Alice Hospital Foundation
Rollout: Alice hospital in Darmstadt – service redefined Berlin, 16.08.2012 – August 2012 Darmstadt through digital patients and visitors of the Alice hospital the multifunctional 3D-Wegleit-and information system Guide3D to all important destinations. Get more background information with materials from David Bershad. The orientation on the complex terrain ensures user-friendly so locally, on the Internet and on any mobile device. Manfred Fleck, public relations/marketing of the Alice Hospital Foundation the modern 3D-Informationssystem enhances the quality of our service at the highest level. It designed from the outset as pleasant as possible. the stay of our over 100,000 patients and visitors” Features and benefits at the main entrance of the Alice Hospital welcomes the visitors a touch-enabled kiosk system with a large 3D-Gelandeubersicht, a choice of 12 languages, and the ability to activate the mode of barrier-free navigation, stairs in the way management to avoid. In urgent cases, such as during emergencies, the quick links allow promptly and accurately to the Pictures to arrive.
In two search groups are physicians and destinations A-Z”listenhaft listed. Narrows the sophisticated search function not only targets, letters and sequences are highlighted – the user finds the “CPU, chest pain unit” or also the “surgery” for example by typing “Ch”. Intelligent representation of the 3D-Wegleitsystem shows the way to 181 destinations as three dimensional top view (bird’s eye) of five starting points and provides information about distance and duration. The guidance takes place within the main buildings (indoor), as well as on the hospital premises (outdoor). Before the actual navigation begins, will be highlighted in an overview of the target building, then captured the main perspective of the routing. The dynamic behavior of the camera optimizes the representation presenting the navigation with a higher speed and a larger field of view in the outdoor area. Indoor is zoomed to a few meters up and the playback speed, reduced to read including the room numbers.