Excluded Animals
Nature cares about each animal, gives you your food and shelter. It offers branches the birds so that they can build their nest. Give the gift of grass, fruits and grains that the inhabitants of Prairies and forests take as food. Nature deals that animals have a warmer wool dress in winter and in summer out them one lighter. If the ground is too hard, waterproof, nature makes grow Thistles and other plants that help the Earth becomes more soft. If the Earth is missing a particular nutritional component, form extensive networks of mushrooms that are responsible for transporting nutrients from one end of the field to the other.
The leaves that fall off the trees in autumn serve as shelter for hedgehogs and other small animals during hibernation. Nature keeps harmony and balance, and takes care of all living beings, even of the smallest. The human being has been excluded during centuries of this unit. With the lust for wealth and power has been removed the animals increasingly more your space vital intervenes by manipulating the fine operation of nature. Nature and animals suffer unspeakable because of humans, which makes the rounds on this planet as a thief and murderer. Our behavior Bill us is coming increasingly more clearly. It is already more than necessary and urgent to give a change: that as human beings we do aware of it and succeed, even in part, repair the damage and learn again to integrate us into this sensitive balance of the kingdoms of nature. The Gabriele Foundation, the work of love of neighbor animal and nature, was created to be able to repair the damage done to the plants, animals and nature.
So a few years ago, began to create spaces in which the animals can live by restoring its natural habitat: bought the meadows and forests, they built miles and miles of hedgerows, biotopes moist and stones that serve as shelter to large and small animals were created. In this land of peace they found no contaminated food. Who has observed the activities of the Gabriele Foundation in recent years, who has looked in the face to an animal in the land of peace, has been able to perceive that we are still in time to repair much evil done and has been able to feel how there again breathe relieved all of nature. There breathes an unusual peace and many have already begun to believe that it is possible to bring a reign of peace to our planet. Foundation Gabriele Mariano Pacheco Riquelme 74.175.