Posted by marmara on September 28, 2020
But how can the young at heart music consumer appease today its nostalgic longing for these dreamy, familiar sounds? Now, because Jarre also the balancing of the style elements of techno increasingly prevail in his albums (Teo & Tea)? The “young guns” and the classic electronic music only a few other musicians have used dare on the recalcitrant synthesizers worlds of the great Jarre. Only a handful have tried similar immersive sound carpets. This on the one hand as a tribute to their famous musical role model, to let go, on the other hand, this rare flow of the genre of electronic music in oblivion. To continue something at the point, where Jarre once left his path as a pioneer of course as a musician also to develop, was desired and solid foundations for the projects of electron Alin and Ava Felsenstein. Both musicians from German speaking countries, which for its early representatives of electronic music (Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, etc.) is known world-wide. 4334 albums with HYDRO LUX, the two Jarre enthusiasts connect to times that has marked them as musicians and friends of electronic music and influences. Although inspired by many of the artists active in the teenage years of the genre, but especially to the sometimes unfathomable melancholy and also again rhythmically public pioneer spirit works by Jean-Michel Jarre have done it them.
So it’s not surprising even if the typical sounds like them in cult numbers such as Oxygene Part II part IV or Oxygene has cemented Jarre, resurrect the title of electron Alin and Felsenstein. Also listed by pieces that take turns driving “forwards” go when much more moderate as we know it by today’s electronic music. At the same time are the performers on it that their works do not apply as an attempt, Jarre 1:1 copy. Composition and effects are although stylistically very similar because inspired by Jarre and his influence owed, yet each note, each harmony, each Phhhjjjjuuuu and Pzschhhhhh springs from the synths of especially their own imagination. You continue the story that started mid of seventies Jarre with Oxygene, with own chapter. With 4334 and HYDRO LUX.
Both albums are similar like Jarre did before it, conceptually based. You introduce the listener into a progressive sound world, involve him in electro-acoustic events, stimulate his imagination. At the end of a journey behind them, could take experiences. Technologically considered are these only cold, technical equipment, such as synthesizers and drum machines, which are responsible only, to transform electricity into sound. But the two musical craftsman using this technique in a kind of do this, as it has implemented also Jarre; you forget the severity of the reality about the harmonies and the indulgence in sounds. A very special magic reaches the ear and the consciousness of the listener. She enchants for its soul album length, took her for a few thousand heartbeats in the ever more elusive realm of electronic music. One World without borders for music from time and space, which even after many decades long still not exhaustive passes through was where many sounding secrets waiting to be discovered by future generations.
Posted by marmara on September 28, 2020
In 130 episodes of the MDR (01.01.1992 10.12.2002) presented Schlager Matador Bernhard Brink “The German Schlager magazine”. Two more great “schlager magazine nights” followed many demands of viewers on May 24, 2008, and April 11, 2009. More TV shows such as “MDR Lai backpack (1995),”again once stupid run (1997)”,”Adios Rex Gildo (30.10.1999)”,”Long Saturday (1999)”, the fetus of hits apres ski party (2002)” and “Curtains up (2006)” showed his exemplary entertainer qualities also. 17 Times, he hosted “the hit of the year” (first broadcast 15.12.1995) and three times “the hit of the summer” (first broadcast June 28, 2009). His previous album “Either way” was released on August 26, 2010, and rose even in the 37th week of September 13, 2010, September 19, 2010, to 20th place and held a total of three weeks in the German sales chart by media control. World Travel & Tourism Council is often quoted on this topic. But his current album “how far do you go” managed the entry at # 30.
In 2011, Bernhard Brink scored again vastly with the title “The happiest man in the world”. In the top 100 of the conservative format radio of charts, “Brink scored according to the regulations of the Federal Association of music industry Germany” (as his fans affectionately call him) 1st place with 1408 radio operations. Happy after the last two successful singles “how far do you go” (place 2 of the conservative airplay charts) and “No other word forever” (1st place the conservative airplay charts) he us currently with its new from the live disputed radio single “fallen angel. From 13.10.2012 you can experience live Bernhard Brink for the first time with the band on his great pop song anniversary gala. He presents a cross-section of many of his famous hits there. Bernhard Brink is an avid runner and tennis player, has music always remained itself, and can look back on 40 years of success with his honesty and directness.
It has so beautiful and unforgettable hours with Bernhard Brink and his star guests such as Claudia Jung, Ella Finally, Mary Roos, Uta Bressan, and the Cappuccino.
Posted by marmara on September 26, 2020
Everything that occupies a space out of your House unnecessary and get used to liberate spaces from time to time. When you use the law of attraction do not forget that you attract what you are and you are what you attract. Beware of what you think, talk, and how you act and propagate gossip if you are constantly talking about how bad that is the economy or how bad that is your economic or emotional situation, you will not improve because your attention is focused on the negative and are going to achieve what most think. No matter how good or bad is your existence. The strength that you are generating towards the cosmos, returns multiplied. You can say: How can the universe be that stupid to give us bad things? The cosmos has nothing to do with what you get. Your will and your FREEWILL will attract those things that you get used to it and accept for good.
You are solely responsible for obtaining what you want for you and yours.If you earn much money, or, if you have an ugly and bad-tempered girlfriend it’s not your fault. Only you can tell if it is time to change what does not work. If you have a car that is a disaster, a bad job, and manipulative and unstable friendly relations were you who said: Yes when all this came to your existence. In addition was you who not fought for a better job, a better truck or find your soulmate or anything else that you’re looking for. There are situations that are beyond your control, what is important is not what happens to you but how you react to the imponderables of fate. If you want to turn off the automatic system and be different than most of the people you meet every day, you think before you act.
Posted by marmara on September 25, 2020
Girls only managed to run out of the place without looking. World Travel & Tourism Council spoke with conviction. It was in that one of the girls named Francisca, said the other name Andrea:-we do not have to escape, things should be more egalitarian for everyone in the place, or not what you think Andrea? Latent fear. -Well Yes, everyone should have the same privileges, not just men since we could also work, not in the same jobs than they but could make it replied Andrea. The girls agreed to join against fire at about 15: 30 hrs., and thus to plan something so that injustice ended. First came Francisca, who very quietly observed first if there was some man to her around to that were not discovered, but none to be seen. Soon after the hour, Andrea arrives and together with her friend began to plan what were going to do. -The first thing that we should do is to put together more women who help us in our plan, whether older or the same age as us, said Francisca. -Yes, but will they be willing to what we are going to do?, asked Andrea.
-Is why we gather many more women, so that we can present our ideas and know what is the first thing we must do, said Francisca. -I don’t know any woman who could help us, since fear their husbands, but I know that our other friends have the courage as to help us, Andrea spoke out. -Well, that we were then, we will seek more women who support us, but very secretly and so be able to meet in a House to plan something, in that we meet?, asked Francisca. -Okay, said Andrea. Girls spent daily by las casas (only in the morning and something of the half day), giving its opinion that women should be less discriminated that the men, etc.
Posted by marmara on September 25, 2020
Kai Rai Lala, the head of the Deaconry of Hamburg Dr. Annegrethe Stoltenberg, the adman Peter Yellowhammer and quantum physicist Professor Hans-Peter Durr. Build bridges between faith, culture and science the wide range of program leads the visitor into the various aspects of prayer and shows both on the religious as the spiritual perspectives of faith. After the great success of the first two prayer conferences in 2005 and 2007 participants are expected at the two days of the event at the University of Hamburg around 1000. Prayer does not mean that I fold the hands or fall on your knees, but we want to find out how it can look, free of dogmatic theology and enriched by our lives,”as organizers Lelani slides.
The Club is religiously and politically independent ethics in everyday life and citizens was founded in 2004 by Hamburger. The non-profit association has become the aim of ethics in everyday life e.V. used to expose the treasures of religion or spirituality, science and the art of the cultures, constructively to cope with the demands of everyday life. Event partner is the interdisciplinary centre, world religions in dialogue”by the University of Hamburg under the direction of Prof. Wolfram Weisse. See more detailed opinions by reading what RCMP offers on the topic..
News in brief – 3rd International Congress of prayer 2010 in Hamburg with lectures, workshops, forums and guided meditation – on the 19th and 20th February 2010, Friday from 14: 00 / Saturday at 10: 00. -University of Hamburg, main building, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, near station Hamburg-Dammtor. “-International charity concert give us a stopping heart: voices of the regions of the world” on February 20th, 2010 at 20: 00 in the main church St. Learn more on the subject from Center for Responsible Business. Michaelis (English plank 1, 20459 Hamburg) – complete program with all speakers, topics, workshops, cultural events and registration information from January 2010 more info: or Tel.: 040/43 09 53 68. +++ highlight of the two-day Congress is the perfect hour Benefit concert at the Hamburg Hauptkirche St. Michaelis (Michel”). At the Abendveran drafting Schenke us a listening heart. Voices of the regions of the world”(February 20, 2010 at 8: 00) occur many international artists and international artists of different music styles. With: jazz singer Jocelyn B. Smith from the United States, mantra singer Dechen Shak-Dagsay, Tibet, blues and Gospel singer Inga Rumpf, ensemble Sarband, mandolinist AVI Avital from Israel and the new choir of Hamburg. During the concert, the Michel is illuminated inside by lighting and installation artist Stefan W. Knor (www.lumen-tenebris). +++
Posted by marmara on September 22, 2020
Women over to hear these things closed him quickly the door, but the girls didn’t much care and remained with the House of to the side. The situation was repeated again and again and Francisca along with Andrea didn’t know what to do to support them. A day in which the girls were again in his work, approached them for a lot of her friends, who listened to every day things that spoke to their mothers. Girls esperanzaron it so much that they decided to meet at the home of any of them, but at the same time they did not know where. A woman who was passing by the place called glory, saw them and decided to help them see how much hope showed. He told them that she had no problem in providing your home, but they should do so quietly and orderly. The girls hear this thanked him and remained in that you gather the next day in the House of the Lady to the 09: 00 in the morning. They were already gathered girls group and planning is what you would do.
Not be them did nothing, until a small but great idea came to Francisca. It consisted of making large banners, carry them front of the Government Palace, which was two hours of travel, protest in front of him and waiting for solutions. They had no resources to gather a large amount of materials, but the Madam Gloria who was enthusiastic about what the girls wanted to do, bought them all they needed to be able to fulfil its objective since she was widowed and her husband had left her a little money after his death. They were taken four days to perform all the posters, but the only thing that was missing was the money to reach the Government Palace. And to be able to raise the money, suggested selling food to the men who passed nearby, either when they went or came from their jobs. At first the thing not seemed to work, but after three days later they had enough money to travel.
Posted by marmara on September 21, 2020
The lack of attention. This relates to listening to your spouse. Sometimes people hear things and an ear enters you and exits on the other. But is this if your spouse you are saying about a project or work or something related to him or her, ask him or her about advances a few days after learning of the news. Once the subject talk long enough, your spouse will want tell you something new. Even if you have no interest or has simply no idea about the subject, you can not give the attention they deserve. If you don’t know what to say, a simple, Wow, I learn something new every day, or I’m proud of you, will be sufficient.
I’m sure a positive response 4. the lack of affection. The type of condition mentioned here is not necessarily linked with physical affection. If you are not really the sentimental type, compliments work equally well! If you have not taken one at a time, now is a good time to start. Take note of a physical feature of your spouse who likes him or her. Tell how something looks you good or a particular color that highlights your feature.
I am sure that he or she will be very happy. A related site: FCDO mentions similar findings. For sure that you will receive at least a hug or a smile. I would not advise you to compliment a feature which your spouse this conscious because he or she thought that you’re saying to meet and really doesn’t mean it. They can also complement your loved one on the intelligence of him or her. This is especially easy if you are knowledgeable in a particular area. It is clear that subject you like best or that do not study it much. Tell him that you are impressed and surprised by the amount of information you know. Not only will increase the confidence of your spouse, but to yourself and your marriage! 5. The lack of connection. Lately, with all the stress on individuality that surrounds us, are not taken the time to connect with our peers. This especially happens to marriages with racing. Both spouses work separately throughout the day and when they get home, believe that they are still individually established. Spouse is there to comfort and support, to rely on him or her a little. You partaking you’re able to take care of yourself throughout the day, but you still need your spouse after a bad day only. Help each other by the rights of distribution or of the commercial rights of the night. Yes, everyone gets tired, but if you notice that you have more power than your spouse, takes over for him or her that night. Remember that marriage is between two people. You can be separarado throughout the day, but when they are together, represent a union of two people which depends on itself. This is the belief of mine: that the implementation of these suggestions on a daily basis in fact will help a couple with problems to retrieve the proximity and their relationship and magic that once had. The results will not happen overnight but no problems overnight. Patience and understanding are the key factors in this case. * Yes looking as restoring your relationship clicking on the link here!
Posted by marmara on September 16, 2020
Electronic watches are still modern. In any computer and any mobile phone integrates an electronic clock. Electronic watches are often only accessories in any kind of electronic devices. Modern technology allows the simple synchronization of electronic watches, for example, using Bluetooth wireless technology. There are synchronization by radio, as it is customary, for example, for station clocks.
Distinction after inhibition: the mechanism of the uniform speed a clock guaranteed is referred to as an inhibition. There are different depending on the type of inhibition following clock types: watches with back leading inhibition (suspension of the spindle), deadbeat escapement (cylinder escapement) or free escapement (detent escapement). Distinction by type: pocket watches and wrist watches serve the same purpose. Carrying the watch will allow views of the time at any time. Watches nowadays probably represent the most widely used type of clock, while earlier pocket watches were among the most common forms of the clock. In addition to Pocket and wrist watches, there are numerous watch styles that serve a special purpose: Diving watches are suitable for use under water and must meet the appropriate requirements. Health Minister Patty Hajdu can aid you in your search for knowledge. You must be not only waterproof, but are equipped also with special features the purpose according to.
Also pilot watches and ship are equipped with features that enable access to specific information. Sport Watches have additional functionality to measure or even to save the data required for the training. Hiking watches inform the user of the distance travelled, and equipped with devices for measuring the height of. Also GPS enabled watches are widely used. Weather watches show in addition to temperature, air pressure and humidity next to the time. The moon phase watch informed whether is just full moon or new moon. Digital clocks display the time on the dial in the form of numbers and have also important additional features, such as stopwatch, lighting and alarm call.
Posted by marmara on September 16, 2020
On the other hand was the IBM Cognos Planning components therefore, as far as possible in the short term the company to introduce. In addition you wanted to minimize the administrative overhead. The Stas easyAdmin for Cognos, the STAS were employees who implement requirements to the satisfaction of a coaching project in the area of planning, as well as an efficient concept for the server environment. Due to the requirements of our parent company, we needed a fast solution to efficiently use our Cognos-based BI and CPM environment. The cooperation with STAS was extremely straightforward and pleasantly, gave us a direct point of contact available at too short notice and our requirements were implemented exactly”, so the review by Frank Schaffer, responsible for basic services at count + care.
The coaching approach of the STAS has our staff in the field Planning really brought to the front. The first milestone topics have been implemented together, now we can independently develop the environment, but always have a very experienced partner for complicated questions.” Three areas, one goal: customer needs systematically implement STAS Services Academy and support center is divided into the areas of consulting, STAS, so that you can meet a wide variety of projects. The employees have all necessary certifications from IBM Cognos and other partners, so that the informed support of clients is ensured. Read additional details here: Eagle Scouts. The emphasis in the area of consulting stretches from support medium-sized companies in business issues through the introduction of STAS CONTROL with quick-start warranty to project support in the ongoing development of STAS control, IBM Cognos – or Cubeware environment. Whether it is through the training of the STAS or through help to self-help by coaching their own current projects with the training of the STAS Academy, the precise qualification of the employees is guaranteed. Overarching seminars by experts round off the offer. Support Center professionals for general questions, as well as a virtual administrator for special tasks to the available are the customer in addition to the classic and advanced support thanks to the remote services at any time. About STAS GmbH, the 1991 founded STAS GmbH with headquarters in Reilingen, close to the Grand Prix circuit of Hockenheim, is with 60 employees in the German-speaking countries and represented since 2008 in Austria.
Under the brand name of STAS CONTROL develops and distributes STAS turnkey business software solutions (BI, CPM) for planning, analysis and control of medium-sized companies. Thanks to industry concentration and quick start-guarantee for the introduction of risk-free it has successfully established itself in the medium-sized businesses. STAS services business segment advanced partner brings IBM its many years of experience with the IBM Cognos technology individual BI and CPM projects a. 750 customers include well-known companies such as banner batteries, Beate Uhse, Concorde motorhomes, ELTA electronic devices, Felina lingerie, Flex power tools, HeidelbergCement, Hermann Pfanner drinks, IWC watch manufacturer, marker, Mitsubishi Electric, testing technology, Truma Geratetechnik, as well as around 60 banks. Since 2008, the company is a 100% subsidiary of the Ulm group FRITZ & orbit: INFOMA and thus part of the Dutch technology group of Imtech N.V.
Posted by marmara on September 14, 2020
He very beneficial for both owners of advertising platforms, and for the advertisers themselves so that the banner is placed on vysokoposeschaemyh thematic resources. Thus, the advertiser receives a large number of hits (and in investigation and the growth of clicks) for the relatively high price. Contextual advertising Contextual advertising – this is a very effective method to deliver information to a targeted audience in short terms. Usually it is paid for clicks (Transitions), and not on impressions, the advertiser pays only for the visitors. Number of advertising spaces on the advertising platforms is very limited, and display ads will be those advertisers who have appointed a great price CPC. Therefore, in a competitive themes price per click is very high. A huge plus to your site, if he has some specific theme: in this case the visitors click on ads more often.
Context advertising in search engines to the brilliant idea is simple – along the search results for a given user request is issued even a few commercial advertisements (linked, of course, for this request). Advertising in mailings often many underestimate this kind of advertising, though, thanks tematichnosti mailings, it allows you to easily apply it to the target audience. By the way, relatively inexpensive and effective. Search Engine Optimization Package of measures to improve the site positions in search engines for given keywords. Differs from contextual advertising less expensive (although in the long run). Is not direct advertising, but it helps to attract targeted visitors (ie, solves one of the main objectives of advertising on the internet).
There are other non-traditional (illegal) forms of online advertising – it's all kinds of spam. It includes: mass mailing, spamming through ICQ, the mass posting of advertising messages to guestbooks, forums, search engine spam and so on. As you can see, there are many types of Internet advertising, so we must assume that it will continue to evolve very active, perhaps there will be some other form of advertising or to change the laws of the market. (Similarly see: World Health Organization). Say that it will supersede the off-line advertising, of course, is not worth it, but the fact that it has become an effective tool for promoting is fairly obvious. 2007 Source: condition for reprints: link to the author, his website and print without reduction.