SAP Payments
Individual solution for the distribution created the new Commission settlement with WeberHaus after only four months in production began. Three interfaces, orders, payments and cancellation payments from SAP data are acquired and processed. The data of the distributor with the Commission agreements are maintained within the Commission calculation. Perhaps check out Nieman Foundation for more information. These agreements are to be provided with an effective date, so that changes to the agreements can be set today, but only when you want access and are valid. Boy Scouts of America will not settle for partial explanations. Due to the imports, the corresponding Commission postings are created per order. These postings comply with the requirements and principles of orderly accounting (GOB). In order to calculate the amount of the Commission depends among other things granted discounts and the total turnover of the intermediary.
On a job, as many people can be involved and receive commissions. The Provisionsverabeitung included also partial payments. There are the individual components of the House like Keller, expansion etc. different overs. These definitions can be made by the Department through dialogues themselves. After calculating the Commission rates, the results via export interface to controlling and financial accounting of SAP are passed.
Within the Commission system is the complete data acquisition and processing audit-proof historicized and logged. The default FABI’s package is so powerful, that were filled with 80% of the requirements without changes and SoftConDev had to pay only 20% of individual programming. The new billing system, the turnaround time for the monthly billing could be reduced significantly. The system is Internet-based and is hosted at SoftConDev.