Santiago Santillana
13 Peeeeeeeeero, nor do what they should do, there is a thin line enter help them and make them work. 14. Don’t waste time with people who are not entrenable, they noooooo will be successful in the business, with people as This lose your extra time, effort and money up, 15.-don’t complain too much with your up-line whenever you have a problem, be creative and try to solve it yourself, in case that you can not, asks for help to the up-line 16.-you never make false promises, always handles your business in an ethical and professional manner. Never exaggerate the benefits of your product or about your income. It builds confidence.
17 Learn everything that you can to close your company, industry, people successful, your competition. Stay a day. 18 THINK BIG! The world need people who think big, think of big dreams. Thoughts small, produce small results.Nobody puts limits. 19 Stay in direct contact with your new partners, let them know that you are with them, send them an email each time that patrocinene someone and tell them as well that thing are doing. 20. Be enthusiastic! Enjoy and let q everyone to see that you enjoy what you do, they will do the same.
21. When to discover new things about how to make your MLM, share it, recalls that the key of the business is the duplication 22.-keep your business organized. 23 Listen audios, cds, read about network marketing and development staff, this is very important. 24.-Do not let small problems you stop, stay on the positive things and always stay focused on the box. 25. Have fun! people like to be surrounded by people that like to have fun, enjoy the road. I am sure that this list will serve you much. Best regards! Santiago Santillana original author and source of the article.