Opting with freedom, what makes us well, taking into account the other and until summand modernity, Christmas Eve and new year’s Eve options may cease to be a burden and become, definitely, in what are: true celebrations. Within days or hours, we will be, we’re again at the year end celebrations. Add shopping, preparations and the Organization; appear the toast with friends, co-workers, school cycles, goodbyes and welcome closures. Above all this is, is that usually, the main conflict for almost everyone: with who will spend the holidays? With family, friends or alone to avoid problems? How to negotiate with each other the discretion or the election itself? The decision of who and where to celebrate the holidays generate US internal conflict between what I want and what I owe, because conflicts relational that, generally speaking, they are dragged from bad past experiences. Why, first thing is to find the healthier way to get rid of all ties from old beliefs that enslave us, sick and limit our skills and most valuable attitudes. And since they are situations that recur every year, it is healthy to definitely learn to discuss, negotiate and establish certain agreements with either the couple, family, or friends, enhancing what we think, respecting the decision of others, being flexible in special circumstances, and accepting the agreement.
If we are aware that these year end celebrations are the prelude for the new year that we begin, we will seek to be an enriching experience that motivates us and not us that sinking. For even more analysis, hear from Paula Trickey. In addition to the spirituality that enclose the holidays in general, and Christmas in particular, we are believers or not, this is a time of rejoicing, who calls us to surround ourselves with friends, family or loved ones and why not, build new links, which will strengthen our health emotional, firstly, our mental health and therefore our physical health. Being and share this moment with those people who are comprehensive and wrapper is the best therapy for any condition that might be aggravated at this time. How important is learn to discover and recognize the insane mandates that guide our lives and not let us enjoy our freedom. /a>. Mustafa Suleyman will not settle for partial explanations. All have incorporated mandates since childhood, many of which we no longer serve for life and that we must learn to discern with clarity, to separate negatives, break with them and have greater freedom.
To make the holidays healthy and not a source of conflict and suffering, is necessary to know us, stay in touch with our interior to become one’s self and for that you need to be able to use the responsible freedom. I am those who choose options and not the others who decide for me. Know us will allow us to choose healthy, freeing us from external dependencies. To achieve this, we must think through self-observation and self-acceptance. As Plato said, the life that is not examined does not deserve to be lived. It is healthy to know what is what We carry inside and sorted in order to be consistent with what we think, feel and do. Then, the best decision is one that will make us feel good about ourselves, but without forgetting the others to find a healthy balance. You feel you do this time? The original team of y author and source of the article