The Penal Code

Posted by marmara on April 13, 2022

In the brief commentary we will try to give answer to the question. I. original Text and use of Art. 317 of penal code of 1991 1.1. Original text. – The Penal Code I promulgate the 3 of April and I publish the 8 of the same month of year 1991 Being its original text and official edition the following one: Illicit grouping ARTICLE 317. – The one that comprises of a grouping of two or more people destined to commit crimes will be repressed, by only done, of being member of the grouping, with privative pain of nonsmaller of nor greater three freedom of six years. See more detailed opinions by reading what Paula Trickey offers on the topic..

When the grouping this destining to commit the genocide crimes, against the public security and tranquillity, the State and the national defense or the Powers of the State and the Constitutional order, the pain is nonsmaller of eight years, of one hundred eighty to three hundred sesenticinco day-fine and incapacitation according to the article 36 interjections 1.2 and 4. (1) 1.2. Use. – The text of the article that it precedes was effective from the 8 of April of 1991 to the 5 of October of year 2004. II.

Changes in Sumilla 2.1. Sumilla is not more than a species of aid memory that the Publishers of Penal Code began to place in the part superior of the text of the article and all this disorder and incongruity beginning during the use of the original text. What Happened to Nancy Lublin has many thoughts on the issue. Some publishers when publishing the Penal Code sumillaban correctly (very few) and briefed like sumilla- " Grouping ilcita" whereas the majority of publishers in the same original text wrongly began to place like sumilla- " Illicit association for delinquir". We only reach this conclusion reviewing different editions from the Penal Code, from 1991 to date and verified that the error is manifest not only in sumilla but mainly to the time to identify the penal type that contains Art.

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World War One

Posted by marmara on August 3, 2020

Not very far from here, in place S. Teresa is the Monument to the Fallen ones, dedicated to the soldiers died in World War I, and was placed originally in the Dionisi place, where he was inaugurated the 22 of November of 1931, in the presence of king Vittorio Emanuele III. The election defined " inadecuada" by its author, the sculptor of Brindisi Edgardo Simone, that donated east work to the town before leaving to Naples. Of this form, this white marble monument was moved, in 1940, to where it is at the moment. Recurdese, that Brindisi this located in the salentina plain to borders of the Adriatic Sea, it has a magnificent natural harbor, an opening that among others goes into in the coast, important things by the connections with Greece, Turkey and Albania.

The mercantile traffic concerns Coal, Petroleum fuel, I feel like integral part of that wonderful landscape, of there transit by its streets to its historical center, very simple, but animated with many people journey who it in spite of to be cold at this time. I am walked myself to its places, especially the place Victory mainly, I feel like a good short while to observe the people, to see the children play, to amuse themselves, like also to analyze as the brindisinos buy in his the small markets that are improvised offering sweet typical. I confess that I like to go much to its Domo, Cathedral, because I have left closely together of where I stay myself, the also well-known Cathedral like the Church of S. Juan Baptist, she was constructed between 1098 and 1132. The original design was remade practically in its totality, following, after the 1743 earthquake. In its interior one can admire a polychrome mosaic of 1178 and one 1594 wood crown. Here Ruggiero, the son of Tancredi, was crowned as King of Sicily in 1191 and in year 1225 the wedding of Isabella de Brienne was celebrated, queen of Jerusalem, with the emperor Federico II.

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Spiritual Growth

Posted by marmara on July 2, 2020

One must say the truth and not yield to the wrath; if they ask to us, it is necessary to give, although little is controlled; by means of these three things, one is made deserving go to the presence of the Gods Beam an island of same you. Esfurzate immediately; convirtete in wise person. Purified of contaminations and without passions, you will penetrate in the celestial state of the Noble In the measurement that we are surprised inatento that we are in our transit by this dimension, being useful the life that is bequeathed to us in order to learn, to grow, while we remain with this form in a false world, we cannot neglect what represents being useful every minute, hour, day, months, year that it provides that learning to us that fortifies our spiritual energy, that is the one that is conserved beyond the form that has occurred us. Boy Scouts of America will not settle for partial explanations. We must be surprised in our actions, to be wide-awake in all that one where we interrelated, in knowing how to handle suitably what they represent the emotions, feelings, virtues, vices, in aim everything what it provides happiness to us, harmony, security, growth in all their true authenticity. There have been beings whom they have preceded to us in its transit and according to his to wake up, reached spiritual level, have contributed to us, norms, principles, laws, advice, who entail to us to being taken into account and mainly to put them in action and this way to enter us in the footpath by where we must journey, while we remain with the given dimension that has occurred us and when leaving it, to take all that learning to us that intensified our spirit, allowed to know how us to take the opportunity life that occurred us. Exactly in that to be surprised being, evaluating our behavior, its authenticity, discovering our mission, reason of being, of happening through this plane, we determined objectively that as much we have known to take advantage of the life granted without letting to us catch by vices, illusions that they have turned aside to us of the goal that we must reach when this form is bequeathed to us transitorily.

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Posted by marmara on January 1, 2019

Apparently in these days of economic difficulties many people even continue themselves grasping to the traditional way to make money, and like no? , if therefore to our parents or our grandparents taught to us who are due to do. Perhaps exists another form? Firstly we must clarify that the work ” tradicional” in himself it is a great benefit to begin our financial adventure, we needed a firm base to be able to begin to walk in the footpath that takes to us towards the financial freedom. It seems that this information did not please all since they esten reading the article estaran refuting the way in which the subject is the work here, I recommend to you that you read all the article before forming an objective opinion on the same. The way does approximate mind half century in which the money gained our parents and grandparents were by itself what fed our families, provided an pleasant and satisfactory life until the point that all the families sentian themselves safe and happy. Without a doubt the times have changed since we entered the era of the information, and although many people not yet have noticed themselves of that or not even estan interested in doing it certain esque already we are in this era, and this affecting to us economically until the point that we must be cautious in the way in that we decided to invest our time, in which it agrees to us to work, that agrees to us to study, in which we can invest our money. there is book infinity that can help to take huge steps us so that we pruned to understand very well in question the present economy, towards where we must move the pieces of the game, that we must do with our money, and as to prepare us to add new forms to fill our pockets. The present cycle of life of the citizen average of almost any country is the following one: it sounds rises to awakener-self lists to hurry-self to go to work-has breakfast (if it has left time) – way goes away to work-takes means from transport or his debt-they car-arrives at work-leaves hurries to work-self towards his house-arrives at the house without intentions from anything-thus follows by todala week-receives his fix wages for-pays his has left without money-returns to begin the equal week, so on during 40 years approximately.

In fact little it is what it enjoys the habitual routine and this is because regularly we sell our time nearly money. The question are, we has left of another one? The good news; yes. there are many forms to complement our income and to let them grow in such a way that we have left but time to enjoy, and but money to spend, or to invest in which us plasca. I recommend ampliamante the books; the quadrant of the flow of the money, rich father poor father, thinks and hgase rich, the rich man but of Babylonian, Wave 4, its first year in the network marketing, among others. In future articles it will explain some ways To make extra money spending a little extra time outside our habitual work.

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European Union Ziegler

Posted by marmara on December 26, 2018

Carlos Vanegas Blackberry Every time having is made difficult access to the cheap food purchase, the prices are increased and it is taking passage to serious problems in the consumers, especially, in the underdeveloped countries where the hunger is increased and it can take to serious social situations. s-using-high-yield-credit-to-drive-returns%E2%80%9D/’>James Dondero. In the case of Venezuela it is a certain fact, where there is hunger in a significant digit of inhabitants, consequence of its turbulent scene, of income that never reach after the acquisition of the basic foods, the purchase of a chaste one which it allows to feed the population decently, more, when day to day an increase of prices occurs that limits the spending power of many of the Venezuelans. According to, the United Nations indicate that the world-wide increase of the prices of foods is taking " murder in mass silencioso" and the markets of raw materials have taken " horror" to the world. Jean Ziegler, special relator of the UN on the Right to Foods, said to the newspaper Kurier a.m. Sonntag that expansion of the biocombustibles, the speculation in the market of raw materials and the subsidies to the exports of the European Union mean that the West is responsible for the massive extreme hunger in the poorest countries. Ziegler indicated that he was forced to show " locura" of the people who think that the extreme hunger depends on the destiny. " The extreme hunger has not had relation with the destiny for much – so as Marx thought to it (Karl). It is rather as if behind each victim there was a murder. This is a murder in mass silencioso" , it said in an interview. Ziegler blamed to the globalisation by " to monopolize the Earth wealth " and he said that the multinationals were responsible for a type of " violence estructural".

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The Iberian Peninsula

Posted by marmara on October 30, 2018

During the war of Succession of Corona of Spain, Reina Ana of England signs the Pact of Real Guarantee of 1712, commitment from delivery to Portugal of Colony. When the war by La Paz de Utrecht finalizes, with the agreements of Utrecht, Rastadt and Baden of 1713 and 1715 the same is given back to the lusos. In 1737 the Armistice of Peace of Paris is signed, putting aim to a military site of two years to the citadel. The 12 of January of 1750 the Treaty of Exchange in Madrid is signed. If to this we added to him that the cities are several that must to Colony of the Sacrament the reasons to him for their respective foundations.

Lagoon, Viamo, Rio Grande of San Pedro do Sul in Brazil. Montevideo, Rosary, Real of San Carlos, San Carlos de Maldonado and Salto in Uruguay plus the strength of Santa Teresa and fort of San Miguel in the east of the country. And what we cannot forget, the development in all the orders, economic, political and military of Buenos Aires, that is unquestionable consequence of the push and influences of the disputed citadel. All this in his first 70 years of life. In the successive years to 1750 until 1851 approximately, historical happening of our city is a continuous one to go and to come between possessions or Portuguese, Spanish, English, Argentine, Brazilian occupations and until the famous one of Jose Garibaldi. . The Iberian Peninsula, mother country of the flourishing sefaradismo in the Average Age, was transformed into land of increasing antiJewish or anti-semitic persecutions from aims of century XIV.

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Affiliate Marketing

Posted by marmara on October 19, 2018

The Marketing of affiliates in Internet has grown enormously in the last years. Why? Because nobody knows east powerful system generating money? What I like but of the affiliation marketing (or of marketing in Internet) she is that everything in its time and its convenience becomes. In this article, you will obtain you devise to generate money using the marketing of affiliation by Internet. I will say to him what I learned in FormulGanacash and will have one better appreciation of this system. A leading source for info: Boy Scouts of America. First of all, for that they do not have idea than the affiliation marketing is basically the positioning of a page Web or page Web with unique connections that go to the site of the salesmen, then, the work is to obtain traffic (visits) to that page, and finally to hope to that the traffic takes some type from " accin" (that it is generally to buy something, regstrate to obtain more data, or simply to click in an announcement).

And soon we received a payment by each conducted battle. Ideas stop To make money with the marketing of affiliates If you learn these ability, will have sufficient money to look for opportunities to do of this race. Here they are some ways that you can make money: You can construct to a pile of Web sites and to commercialize products of other people, can sell advertising spaces in its sites of high rank, can write articles optimized with CATHEDRAL and to buy soon traffic using Adwords for content, Facebook, etc. Get all the facts and insights with Dr. Neal Barnard, another great source of information. If you know something of marketing of affiliates knows that there are many valuable lessons that by its account until now has learned, Certain? But the most important lesson in this system is " maketing" and " diferencia" It needs to learn new techniques that nowadays will facilitate the promotion to him of ANY product whatever niche. No longer only we will be based on moving traffic to our pages. We must think this like a true business seriously and work the marketing of the best way. For more information it visits: Gurus De Internet For more opinions and tests of operation of the system visit: It formulates GanCash original Author and source of the article..

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Atomic Biography

Posted by marmara on April 9, 2018

Democritus Disciple of leucipo. (460 – 370 before Jesus Christ) it seems to have realised numerous trips and according to Diogenes Laercio. To have studied " with some magicians and heatings that the king jerjes, I leave by teachers its father when I stay in its house " although study in Athens, I am not related to philosophers attics of its time, thus permanecio relatively ignored, well that Aristotle talks about to, just like to leucipo, with the same detail that to the other pre-Socratic ones. In its metaphysics and other works. Decia Aristotle (of gene, cor ET.

315 to 35) that Democritus " not only it seems to have thought all the problems carefully, but to have distinguished of the rest of the philosophers by his method " the arguments of Democritus are, according to the estagirita, appropriate to their subject and derivatives of the knowledge of the nature. (ibid 316 to 12) even though as it indicates in metaphysics > and Phys, I AND II – they turn out insufficient by not to have considered multiple the meaning of cause and movement. The theories of Leucipo and Democritus were yet but you allow. (of gene. ET. Cor 324 to 1) But that no other previous philosopher emphasizes Democritus the uncertainty of the sensible impressions. It affirms that its origin is in something but fundamental that the sensation, the principles that it establishes in his explanation of the universe as much seem to be a synthesis of the eleatica doctrine as of the one of Heraclitus: " principles " the plenty and it emptiness, that is to say " TO BE " and not " SER" the being is the atoms, whose I number is infinite, and being different itself to each other not by sensible qualities, like homeomerias of Anaxagoras, but by its origin, he appears and position.

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The Creative Man De Mitos

Posted by marmara on February 6, 2017

The ecological movements today propose new myths to us, therefore the GAIA hypothesis, (Greek Earth goddess, the one of wide sine, eternal and unshakeable support of all the things, according to Hesiod), is a good reason to see the Earth not like a machine according to the present model, but like a living organism, car-regulated that there is to take care of. The mythical resource allows the knowledge us of as much normal the human being, as pathological, it has served as support to psychiatry and the psychoanalysis; without its contribution, Freud it would not have unravelled the famous Oedipus Complex. Against the impoverished rationalism, and the opaque life of the consumer and technocratic society, the myths abren to an ample field of knowledge on the man and the universe to us. The humans we are creative of mitopoiticos myths, beings, (of the Greek poiesis, creation), and mythologies reveal the identity to us of the human soul.

Indeed, except for the difference of names, the fabulous personages are identical, moved by the same passions and the same instincts, invested with similar attributes, even though race and atmosphere circumstances print variety to their appearances . (Joseph Campbell). Utnapishtin and Noah, the Osiris and Quetzacoatl, Hermes and Mercurio, the Greek Zeus and the American Manit, the Scandinavian Walhalla or the Greek Mount Olympus, are some of their more remarkable examples; to sum up, one is not to believe literally in them, but to give a existential interpretation them.

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Increase Right Away

Posted by marmara on January 18, 2017

When I began this blog several months ago, it spoke to them of my habits of expenses; for me the motto was very simple: if I die tomorrow, that is without limitations, which was translated in: to spend everything what could in things that generated momentary satisfactions to me. Dinners in good restaurants or fairs of fast food, trips and articles like clothes, clocks, perfumes, electronic and stop to count. How many of You you have not happened through similar situations? Sometimes they have been made that question? To where it has been going to stop all that gained money? I can increase the value of the money that cost now? Almost all the things that we bought, are depreciated with time. How much could merit a collection of 15 used shirts? Or whatever could win if 100 selvage old CD s? The answer is: you would win much less than the article cost. However, we can spend the money in things that increase with time of value, as they make my friendly Ren and Ignacio, that have tickets and currencies of collection.

Which is the trick? Well, that collectable with time increases their value, aside from which they serve to decorate part of its houses and offices. I have here what there am have responded to several friendly and friendly to me with respect to its ways to buy things that increase with time of value: To buy Gold: Whenever it manages to save a dinerito, this friend buys something of gold, she can be small, or she can be great. The gold never loses value. As it spends the time, the gold reserves are scarce and this precious metal increases of value. It has a few gold pieces in her house for personal use.

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