Posted by marmara on April 20, 2012
That is, ' ' como' ' of the creation of the knowledge in the company, of the structures and you practise of them that they transform the innovative vision of the company into technologies and products. The redundancy is important because it encourages to the constant dialogue and the communication. This aid to create one ' ' cognitiva base comum' ' between the employees and consequently it facilitates the transference of tacit knowledge. A time that the members of the organization share overlapped information, them can feel what the others are trying to articulate. The redundancy also spreads the new explicit knowledge through the organization, in order that it can be internalizado by the employees. Ahead of all the information and depositions of successes of the Japanese companies, I observe that the learning process it is strong on the culture of this people. Being able to be adapted inside of any organization, since that, the high administration if plans and creates strong bonds next to organizacional culture of its establishment. When I make an analogy the companies of which I have knowledge in Brazil I see one of the biggest barriers for the management of the knowledge here still is the communication enters all inside the hierarchic levels of the organizations. Total bureaucratic companies who do not evaluate opinions of its you collaborate of the laboring classroom. Destroying any attempt of participation of the classrooms less favored of the organization and undeserving the confidence of who really produces and guarantees if the company the delivery of its products inside of skillful time. Ahead of such facts, I see that many Brazilian companies must change its participativas concepts of management for management where ' ' good idias' ' independent of the hierarchic level that came is used to advantage and creating one I tie between company and collaborator in search of the success of both the parts, in search of the support of the business.
Posted by marmara on April 20, 2012
It was verified from the verbal stories, that the manifestations politics of the aboriginal peoples need to use alternatives to guarantee the recognition of its cultural expressions. Usually if they present in character events politician, making use of traditional accessories, such as cocar, the penalties and with the bodies spotted. Some communities had never had this custom, but is used of this scheme to legitimize the indian created by the national society and to guarantee the visibility of its demands. Such fact if ahead makes necessary of the constant behaviors of positivao of rights in the dynamics Brazilian politics that if pautam only for the rules instituted for the society of not-indians, in which the performance if makes to the default of the greaters interested in the formularization of the legal apparatuses: the proper indians and its communities (SAINTS, 2009). 5.Aspectos Aboriginal Contemporaries front to the positivao and efetivao of rights Although the disposals elucidated in articles of the Constitution Citizen of 1988, what he verifies yourself in the contemporaneidade still makes jus to the happened conflicts of the Brazilian colonial context, express potentially from middle of century 19, moment this where the European interest for the land headings was raised in result of the undisputed influences of perpetuation of the capitalist dynamics. As the effective CF, the lands aboriginals are of property of the Union and inalienable ownership of the indians. Added to this disposal, is still verified a disposal of International, present character in the International Organization of the Work? OIT, that it brought up to date in 2004 the previous Convention, of number 107? representative of the first international legal instrument conceived specifically with the objective to protect the aboriginal rights? by means of the Convention of number 169. This if presents in respect to the ethnic-cultural diversity of the aboriginal peoples, and guarantees the social institutions, politics, economic and cultural of the same ones.
Posted by marmara on April 11, 2012
And it is the active promotion is a confirmation of the existence of the child as an individual as a value, as a significant phenomenon in family life. To test this hypothesis, we surveyed parents about what forms of promotion used in the home, or rather, for that. And once again divided them into two groups. First, we classified those who praise the child for only the visible achievements – for what he has learned something, made a good deed, he learned zashnurovyvat boots, poured into a bowl of water the dog, etc. The second group were those parents who do not limit themselves to express their admiration for the child – as if reason and without any reason just because he's so good that it they have, they are proud and happy, even if it does not make any exploits. Analyzing the results, we have a lot surprised. The connection between the lack of permanent emotional promotion and aggressiveness was much stronger than we expected, and this applies to both boys and girls, although girls are still sensitive to the form of punishment, and lack of promotion. Unemotional parents, spiritual emptiness, in which the child lives, is much more powerful stimulant of aggression than the harsh punishment – at this conclusion it is worth considering for many! Hence, the child may survive if it strictly, sometimes unfairly punished, because in this case it did notice, is isolated as a figure from the background normal family life.
If he does not get unmotivated promotion, it is perceived and experienced as a non-confirmation of its existence at all, which is subjectively the strongest punishment. All told, incidentally, applies to our adult relatives – in fact in the soul of every living small child. So, try to look closely at those around us, let us remember that inattention is a penalty, and as everyone's favorite singing Okudzhava, 'Let's talk to each other compliments!'. Source: Family Portal
Posted by marmara on April 11, 2012
The task of cleaning of exclusion under the power lines has been and remains relevant. Cleared strip of overgrown quickly. Within a few years need to re-clearing. Perform clean-up in various ways. The simplest and most obvious – tree cutting by hand and their further processing. One of the advantages of this method – the ability to handle hard to reach places. However, manual cleaning is required to repeat enough often (usually every 2-3 years).
In addition, because a large proportion of manual labor productivity in this case is very low. Quality of the work depends on the integrity of the perpetrators, so it is often lame. When applying this method remains the question of processing felled trees and bushes. If this issue is not addressed – that there is an unpleasant situation. Vegetation is cut away and stored in piles that lie for years. In hot pile of dry wood are the perfect environment for wildfires.
Now the problem has become urgent cleaning such debris. The optimum method of processing the wood – chopping at the wood chips. This is done as a rule, by disk chippers, mounted on a tractor. Operate the machine from boma tractor. Can be equipped with hydraulic feed, as well as its own hydraulic system. Cleaning of exclusion and power lines used chemical method. It also allows you to work in inaccessible locations. However, the use of herbicides is not always acceptable. In particular, near the settlements, water, pastures can be dangerous. Possible poisoning chemistry both animals and humans. Sufficiently progressive method of cleaning – the use of shredder (wood chipper), such as Seppi M. They allow you to quickly and accurately processed by large land area. With their help it is possible cleaning as shrubs and medium-sized trees. Depending on the model Mowers able to handle timber with a diameter of 30-50 cm, however, work on large-diameter timber is inefficient. Installed on Mowers different kinds of tractors. Certain models, such as Miniforst, can work on tractors MTZ-82. Larger crusher requires a more powerful tractor.