Posted by marmara on September 12, 2024
Diabetes mellitus – a serious disease, which affects many people. Boy Scouts of America is likely to increase your knowledge. This is a disease in which the metabolism in the body due to dysfunction of the pancreas. I will not go into medical details. Those who interested in this article, unfortunately, it's all they know. People faced with this disaster, asking how to cure diabetes? Doctors respond that this is impossible. I want to share with you a popular recipe that once read in a magazine. The recipe is very simple and does not require any special and rare ingredients.
I suggested we try this recipe to several acquaintances who suffer from diabetes and he helped them. They decreased and stabilized sugar. Is there a cure diabetes completely with this recipe? In the magazine was written that people who have it are not very high, taking medication for three months can be completely cured, while those with sugar is very high, it will stabilize. I do not know whether you can recover at all (the people who take medicine for my recipe, sugar level was quite high), but significant improvements have been. And much harm he just will not bring.
Spread your recipe. You will need to dry cilantro, or coriander. We need only dry leaves, no seeds. Dry cilantro is not hard to find in a store or market. '10 dry cilantro pour 200 ml. cold water and put on fire. The mixture should boil 5 minutes. After a little cool, you can crush it in a blender, to receive liquid slurry (but not necessarily). Put in refrigerator cooling. Take three times a day with meals. This amount ('10 coriander 200 ml. Water) is calculated on the same day. You can just cook coriander for a few days, increasing, respectively, proportions. But more than 6-7 days, this infusion did not hold (skisnet). Store it in a refrigerator. That's the whole recipe. As you can see, nothing complicated. Try it, I will be very happy if this popular recipe for someone to help. Material taken from:
Posted by marmara on April 20, 2020
The disease has a clear definition of alcoholism according to the World Health Organization. By this definition, the excessive consumption of substances containing alcohol in its composition, which leads to addiction and Depending on these substances. The disease destroys the foundations of the body. It leads to the shell distuktarizatsii immune human tissue destruction of the internal system. Also, alcohol leads to heart disease, liver. Detrimental effect is the same for all other organ systems associated with these bodies of a domestic bond. In the alcoholism treatment, physicians were divided into three treatment groups. The first group is doklinichestvkoe treatment of man.
Typical signs of a severe hangover and increased craving for alcohol. In the second stage a person begins to develop a physical need for alcohol on a daily basis, and the person begins notice that he has no control over their actions to achieve their goals. The second stage is characterized by the development of physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome formation. At the final stage in the forefront syndrome of chronic intoxication. Usually, people seek help and treatment at the second stage depending on when they realize that they have become addicted to alcohol and that they must take steps to eliminate this dependence. The most common method of exit from alcohol dependence in people consider coding for alcoholism. Despite the fact that many doctors believe this method is adversely affecting the human psyche and even destructive, it is the most popular and in demand in the market treatment of alcoholism. Its advantages lie in the rapid action and high efficiency, can not boast of than other treatments for alcoholism.
Posted by marmara on October 23, 2019
"Tell me an American, what power? Is the money? that's brother said that the money, but I believe that the power of the truth of who he really and more … Brother 2 to not get caught in their lies – it is always better to tell the truth. Is this is so? In particular, yes, especially if you have problems with memory. However, we must have good will power to tell the truth. And not least the will to hear the truth. Yes, yes, it is to hear. People – always want to hear only what he wants. And it is very unpleasant to realize that it is actually not the case.
Not all people have the strength to fight with yourself, tell yourself, "How I am weak," and certainly not all people can find strength to say "OK, stand, and how it I fix it? ". This is where the lie comes into force. Self-deception. We begin to instill itself, that actually is not too weak. And if you had the spirit within us still speaks to us, "Dude, something must change." Write off all the "This is my destiny so, I'm doomed. " I now always get angry when someone tried to teach me to live.
And did not those who actually achieved something, and those who have recently complained that they had something missing in my life. But back to the topic. So how to recognize a lie, and where, right? And did. And what I am writing to you now – it's a lie. At the same time someone in her make out the truth. The essence will not change. Perhaps check out Harold Ford Jr for more information. Someone will continue to lie to yourself, someone is on a strong man. But when people have learned not only to tell the truth, but to hear it – it can become much stronger. And even more will be – when will learn to understand this truth …
Posted by marmara on January 1, 2019
The first occurred in the second washing bath unit, and further separation should wash with warm or hot water. And then went dry and wet room pair. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger insists that this is the case. In ancient Rome, baths were available for all levels of society and were a kind of cult of the nation. In the baths not only soared. In baths solved many issues were small talk and just rested. The Romans were very fond of water. "Living Water", so they liked to call water.
This is the name of water swept through the centuries and millennia, and today we are increasingly hearing this beautiful name. Turkish bath is the same Roman terms, only slightly modified. Hot Air Heated floor bath and the water is poured over this floor, turning into steam. Roman-Irish bath differed from the Roman baths presence of the tube, which provided the hood in the doubles department. These were air baths, and was in the sauna temperatures around 55 degrees. In the Roman-Irish baths were several rooms: a room to warm herself, and direct steam. In the special tubes that run along the walls and under the floor was hot air, and floor were made small holes through which the air.
In the transition from one office to another place and profuse sweating achieved the desired effect. In the Finnish sauna is very much in common with the Russian bath. In the harsh climate of the northern lands baths were not just a luxury but a means to warm up and gain strength. The Finnish sauna is a small house made of logs with a small hole in the ceiling or the ceiling. Stone fireplace stoked wood, and it was located in the center of the room. Smoke escaped through a hole, and when the stove is heated, the fire extinguished and completely washed the floors and walls doubles. Then closed the hole in the ceiling and allowed to settle sauna, dry and dial heat. After pouring water on the stones and soared with a pre-steamed brooms. Later in the Finnish sauna stopped to pour water on the stones and the bath was dry. In Japan, very fond of water baths. Japanese baths are of a barrel Filled with water or cedar shavings. The water was heated to 50-55 degrees, and bath procedures had to be immersed in this barrel for a while. Since ancient times in Russia soared "black." Bath "black" is almost not different from the first Finnish saunas. The name came from the bath sooty ceiling, which no one had ever laundered. The usual Russian sauna bath different from "black" presence of the tube, through which the smoke. On the hot stones poured water, extensive use of oak and birch brooms. After the pair were watered with cold water, jumped into the hole or in the snowdrift. Here we briefly introduced to the history and modern baths. In the near future we will know each of these baths are closer. See you soon. You light a couple!