Amputated Experience
After all the oldness is lived deeply of well personal form for each individual. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. The quality of life also is presented reduced in diabetic with bigger amputations (TENNVALL, 2000). However, incapacitated people can have good quality of life when they exceed limits and they obtain balance between mind, body and spirit (ALBRECHT, 1999). Feelings versus inferior Amputation of extremities ' ' According to CHINIZ; BOEMER (2007) to live deeply an amputation implies in experience marked for biopsicossociais alterations, cultural spirituals and, repleta of stigmata, decurrent of the deficiency installed and feelings the feelings generated in aged with amputation of extremities inferior proceeding from diabetic foot. Rodrigues, LS. ; Cardenas, CJ. diverse, convergent and divergent, that if interlaces and if they join all forming one. It is an experience consisting of feelings that if confuse, being permeada for the reason, that the surgery visualizes as necessary, and the emotion that not accepted perda' '.
Coming close itself to the amputation, while phenomenon, is perceived that it can be, to the eyes of lives deeply who it, good and bad, glad and sad, happy and unhappy, easy and difficult. They coexist, in one same scene, opposing, but joined sensations and feelings between itself. How, then, to consider good a surgery that is mutilante and takes the so important alterations in the life of the human being and its family? This experience becomes amena the measure that is perceived, for the amputated person, as source of hope for the return to the life, to continue living, as be-there-knot-world, singular in its wills and its desires. In the case of the patients acometidos for problems vascular, the definitive relief of pain reveals as something with priority (LINCK, 2009). Pain is desconfortante, insuportvel, sad and limitante e, at this moment, any attempt to alliviate/to eliminate pain well is seen, exactly that it costs the loss of a part of the body.