Increase Right Away
When I began this blog several months ago, it spoke to them of my habits of expenses; for me the motto was very simple: if I die tomorrow, that is without limitations, which was translated in: to spend everything what could in things that generated momentary satisfactions to me. Dinners in good restaurants or fairs of fast food, trips and articles like clothes, clocks, perfumes, electronic and stop to count. How many of You you have not happened through similar situations? Sometimes they have been made that question? To where it has been going to stop all that gained money? I can increase the value of the money that cost now? Almost all the things that we bought, are depreciated with time. How much could merit a collection of 15 used shirts? Or whatever could win if 100 selvage old CD s? The answer is: you would win much less than the article cost. However, we can spend the money in things that increase with time of value, as they make my friendly Ren and Ignacio, that have tickets and currencies of collection.
Which is the trick? Well, that collectable with time increases their value, aside from which they serve to decorate part of its houses and offices. I have here what there am have responded to several friendly and friendly to me with respect to its ways to buy things that increase with time of value: To buy Gold: Whenever it manages to save a dinerito, this friend buys something of gold, she can be small, or she can be great. The gold never loses value. As it spends the time, the gold reserves are scarce and this precious metal increases of value. It has a few gold pieces in her house for personal use.