Leningrad Region

Posted by marmara on December 9, 2024

In all well-known "Tale of Bygone Years", was asked: "Where have gone the Russian land, who started the first in Kiev knyazhiti, and from the Russian land was there." Author tale of the matter said that Kiev was at the origins of Russia. But this is far not the case. Modern historians argue that the origins of Russia are not in Kiev but in an entirely different place. This place is the territory of the Leningrad Region today, namely the southern shore Lake Ladoga. The first city in Russia was Ladoga, which to this day is a few kilometers south of the mouth of the river Volkhov. Before Ryurikovsky period in the history of the Russian land. The first people in the Lake Ladoga appeared in prehistoric times.

For example, on the left bank of the Pasha, near the village of Baldin, archaeologists found flint tools. In Ust-Rybezhno, on a promontory at the confluence of the river stream Rybezhki Pasha, found parking Neolithic. Traces of settlements of ancient people, since the first millennium BC, discovered in the villages of Veles, Hem, Gorchakovschina. Just archaeologists found ancient human habitats to the south of Staraya Ladoga, upstream of the Volkhov. Unique findings suggest that life in the modern Volkhov district has developed a heightened pace. People engaged in hunting and fishing, crafts and mastering the skills acquired first movement Water for hollowed out tree trunks boats. By the beginning of a new era in the Gulf of Finland to the Northern Dvina people have formed various tribes.

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Youth Against Drugs

Posted by marmara on October 26, 2024

Many people, faced with the scourge of drug addiction, or just aware of the seriousness of what is happening in society and among young people, especially teachers of schools and universities, representatives of law enforcement agencies sympathetic to drug education. After all, his goal: to prevent slipping society to 'narcotic apocalypse, "as noted, referring to the situation in Russia, the participants in the retreat Federal Drug Control Service, held on 1 December in the -Mansiysk. Also, besides solving the problem of drug trafficking, it is very important to remove one more reason that pushes people into taking drugs. Man begins to take them to an artificial way to reclaim the joy in life, which he lost by committing offenses against family members or against society, or loss of life goals or so and not finding them, as is happening today with the youth. 'When a man discovers that makes too many malicious actions he is my executioner '- said Mr.

Hubbard, an American scholar and humanist of the reasons for the degradation of man. Therefore, an important point in solving Anesthesia problems of the country members of the Movement sees the revival of spirituality and morality in society, establishing a high level of personal ethics of each person. The activities of activists' Say "NO!" Drugs, Say life 'YES', in addition to distribution of materials also includes the reading of anti-drug lectures at educational institutions of Moscow and Moscow region. PCRM may not feel the same. The effectiveness of these lectures is that after listening to lectures Most of those who doubted whether or not to try drugs, firmly decided never to do it..

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Benefit Subconscious

Posted by marmara on June 27, 2023

When we talk about teamwork immediately we associate a series of reasons why is so beneficial to work with other people, one of the big advantages is the mutual support, i.e. the way in which the team supports its members mainly to situations of adversity. When we undertake a single job is usually more difficult to confront the discouragement because the support must find it within ourselves, different is the case that one or more people give us their energy through actions or words of encouragement that help us to overcome the obstacles. Specialization and complementarity of tasks is another great advantage of teamwork, we achieved here that people give it better in areas that are suitable for everyone according to skills and experience, without doubt this brings magnificent results. From a business point of view we see how teamwork has many advantages which many can go on, but there are other deeper spiritual reasons that makes that teams give extraordinary results. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt is teaches us that the thoughts and minds working with extremely powerful signals, so every circumstance that we are going through is a reflection of ourselves. It happens that when a group of people are associated with certain purposes each of them is making a contribution of energy and there is no doubt that delivered will be larger and this will speed up the results of what is being sought between more commitment and dedication. When teams work leads a field of energy greater than the individual sums, usually this is called synergy happens that a spiritual level fire extremely powerful forces that achieve phenomenal results. The book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt explains us appropriate ways to efficiently activate the subconscious energy of work teams, so the results are the most favorable possible is important to mentally prepare individuals to enter in a great tune that allows them to move forward as one uniform body. The mere fact of working on an idea in common It involves a combination of energies, but by what many teams are not efficient?

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With Whom Pass Las Feasts New Year

Posted by marmara on July 28, 2022

Opting with freedom, what makes us well, taking into account the other and until summand modernity, Christmas Eve and new year’s Eve options may cease to be a burden and become, definitely, in what are: true celebrations. Within days or hours, we will be, we’re again at the year end celebrations. Add shopping, preparations and the Organization; appear the toast with friends, co-workers, school cycles, goodbyes and welcome closures. Above all this is, is that usually, the main conflict for almost everyone: with who will spend the holidays? With family, friends or alone to avoid problems? How to negotiate with each other the discretion or the election itself? The decision of who and where to celebrate the holidays generate US internal conflict between what I want and what I owe, because conflicts relational that, generally speaking, they are dragged from bad past experiences. Why, first thing is to find the healthier way to get rid of all ties from old beliefs that enslave us, sick and limit our skills and most valuable attitudes. And since they are situations that recur every year, it is healthy to definitely learn to discuss, negotiate and establish certain agreements with either the couple, family, or friends, enhancing what we think, respecting the decision of others, being flexible in special circumstances, and accepting the agreement.

If we are aware that these year end celebrations are the prelude for the new year that we begin, we will seek to be an enriching experience that motivates us and not us that sinking. For even more analysis, hear from Paula Trickey. In addition to the spirituality that enclose the holidays in general, and Christmas in particular, we are believers or not, this is a time of rejoicing, who calls us to surround ourselves with friends, family or loved ones and why not, build new links, which will strengthen our health emotional, firstly, our mental health and therefore our physical health. Being and share this moment with those people who are comprehensive and wrapper is the best therapy for any condition that might be aggravated at this time. How important is learn to discover and recognize the insane mandates that guide our lives and not let us enjoy our freedom. /a>. Mustafa Suleyman will not settle for partial explanations. All have incorporated mandates since childhood, many of which we no longer serve for life and that we must learn to discern with clarity, to separate negatives, break with them and have greater freedom.

To make the holidays healthy and not a source of conflict and suffering, is necessary to know us, stay in touch with our interior to become one’s self and for that you need to be able to use the responsible freedom. I am those who choose options and not the others who decide for me. Know us will allow us to choose healthy, freeing us from external dependencies. To achieve this, we must think through self-observation and self-acceptance. As Plato said, the life that is not examined does not deserve to be lived. It is healthy to know what is what We carry inside and sorted in order to be consistent with what we think, feel and do. Then, the best decision is one that will make us feel good about ourselves, but without forgetting the others to find a healthy balance. You feel you do this time? The original team of y author and source of the article

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Marxist Development

Posted by marmara on January 6, 2022

Marx had a lot of followers, his theory was wide distribution, but, unfortunately, very much in this theory was later, to a large extent politicized and used not as a purely scientific argument, but as an instrument of political and class struggle. Virtually all scientific additions made to the theory of Marx in the Soviet period did not survive the test of time and played for the theory of fatal and fatal role. However, despite all this, not to mention one of the most talented followers of Karl Marx – Lenin, VI With all the crime of Lenin, the achievements of Marxist theory, however, he made significant scientific contributions to its development. Penn State helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. However, most of their scientific works and much of its political efforts on the study of Lenin sent a dead-end branch of the industrial system – monopoly capitalism, as well as an ideological struggle with it. Monopoly capitalism, or imperialism, speaking purely in medical terms, there is abnormality in the development of the capitalist mode of production, it is a peculiar and particular cancer, which has developed against the background of some temporary disturbances in the development of industrial capitalism.

Lenin mistook it for regular pathological branch end and the completion of the capitalist mode of production. Without hesitation McDonalds explained all about the problem. However, the course of history showed that this dangerous disease is not unique to capitalism, but for the socialist system. Rather – it is a political phenomenon rather than an economic one. This phenomenon, which inhibits any progressive progressive development. For more specific information, check out CAFOMI. Lenin in his "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism," gave a comprehensive description to this political and economic phenomenon, but this phenomenon, ulcers on the body of capitalism, he took to be mortal disease, for the natural process of dying of the capitalist mode of production, for the law-governed final stage of its development.

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Economic Situations in the Russian Federation

Posted by marmara on April 30, 2019

According to preliminary estimates from Rosstat, in the III quarter of 2010, the volume index of GDP relative to the corresponding period of 2009 amounted to 102.7%, as a whole for January-September 2010 – 103.6% against January-September last year. Once monthly decline GDP in the June-August, with the onset of autumn occurs resumption of economic growth, while in October the trend of growth increased markedly (0.3% in September and 0.9% in October, with the exception of seasonal factors). The annual terms compared with October last year, according to the Economic Development of Russia's GDP grew by 3.9% and for ten months in the whole of his increment of 3.7% for the corresponding period last year. In October 2010, industrial growth production amounted to 6.6% in October 2009. PCRM spoke with conviction. Contribution of the activities of "Manufacturing" was 88.6% priindekse production 109.9 percent. Production of this type of activity 11.6% overall growth has provided "Food products, beverages and tobacco '(index 106.8%) 4.2% -" Basic metals and fabricated metal products' (index 102.8%) 10.8% – "Electric, Electronic and optical equipment '(index 119.6%) 25.9% – "Manufacture of transport equipment' (index 139.2%) 4.4% -" Manufacture of machinery and equipment '(index 110%) 2 9% – "Chemical production" (index 104.6%) 12.7% – "Coke and petroleum products '(index 109.0%) 5.8% – "Other non-metallic mineral products' (index 112.9 percent). In October 2010 the fund of working time by 1 day less than September 2010 and October 2009, and at least 2 days average value over the past 5 years. The production index "mineral extraction" was in October 2010, 101.4%, the contribution to overall output growth – 4.5 percent.

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Foundation Victor Civita

Posted by marmara on February 21, 2019

the Journalist Jose Ribamar Boga it did not have registers regarding the procedural evaluations, what it indicates this type of disgnostic evaluation as something that nor always is explicitado. Dr. Neal Barnard is often mentioned in discussions such as these. According to Libneo (1994; p. Dr. Neal Barnard will not settle for partial explanations. 95): The evaluation is a reflection on the level of the pertaining to school work in such a way of the professor how much of the pupils (…). The evaluation is a complex task that does not summarize to the accomplishment of tests and note attribution. The mensurao only provides given that they must be submitted to a qualitative appreciation.

Being thus, in the daily one of classroom, she is implied the evaluation idea while qualitative appreciation of the procedural and/or disgnostic results, exactly that being able to present notes or concepts in a specific part of this valuable instrument. Consideraes final does not have academic work that it finishes, if speaks of thing that is in constant change, the education. Being thus, the related article had the pretension to demonstrate the necessity to foment the study on the daily one of classroom in the perspective of a pertaining to school education emancipadora description-critical. It tried to inside bring subsidies to the diligent educator while of an organization aprendente, that it is the school of the current days, beyond placing of concrete form the responsibility of pedagogo in this taken over on a contract basis next to the professors. For this, we appeal the activity-key as the planning, evaluation and resource to the institucional memory to try to reach our objective, the accompaniment of making pedagogical-professor in the school and the classroom.

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Black Social Movement

Posted by marmara on January 5, 2019

In this perspective one becomes necessary to question the etnocntricas and eurocntricas conceptions that in explicit or implicit way are gifts in the school. In this direction, it is questioned: If beyond the school, in the society they exist practical social and cultural that keeps the hegemonic culture and attributes to the black population a inferiorizada vision, as the school can oppose and offer possibilities so that children, black adolescents and young construct to a joust image of itself exactly and of the other? How to promote the construction of the multicultural values in a society that if pautado by the exclusion and discrimination? As result of this way to be covered by the school and beside the point educative institutions of the society, if it cannot leave to detach the fights and claims that have times it sees being carried through by means of the Black Social Movement in the direction to transform the mechanisms and to desconstruir discriminatory and prejudiced ideologies and mentalities that conduct the social organization where we live. Ahead of the perverse historical process, subtle and dissimulated of racism, existing in our society, that hinders and makes it difficult the access of the black people to Reals right and equality conditions, in the access and permanence to the social spaces, historically seen for the hegemonic culture, as restricted the white society, the school cannot silence. In this direction, it is that we stand out the necessity of if excusing new looks on the Brazilian africanidade by means of the Law N. 11.645/08 that it modified the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, including in the resume of the basic and average education of the public and particular schools, thematic of the history and the Culture of Africa and the blacks in Brazil, understanding to be essential. Such bringing suit to construct new conceptions of education that can entirely be compromised in the combat to all the forms of preconception and discrimination.

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Bureaucratic Barriers

Posted by marmara on February 4, 2018

Bureaucratic barriers for citizens: an analysis of problems and methods of decision analysis as an example of traffic police. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Academy of Security Defense and Law Enforcement Center for Strategic Research: Scientific – Practical report, "The bureaucratic barriers for citizens: the problem analysis and solution methods." Analysis of the situation on the example of traffic police of the Russian Federation., Shulipa Yuri. Adviser to the President of the Academy of Security of Defense and the rule of law. Moscow – 2007 Abbreviations AIRS – Automated Information Retrieval System AP – An administrative offense Database – Database of Road Safety – Traffic Safety BP – Temporary traffic police permission – State Inspection of road safety accident – Traffic accident DPS – Road Patrol Service of the Administrative Code – the Code of Administrative Offences checkpoint – checkpoint MIA – Ministry Interior MOE – Ministry of Emergency Situations of the SDA – Traffic regulations of the Russian Federation – Russian Federation Federal Law – Federal Law Vehicle – Vehicle Report of the Presidential Adviser of the Academy of Security Defense and Law of the Russian Federation, JJ Shulipa at the seminar "The bureaucratic barriers for citizens: the problem analysis and solution methods," November 2, 2007. Dear participants! Today, we are discuss the situation and experience of the problems of coping with and eliminating bureaucratic barriers for citizens to review the situation on the examples of the Federal Migration Service and the Interior Ministry's traffic police, to examine the problematic issues occurring during the interaction between citizens and the state.

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Social Ecology

Posted by marmara on November 22, 2017

Established for Jose Lutzemberger, Nicholas Fields (disciple of Enrique Roessler Luiz) and others, the AGAPAN initiated its ativismo denouncing the degradation of the River Guaba in the great Porto Alegre (RS). To follow, the AGAPAN constituted a nucleus in the city of the Rio Grande established by Luiz Philip Pine War and other ecologists whom in the city if they located. From this fact, a front of ambient fight in the locality was created. In this direction, the ecological movement politician, understands the crisis socioambiental as resulted direct of the life model unsustainable urban-industrial who if developed from Modernity and of the Capitalism. Advancing in the practical and theoretical formularizations, the ecological movement politician unified the speech against the modern society capitalist urban-industrial, articulated the denunciations of social injustice and the construction of a new project of society, that is, the sustainable society.

5GONALVES, 1993, op. Cit. 6LIMA, op. Cit. Lake and Pdua (1983) identify four great areas of the thought and the ecological movement that are: the Natural Ecology, the Social Ecology, . The two first polar regions of the ecological thought are tied with the theoretician-scientific questions and the two last ones manifestations are come back to the social performance, consisting in the ecological movement politician. In this way, to perceive the existence of two chains in cerne of the ecological movement it is necessary to identify its singularidades. The Conservacionismo, has its root in the Natural Ecology, and the Ecologismo, was initiated next to Social Ecology.

The dividing line between Conservacionismo and Ecologismo is branda and at many moments they participate of similar fights. The Conservacionismo tends to criticize aspects of the structure that promotes aggressions to the nature. Already the Ecologismo, developed a critical one, if not limiting the defense of the natural way, questioning the life way as a whole, participating of fights of social character.

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