Electronics Audio
Synonyms if necessary can be found in the Dictionary of Russian synonyms, and similar expressions within the meaning of "and" Short dictionary of synonyms. " Chances are that it is one of the advertiser's Alias on demand is precisely that, in fact, is the main objective of the company. In addition, the company can use the names of firms and models because the user can enter just such a term. The campaign can be taken and professional terminology, such as escort, the terms "concrete" and "concrete products" abbreviated "reinforced concrete" on which could easily search for a professional. In addition, it makes sense to use different parts of speech with one root, for example, the phrase "Furniture Store" appropriate to add a combination of "furniture store." It should also be aware of common misspellings and typical spelling. For example, Brand VolksWagen may be subject to search as "Volkswagen" and "Volkswagen" and the term "yogurt" may look like "egurt", "iogurt" and "yorgut. Should take into account Compound words, such as the word "metal" can be written and with a space – metal tiles. " Do not use common words such as "equipment", "kitchen", "furniture".
In their place, it makes sense to use more precise terms – "copiers", "Oriental Cuisine, furniture manual work. " In addition to all of the above, there is also a highly efficient service selection according to the company Yandex, with which the advertiser will be easier to find the appropriate "hand column. Work with this service is extremely simple and convenient – you want only to introduce the term for which you want to find keywords. By this term, a list of combinations, in which he introduced. In addition, a list terms, along with which to search user-entered the service word or phrase. Next to each query is displayed the predicted number to display the resource advertiser per month, subject to the use of this specific request as a "hand column. Additional operators of the system of selection "hand column" are "-", "()" and , +. Operator "-" will exclude from the list of queries that contain both called "negative keywords".
If you want to find all queries relating to the term "car repair" and will be introduced "car repair-book", then from the final list of requests will be deleted all the "hand column, containing the word "book", for example, books on car repair. " Operators "()" and used for inclusion of terms of options. For example, if you will be searching for "Electronics (audio video) (LG JVC), then the result will be displays all requests that meet the following "hand column:" audio electronics lg , Electronics Video lg , Electronics Audio jvc , Electronics Video jvc . Operator of the "plus" is used to enable the search queries that contain ignored by search engines prepositions or conjunctions. If you want to find a query that exactly fits the description of "lights for bmw and did not get the result for "lights bmw, it is necessary to refine the data by the operator forced the inclusion of "+" – "+ lights for bmw. By combining these three operators can significantly improve the result of the search.