The Documents
Talk to knowledgeable people can be in the company that you will still find the flow advertisements placed in a special building publications. Know from experience: when you ring up two dozen companies, real options may be few. Can say in advance: we'll have to visit all of your selected firms, of course, if you're interested in results, not. Alas, in advertising which just do not offer! And, unfortunately, is not always reality coincides with the write (or tell you over the phone firm manager). Therefore, the trip to the company – a good way to ensure integrity advertiser.
In companies with extensive practical experience servicing visitors worked out: in addition to the catalog with samples of window lattices and price, firms tend to offer the customer visit their exhibition stands and on site to assess the quality of welding the individual elements of the lattice. Here you can discuss with a specialist design and reliability of painting the finished product, choose the profile for the grating. And do not Remember to look at the documents, allowing the company to manufacture and assemble them into buildings. Choosing – choose So what should you know? The first step in a good solid company will tell you that the window bars differ Method of attachment. They are stationary (ie non-operable), folding (with opening one or two doors) and sliding (produced according to the type of pantograph – sliding hinge parallelogram) and removable (Fireplace units are mounted in the doorway, framing grid attached to a wall on the screw-topped bolts).