Line Group
Secondly – this concerns is access subscribers within the system druk other and to various external devices (PAGER, for example). Here a complete zero. That's not right, restrictions are simply necessary in some cases. Third – once again a little. What is the 8 classes of service? For KX-TD816 – can be quite enough, but for the KX-TD1232 – enough! will be enough! … So far we have considered the disadvantages vnutristantsionnoy (Intercom) connection. It's time to move on to the trunk.
As was the case with domestic callers, the number of groups in the TRUNK-KX-TD1232 – clearly not enough. Although … although, perhaps, be tolerated. not satisfied, as a rule, quite another. For example the traffic outside the organization calls. TRUNK-group for 'local external calls' provided, of course, according to the plan Automatic Access CO Line Group (Program 103).
With this clear. There is uneven load lines inherent in the idea. But why not make a uniform load lines within the TRUNK-group? In the last 271-second version is something akin to a uniform load, but, sorry, there just is uniformly loaded all the lines belonging TRUNK-groups of Automatic Access CO Line Group. And you may want to just make some of the lines have been downloaded a little more than others (but evenly among their own kind), some – a little less. But only this, to achieve even with the latest version of the software, either theoretically not impossible. I really liked the idea of organizing the traffic in ATS CONTENT-840.