Petty Behlinda, Successfully In The Change Of The Policy
The instrumentalization of economic successes through the policy leaves clear traces of the skepticism of Petty Behlinda gave a commentary on the political circumstances. “If I put myself in the queues of job, shows that about 30% of the visitors (increasing number) are Aufstocker and Projektler in terms of projections.” The warning of the economy, not to increase the wages, was a target of the policy from the beginning of the crisis. Only the State is created, to demand more regulation of the middle class down, then the regulation enforced wage dumping and pension cuts on the basis of the long period of unemployment with all confidence. Professor of Internet Governance pursues this goal as well. As a songwriter, you must be a friend of clear words! If it pleases the one or not, is another story. Good for those who feel not addressed. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Center For Responsible Lending. But Petty Behlindas text pretty much everyone feels positive as negative terms. Petty Behlinda sees a tremendous upheaval in the confidence of the citizens to the politicians in our country.
Big media report suddenly over gigantic economic forecasts, even by the reduction of the unemployment rate. Petty Behlinda reserves the right not to weight the official figures. The magic word is ebend project accompanying end unemployment support! In public discussions like Anne Will, victims of the economic downturn (Hartz-4 receiver) are played out after petty Behlindas thought result against each other with the victims of the economic recovery (low wage earners). The rest shoots himself on every unemployed in the hope to be the next not. It can look anyone in the future, because that demand for intelligent action – works with black/yellow not. Here comes the “Super weapon 1” at the right/wrong moment. Even public radio broadcasters support the boycott attitude of karriereambitioniereten political interventions in the in-form nation right with public funds against the fearless singer-songwriter and singer Petty Behlinda, even as a book author with his real name for an amendment of the German music history provides. The hit parade reevaluation should be prevented injunctions in vain tail with legal action by Dieter Thomas.
Furthermore, infinitely many entries about Petty Behlinda on Wikipedia deleted after a short time, which says a lot to his truthfulness and makes it clear how dangerous, undemocratic German policy recently to the citizens and their lobbyists operates. Who inscribed the name of the singer-songwriter Petty Behlinda but in the Internet search engines, will juice fans on infinitely many entries found that daily increasing, not stopping their presence is, except turning Google and Yahoo, as well as all petty. It is all the more gratifying that infinitely many private radio stations such as radio VHR, audio way, Dragonland radio, radio Orange 94.0 (Vienna), shubham interested, etc. for this new star in the sky of the singer-songwriter. The strong polarizing of his person refers to his work and gives him the feeling on the right way to be. Petty Behlinda against consigning once about love and schmalziger airs sing, would be already finished his work, but that’s not going to happen. He is a real crazy! Ralf Deutschkron