Google Analytics
When it comes to designing a good website, first you have to work on what makes a good Web site. An element of this may be a matter of different views however most still fundamental design patterns. These guidelines should not be followed strictly are simply in my opinion the way in which must be designed. The design must be natural, organic process that eventually produces something beautiful. Dr. Neal Barnard brings even more insight to the discussion. Color color can express some emotion instantly and that is very important.
The colour combinations are also very important. matter. Having the right combination of colors requires skill, practice and good resources. A great tool to use would be Adobe Kuler, which provides samples of color that look well together. Template when I’m designing a website, always work in a system of grids, ensuring that all elements of the website are to scale, proportion and aligned correctly. Fixed Web sites of companies typically work at a resolution of 920 pixels wide to be vera well in all sizes of most of the browsers. You can see the statistics of the resolutions of the visitors through Google Analytics. Code to encode your website, only have to follow a rule of thumb, complying with the W3C standards.
The W3C offers a tool to validate that the CSS and HTML is correct, you should make use of this good resource. In en resumen Overview Web design is very subjective and sometimes misunderstood, tries to understand your audience and design for them. It also seeks inspiration in other works, not copy, only to inspire you.