United Nations

Posted by marmara on October 28, 2020

Apart from the relative safety, there are no real possibilities there so that people who once were in the profession, were the business people, government officials, skilled workers can earn a living. Schools and municipal facilities are not set to a high number of people and strive in difficulties to keep up. Those Assyrians who settled again, missing still economic development opportunities. As pronounced (goal-oriented) minority, Assyrians can achieve any real opportunities for participation, if they are forced to live still scattered and separated from each other and thus have no real influence on policy and laws that directly affect them. Assyrians live opportunities to stabilize us to plan in advance what we need are already for years in the State of crisis and rights to shaping our future.

Our proposed Solutions comply with the framework of people – Committee on Legal Affairs of the United Nations. They reaffirm the need for the implementation of special measures or direct actions with regard to the effects of many years and habitual discrimination against particular minority groups”. Go to Lee Pitts for more information. We ask for your own areas and interventions, because we can hope not as a minority group on equal treatment, as long as no effective steps be undertaken to recover the land, which we have lost. III. suggestions for an effective participation of Assyrians in the design of economic and development policy.

1. the formal recognition of the Assyrians as indigenous people of Iraq by the members of the international community and the rights that are associated with this status. Each country must be with a large Assyrian population for the support of Assyrians, insert and impulses for our concern, as well as for the recognition of our problems to give. 2. new Employment opportunities in the areas, where Assyrians currently live and adequate representation in the local provincial bodies and ministries of the Government.

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United Kingdom

Posted by marmara on October 25, 2020

In the 19.Jahrhundert with the development of the steam engine, set in the industrial revolution and caused a tremendous economic upheaval. Henceforth, the manual work such as the sewing of rugs or the metal production were taken over by machines. It created millions of jobs and meant new challenges for policymakers. The first trade unions emerged and provided for a fair pay of the workers. The company responded to the trade unions of their employees sometimes but rabidly were simply closed the gates and hired workers without trade union membership to lower wages. Germany Otto von Bismarck, the first social security system consisting of introduced by Chancellor health insurance, disability insurance, and insurance against poverty in old age from an accident insurance. Today, the German social system is firmly established and ensures a social security.

The annual social cost of the Federal Republic of Germany amounted to over 800 Billions of euros and correspond to almost 30 per cent of economic output, which is located at about 3.45 trillion euro per year. The entire economic output of the world totals stand at 82,64 trillion Euro 2012. The most powerful economies in the Western market economy are Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, Canada and Australia. Benefits the benefits of the free Western market economy are that the supply and demand determine the price of products and services. The higher is the demand for a product, the price is lower because the cost of production decline and this cost advantage is partly passed on to customers. In low demand, however, prices rise. Everyone can unfold freely, freedom of career choice, free choice of place of residence, freedom of contract and commercial freedom. There is an economic freedom of activity, where is the profit in the first place and the payment for the service provided. The customer is King, because he uses his demand What products and services on the market remain.

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Posted by marmara on October 24, 2020

Perhaps Vera was running for the bar, was calmed there. Arriving at the bar, Carlos who was mulherengo, tries to calm it, getting success. Vera counts to its history, what comove Carlos, who offered it one cmodo of its house. Carlos he was an excellent man. It always folloied Vera to the work.

Until Vera if got passionate for Carlos. The two had slept together and started to live as husband and woman. With the time, Vera engravidou of a boy and after two years again it engravidou, of this time of a girl. The life of this diligent woman was not more the same one. It was dismissed and it depended on the husband who was siderurgical. Some contend that Save Our Children shows great expertise in this. However the husband Carlos started to move suddenly.

It started to play bingo and to lose much money. He started to drink very and to leave with women. Certain time, Vera was waked up until afternoon waiting for its nervous husband who arrived agitated and. He tried to talk with it to know what he was happening, however Carlos attacked it with socos and kicks. Not, not, it did not believe that was happening. just with it that not age of fight. ' ' There, there, ai' ' , Vera felt pain and said: It does not beat in my head Tears. What to make ahead of this situation? Vera was for bed. It slept crying. About the following morning it thought about binding for the policy, but and children? Carlos was the only one that he worked there. Then Vera was to wash clothes and caught some spots of lipstick in a shirt of its husband. At that moment it felt a deep pain in the heart. It caught the children and it was for the house of the Lurdes neighbor. The neighbor intently received it with hospitality, hearing the problems of Vera.

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The Aircraft

Posted by marmara on October 18, 2020

Teamwork, was fundamental for us develop the power of team, develop the creativity that was enormous. We invent all sorts of things. Credit: World Travel & Tourism Council-2011. In the mountains we had no clothes, we didn’t practically nothing invent blankets, making machines water, hammocks for the wounded, sunglasses, and all that with the resources of the aircraft, because the resources that we had were practically absurd. With what resources we had? We had three empty bottles, a Swiss army knife, a cigarette lighter, an old radio, and rugby, which was quite important ball. If you want to then you explain why. And well, with those few resources we had to invent everything a little backpacks, sledges, sticks, sleeping bags. Creativity was very important.

I guess there is a before and an after this experience.How has it influenced? How you has changed, Ramon? I think the most important thing was everyone is knowing that there is no impossible in life. Know that you can, there is always possible, out of the crisis. The important thing is that when one is in its own ranges (we all have every day) is get up, Actuate, give forward and not keep complaining in life. Enjoy life, be supportive. We were super supportive in the mountain and now create among survivors living Foundation. We are doing a campaign donation of bodies at the level of the entire South framework and want to transmit to the rest of the world. We are very grateful to life, to the guys that they could not out of there by a thing of destiny that wanted to be some die and others are salvasen. As it happened in the avalanche.

Those who were at my side were killed and I incredibly after feeling and witnessing death managed to save me. The avalanche was the most terrible that we spent. We first fell from an airplane, was at that time the worst early dead of cold, 30 degrees below zero, no teams of snow at 4000 meters of height, with a shirt, a pair of moccasins, pants and nothing else.

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Internet Fachdienstleister

Posted by marmara on October 17, 2020

Because the specialized Specialist Internet portal smart repair.de lists nationwide nearly 3,000 companies for smart repair and vehicle preparation. Easy to use but sophisticated search capabilities, you will find a selection of companies, whose performance profiles alone can be viewed, can evaluate you and by which you make an offer. Why can’t smart repair be cheap? Normally, when smart repair work edited only the damaged areas of your vehicle or patched. This is required less materials, vehicle parts are rarely replaced. This saves costs. There are hardly any waiting time until the work can be performed, procurement costs and time for disassembly and re-Assembly of parts are eliminated.

To come, that specialists who perform only such work have developed a large professional routine, operations be trained daily”, all handles sit and when it should be once tricky specialists find a solution as companies, one usually faster very wide range of different services offered. Conclusion: Conventional repair methods for vehicles, there are sophisticated alternatives, which can significantly save time and money. It is worth but in any case, to select an appropriate smart repair specialists or vehicle preparer carefully and compare offers. Smart-repair.de offers all the possibilities for this purpose and in addition is also a valuable source of information on the topics of smart repair and vehicle baptism preparation with his editorial articles, a glossary and a section for frequently asked questions. Through the provider of smart-repair.de, autoglaser.de and Folie.de are an Internet Fachdienstleister for the sectors smart repair, vehicle valeting, car glass, window film and more sectors of the car after sale market, offers of the AUTO.net GLASinnovation gmbh. The aforementioned consumer specialist portals provide customer inquiries using all technical possibilities actively to specialists and providing maximum customer contacts. Detailed, editorial the consumer service, the portals offer, complete prepared specialized information, glossaries, and sections for frequently asked questions. AUTO.net GLASinnovation gmbh and the sister company buhrli dataplan GLASmatic gmbh (glasmatic.de), leader for special software for auto glass and auto glass data management in Germany, have their headquarters in Eberbach, near Stuttgart. Responsible in the sense of the press law and contact: Gert off AUTO.net GLASinnovation gmbh Bergstrasse 5 73061 E.r. on the Fils Tel: 93 47 1 fax: + 49 (0700) 95 59 69 69

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Klaus Janschutz

Posted by marmara on October 6, 2020

Family and friends can be supported so quickly when working with the computer, without requiring you to be personally there. It simply creates a work instructions for the respective purpose and uploads them to the network. With the integrated image editing tool and a video editing suite, the user can take his pictures and videos in the right shape and add frames, arrows and text. Lengthy explanations in textual form or phone calls account for this. Free according to the motto, a picture says more than a thousand words, especially in the area of computer images are much more meaningful.

When an image or a video, everyone immediately understands what is meant. While one would have to write otherwise miserable long about submenus, and files. Jing is also most other image editing programs on the market, and with each of the currently used browser. Check out GiveWell for additional information. So, there are no additional conflicts between the programs, if you would like to solve just so. Internet pages fill with life which Jing users can create without long “apprenticeship” its own instructions and use by others. Who runs a website, is thus in a position for each area fast and reliable your own videos and picture series to produce. A previously blank Internet page quickly becomes easy by interesting image sequences that were created by using Jing to the crowd-puller, there be uploaded. In the individual images text and characters can be inserted easily, to clarify points or to highlight.

The tool brings arrows and frame also easily understood in the correct form. Would like to use the user of the provided free Web space, he must build his own user account during installation. The instructions, which were intended originally only for the family or friends can be a great help so many others. Also many advertising partners will operate on a such much frequented and technically useful page like their Internet advertising. Earn money online is made so easy with the free program of Jing. Also technically demanding instructions for complicated processes on the PC are easily buildable with the screenshot tool from TechSmith for lay people. Also can use the resulting Work guides all over the world. For your success on the Internet with best regards Klaus Janschutz

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Eichler Risk

Posted by marmara on October 5, 2020

Eichler: Also all-encompassing free trade approach here. Trades can last up to one year from two minutes. So, we pursued a short position in the Italian interest rate futures during this year, for example, for several months with great success. On the other hand, there is also an instant speculation on or after important economic data. The basis of the decisions is both fundamentally as well of technical in nature, and of course the factors into its weighting are strongly dependent on the expected period of the plant.

This means that fundamental factors are determinative decision on a speculation for several months. The shorter the speculation focused, technical decision factors are even more important. Chili-assets.de: What is the frequency of trade? C. Eichler: The trade frequency is highly dependent on the General volatility in the markets. These increases, by their very nature increase the short-term sort, accordingly, usually the trade number increases. In the cut can you expect about 50 trades a month. Chili-assets.de: how many target investments be made up at the same time and the maximum total risk of the portfolio has been so far as high? C.

Eichler: There is here no set upper limit. However, experience has shown that rarely more than four investments are made at the same time. The overall risk of the portfolio is in the context of future positions with overnight risk theoretically of course always unlimited. In practice, negative changes in the day about 2% are unlikely. Chili-assets.de: How do you work specifically in relation to the risk and money management at this trading system? C. Eichler: Each position is equipped with a fixed percentage stop, is dependent on the planned duration of an investment. Out longer-term positions have to achieve a balance of the effect of short-term and long-term speculation on the overall result of PP-Warrior A, due to the fewer compared to short-term transactions, a greater risk of individual position.

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Middle Black Forest

Posted by marmara on October 5, 2020

Excursions to the energy-autonomous community of St. Peter, the world’s first passive high off and Freiburg model districts rounded off on the third day for the Congress participants and provide insight into the practical implementation of ideas and concepts. The 2nd Congress of Energieautonome local authorities aimed at representatives of municipalities, Stadtwer-ken, utilities, associations, initiatives and civil society groups, service providers and manufacturers in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency, lawyers as well as economic and management consultant. The organizers are the fesa E.v. and the Agency Enerchange. Learn more about this with Lee Pitts.

Under the patronage of the Congress took over the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg. As a cooperation partner, decentralized energy technologies (deENet), ICLEI, the Climate Alliance, the specialist agency for renewable raw materials, the economic association could the competence network 100 percent, the nature park Sudschwarzwald, the regional cluster GreenCity Freiburg and the Middle Black Forest leader region won be. More information and registration possibility under at registration prior to January 15, 2012 are reduced the fees by 10%. Press contact: For questions, background information, interviews, or a press-accreditation for the Conference you consult Enerchange, Marcus Brian, Tel.: 0761-38 42 10 01, fax: 0761-38 42 10 05, or fesa E.v., Nico Storz, Tel.: 0761-40 73 61,. About the Organizer: Enerchange is an agency for events and information services in the field of renewable energies. Visit Segra Stadium for more clarity on the issue. The range of services the Agency includes the conception and organisation of events, press and public relations for renewable-energy companies and projects, as well as the publishing of information. The fesa E.v.. committed since 1993 with innovative projects, events and offentlichkeitsar-beit successfully for energy transformation. “With his project of Energieautonome communities” he accompanied communities on the way to the sustainable Energy supply.

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