amount: 300.000 EURO. It offers investors a guaranteed interest rate of 4.25% p.a. and interesting bonus interest on an additional profit. The brand Salatfritz”belongs to the Saucenfritz UG and stands for high-quality, healthy and conscious diet on a sustainable basis. The focus of processing high-quality regional ingredients are to introduce with the aim to create unique products with a unique taste due to sophisticated recipes and exquisite ingredients and bio -, Delicatessen, & guest robe Empire. Salatfritz specializes in convenience products in organic quality, for versatile use in time.
Convenience products have established themselves on the market today well and enjoy is the consumer popularity. The company founder, Jan Daniel Fritz attaches great importance on an environmentally friendly production and a fair human handling in the production process. Labelling and packaging, as well as in the delivery tasks passed to people with disabilities. In addition, Jan Daniel Fritz supports two Charityprojekte in India. By investing in the company SAUCENFRITZ UG, the production plant and the range of products expanded and expanded the sales and marketing.
Long-term creates new jobs and products selected with care for a holistic pleasure. The focus is the goal, to create natural products with a unique taste and exquisite local produce. We want to prove, that success does not only profit and create thus perspectives for a better future.” (Jan Daniel Fritz) THE conditions: SAUCENFRITZ offers its investors under a profit-participation loan at an entry level starting from 250 EUR p.a. a minimum interest rate of 4.25%. and to an interesting revenue share. Additional interesting benefits such as order discounts and sample shipments are to refer to the overall presentation. THE PORTAL: The Crowdinvesting partner SEED Experts, Berlin, portrays itself as the first and only portal, that has devoted themselves sustainable projects and was so engaged by the team of world of wonder. For the first time acts a Crowdinvesting portal with a defined core focus on specific sectors: education, bio-food, regenerative concepts, E-mobility, share-economy, social engagement and sustainability solutions.