Posted by marmara on November 24, 2011
As the masters of the combustion mixture gazovrzdushnoy slower than benzovozdushnoy due to the composition – a more homogeneous. Therefore, a crank mechanism does not threaten the rapid wear. In a gas, no lead and sulfur, which destroy parts. It all helps with the long period of time not to think about the overhaul of the engine. Gas suffers less from the environment. The positive characteristics of the gas make it possible argue that it the best fuel. Many have heard that there are different HBO: HBO 1st generation, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.
Although, it should be noted that this separation is not official. Installers and vehicle owners also unanimously believe that it is more convenient. Gas for cars is available in two versions: in the form of liquefied natural gas – propane and butane in the form of compressed – methane. The cheapness of methane is reduced to zero its volume, and hence the weight. Because of them in the trunk is virtually no free space. In addition, the cost of the equipment under methane – above. Propane and butane – is mineral oil.
16 atm – the pressure required for liquefaction and storage of the gas. HBO includes such components as: switches, tanks, mixer, multivalve, solenoid, gear '_mce_rel =' nofollow 'onclick =' javascript: _gaq.push ('_trackPageview', '/ outgoing/article_exit_link/4080691');' href =''> reducer' > '> HBO gear. Gas equipment can not do without maintenance. Masters recommend 10 000 km to visit the service station. The procedure involves cleaning the outside of nodes, draining the condensate from the gearbox, checking connections, control of HBO. Every 20 thousand miles, other than those listed above works, in addition purified gas valve and replace the filter. Some gas precarious. And often in a completely made-up reasons. First reason – it is unsafe gas. But more dangerous is it than gasoline? And the petrol and gas are fuel. So by the explosion are the same. In each case, a prerequisite for the explosion could be delayed passage of maintenance. That is, if you'll spend time checking everything is in order. In addition, remember that the fuel tank is made of fairly thin material, as opposed to gas cylinders. Well LPG compared to gasoline is less flammable. Whoever made the decision to install gas equipment can be use one of two options: install it yourself or entrust it to the masters. Generally, HBO with their own hands – it's not too hard. But at the end of the installation will need to run through the appropriate authorities, necessary because more testing equipment, and later made the repair of HBO with their own hands. The original masters of the same treatment to the company concerned will relieve you from all of the 'joys'. First advantage of this treatment – the warranty (free maintenance), the second advantage – something that does not need to worry about checking HBO, because such firms in this type of work has a license.
Posted by marmara on November 9, 2011
Before purchasing party consult a stone in our company. We are also gathering and production of decorative stones are different products (tops, boxes, tables, pictures, backgammon, puzzle, writing utensils, stone bowls, window sills and etc.). Here are some indisputable advantages of natural stone in relation to artificial and other materials: stone 1.Naturalny eco-friendly, it emits no harmful fumes when exposed to high temperatures. Natural Stone also possesses antibacterial properties. 2. Natural stone is durable and reliable. 3.
Finish with natural stone facade is an excellent protector of the house from harsh weather conditions and temperature changes during winter through zero. In the summer of natural stone facade serves as a protective shield from the sun, and the house does not overheat. In winter, natural stone is an additional energy-saving insulation layer cake at home. 4. Simplicity processing and installation of natural stone reduces the work on the facade.
5. Facing natural stone facades ennobles the house, giving each individual species. In the artificial stone has only one undisputed Plus, it's weight. The remaining arguments of the companies with artificial stone are considered far-fetched. Companies producing artificial stone too nice paint their products, using black PR. Natural stone has never loses its color after years. Artificial stone, in turn, loses color after an average of 3 years. Do not paint on the sunny side will be lost within 5-6 years. The paint used to color artificial stone in any case will fade on the sunny side of the house, can not cheat nature, as opposed to the buyer. Can not but agree that the first time (a year or two) at home, faced with artificial stone, look beautiful and expensive, but every 2 years to change 'Skin' of the facade or the cap is really becoming too expensive for the budget. Questionable arguments about the poor sellers colors of natural stone and have no place to be. Nature – is the best artist and producer of finishing materials for cottage construction. If you want you can arrange delivery any stone color that will not lose color when after many years, as opposed to artificially created materials. Your home, land, restaurant would be more comfortable, will acquire a natural warmth and personality, if you're using in the finishing of natural stone. We supply natural stone to the Russian market directly to a career, not intermediaries. We do not use of lease sites for the increased cost of our products. Because of this, we can offer rock by 10-20% cheaper than other companies. If you have employees who have completed installation of the stone, we are happy to assist you in This is not an easy choice.
Posted by marmara on November 9, 2011
Strip foundations, the most popular type of foundation for low-rise dwellings. Build a better foundation for light structures and on the ground with a high density. We list the following design strip foundations: block, solid reinforced concrete, brick or monolithic composite monolithic block. These foundations can be recessed (60-110cm) or melkozaglublennymi (20-50 cm). Externally, the foundation looks like a ribbon reinforced tape, which is placed around the perimeter of the building and under all load-bearing interior walls. Of these types of foundations we have, the most practical and best-cast tape is foundation, so we tell about it in this article. Construction work for the foundation to begin digging trenches and markings.
The depth of the trench depends on several parameters: the stability of soil, depth of freezing and weight of the structure being built. Typically, the depth of 60-80 cm Width make trenches for the walls should be 40-50cm. At the bottom of the pit makes a bed of gravel and sand about 10 cm and thoroughly compacted it. Reinforcement of monolithic foundation is a fairly simple process. At the pre-installed on the bottom of the bricks going reinforcement cage of twigs with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Bricks are laid on two of the rod with a space from the walls to 10 cm. These include, at a distance of 50 cm, reinforcing bar and the support legs.
Then they record the two upper longitudinal reinforcing rod and fasten them cross. To assemble the formwork is taken low-grade 25mm thick board. From this board first collected shields size. Take into account that part of the casing above the ground must be at least 35 centimeters. Then collect the billboards in the solid box in place. Concrete for the foundation can be made directly to construction site, and can be ordered with a mobile mixer concrete plant. The second option is preferable because factory quality concrete above. To fill the entire basement of the fortress to perform better in one day. Concrete is poured, vibrator rammed and covered with polyethylene. By the erection of walls better to start better in two weeks. Construction company "Holiday station."
Posted by marmara on November 4, 2011
Probably I should clarify that this international organization? Under the definition of 'international organization' should be understood as follows. In short, the international organization – a community that is formed thanks to the agreement, which entered the citizens of several countries. There are an intergovernmental nature – this is the case when international agreements are made at government level. There are many non-state organizations. These communities connect people from different countries on the basis of scientific activities of various kinds, the most incredible enthusiasm for the economic platform and the like. Upon the expiration of a period of formation of new international organizations to cease to exist the old. However, there are associations that have been working a long period of time, and that significantly affect many important events on Earth.
Large role in the life of the vast majority of countries in the world are the OPEC, Interpol, EU, WTO, Greenpeace, NATO, UN and various other similar organizations. Know all the international organizations, leading his activity at this time to all corners of the globe, there is no need. For the overall development is enough information about the most influential international communities. With the advent of the Internet to look for the right information was very easy – just write the query in the search bar. But, generally, shows quite a lot of answers – have to iterate through sites in search of relevant information. In the popular Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia (ru. you can get much information in the most unexpected subjects. But many sections Wikipedia contain inaccurate information, at least at the opening of the section receive the same warning.
Enough in good faith from time to time updated information is available here on this website ( Information about the international community on this site is selected a whole section. This site it is possible to use on an ongoing basis educational purposes. All the while there are also new resources and portals – progress is not in place, particularly noticeable on the Internet.