Posted by marmara on December 27, 2019
With this agreement the group of Guetu theater of the UnirG looked for to show some controversies on questions on the negligenciamento of the cultural identification of the Tocantins, of breaking divulges of intelligent form, musical authors and its workmanships during all the spectacle. In a precarious physical structure, the part YOU in Scene was estreada with priority, showing that to develop a teatral part, what same valley is the creativity of its script and the ability of the artists. The controversy of the lack of a space for production and presentation of teatrais parts in Gurupi was emphasis in it finishes of the part with a emotiva declaration it artist and director Cristiano Cabral. With regard to lack of a space for scenic arts in our city, is about a cyclical paradox of cause and effect, as already the classic question ‘ ‘ who was born first, the egg or the hen? ‘ ‘. nformation. To become theater if it does not need, necessarily of an exclusive space for this, perhaps and, not yet let us have this space for the inconstncia of parts presented in our city. An example of this mambembes or presentations in public squares of excellent projects that circulate for the country and the world, mainly to that is the famous spectacles cannot complain of its existing structure.
When making an analogy between the French School and its influence in the communications, can be affirmed that the theater if fits perfectly while a media of mass, one them lines of thought of some theoreticians of that school. Another particularitity that also would be important to point out is that the communicator, the media, according to French school, does not have to neglect aspects of cultural order, and in this point the part knew, in cativante way, to not only involve the cultural aspects of our local society in its plot as well as in the used language.
Posted by marmara on December 10, 2019
Crabbel media GmbH calls now possible as a fundraiser for the Red noses clowns in hospital in life join photo contest! Bremen, 12.04.2012: Laughter is the best medicine – make funny photos, to do good, and up to 300 win! That is Crabbeling for children’s laughter just in time for Easter started the photo – contest, with the Crabbel media GmbH by means of donations would like to contribute a part to the wonderful work, providing the Red noses e.V. day with the hospital clowns. The Red noses Association would like to with the Red noses clown facilitate the hospital sick and suffering people, operations, tests and medical equipment make them fear and alleviate their loneliness. Also at Crabbel media GmbH, with the website of one of the leading portals for the show and event industry operates, there is laughter and joie de vivre. Therefore we very pleased to be able to support the great work of the Red noses with our photo contest and fundraiser”, says Florian Puschmann by the Crabbel-team. “Participation in the photo – is easy to the 14.06.2012 via the contest Web site and free sweepstakes: on the website the Crabbel mask” (the mascot of Crabbel media GmbH) to download and print, go with mask and camera and creativity free rein: whether funny, unusual, spectacular or usually all pictures are desired and contribute to a larger donation – amount for the Red noses.
The final Crabbeling images can then simply on the website are uploaded and appear once they have been unlocked in the Crabbeling Gallery of the site. Center For Responsible Lending is likely to increase your knowledge. Anyone can participate with up to three photos on the photo – contest. For each photo that is uploaded on the website Crabbel media GmbH will donate 50 cents to the Red noses. “And the participation increases not only the donation – amount, but worth it even for the photographer: the most creative, funniest and most spectacular Crabbeling pictures” will be awarded and can win up to 300. We be aware no requirements,”says Florian Puschmann. The participants get the mask.
What they are doing exactly that is left to them. So we hope to see a lot of fun for the photographers and imaginative, creative images.” The concept goes on: already in the first days of the photo – competition are by a sporting basketball Crabbel until some funny Crabbeling pictures on the site represent and funny photo montages. Through the great mask a mixture of cricket and beetle get a fun, special painting the images and spread what is to be achieved it: donate joy and laughter. For further information on the photo contest and fundraiser, see Florian Puschmann
Posted by marmara on December 3, 2019
An emotional approach to us closer to the activity is more in tune with our psychological structure, and that companies such as Caja Madrid, Repsol Corporation, Coca-Cola or Seur are subjected.According to a recent, and curious study of the Adecco Foundation, what would be more?, more than seventy percent of children believed that money does not bring happiness and prepends the vocation to the income they refuse overtime only for money, and when asked what will they do when retire, while the retirement is something that very see, most children share their long-term future plans: take care of the family. Young people must choose that career will continue, or that will work at an early age, and very often it is not easy for them to distinguish if they choose what they want to, or conditioned by those around them, what suits them. And thus can begin a circuitous, emotionally speaking, professional career.The scientific literature distinguishes various modes of adjustment between the worker and various components of their work, such as the adjustment between the person and the Working Group, understood as the compatibility between the individual and the colleagues who are working with him; the fit between the individual and the Organization; and the fit between a person and his working vocation, or the similarity that exists between the personality of each individual and the characteristics of their working environment. And this, according to experts, the most decisive when it comes to having a professional satisfaction, since it tends to select those jobs that are congruent with the self-concept who choose them, and when this setting is no, get a healthy labour motivation is impossible task..
Posted by marmara on December 2, 2019
Kite surfing – it's the combination of the ancient sport of the cult tradition known surfing, with the same unusual and ancient craftsmanship zapuskaniya kite led to the emergence of this modern-dangerous exotic Sports discharge. 'Kite surfing – it's the most cool new sport that was introduced in the last decade. This surfing, kite surfing to be more precise still a very new sport, but he has the opportunity to become sufficiently serious sport. This sport is easy to learn, and for a complete delight it does not require a lot of wind. Kitesurfing a little close to the windsurfing and veykbordingu and equally to surf, and yet, in any If it is a mixture of several different kinds of sport disciplines! Kitesurfing never ceases to amaze. This sport as unfinished manuscript. Always get up with the need as quickly as possible go to sea and do something unusual new, heroic …..
Kite surfing – it's very entertaining sport. Look, what a crowd of curious collects kitesurfing. But in the kite most importantly – the opportunity to bear on Makimalno speed, soar into the air when you like you want, and be there for very long. Boy Scouts of America helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. There is no desire to fly – ride the waves, you want – a ride in style veykborda. In the complete absence of kite kakihby whatsoever restrictions.
All were united in one package. This kaytovy marine world. It's like riding on the 'toy' train to Disney Land, with the only difference is that you can change the attractions on your own. Kite and Kiteboarding is an extension of your body. It was as if someone gave you a couple of wings of the angel and said: 'And now, bet', and you flew over the sea surface and waves. In principle, the potential kitesurfing is not limited to, not only in ability to ride, mind-blowing techniques and a variety of disciplines kaytovyh! The sport of kite surfing attracts not only the opportunity to experience the great joy of kite soaring in the air, and also the possibility experiment with the aerodynamics of air snake, to develop and introduce various innovations. In the kite are now performed a movement from archaic and primitive to modern high-current. When Moreover, kitesurfing as a sport is becoming easier, better and much safer. Kitesurfing is something fundamental, primordial form of sport. Frequently BSA has said that publicly. Kitesurfing has absorbed the essence of the three elements. Do you feel under a tremendous force mosrkoy element, you know – this element is precisely there, you're touching her own feet. Other elements – the wind, it as love: it you do not see but feel. As well as soaring Huge dream of mankind. Kitesurfing combines the 3 elements. Besides, kite huge potential. People are just beginning to distinguish it on the horizon. What can we say about the kite, in addition to what he We captured the whole? Flying for a sufficiently strong air snake exciting, but if you are at the same time also the Roll of sea surface in Kiteboarding, this feeling is almost indescribable.