Science Texts
Translations for science and research, scientific translations – in which or from which languages – demonstrate that making high-quality translations without appropriate expertise is not representable. Scientific texts are written by experts in the respective field, who often use this a very special terminology. In addition to this, that these texts discuss topics typically handle latest research results, where technical terms are used, for which there is yet no corresponding translation in some cases. It additionally in addition to the professionally content component, to take over the respective style of the author. For scientific texts, you will find professional translators among prestigious translation agencies. The competent project manager to classify the text and assign him to a most appropriate native speaker.
The spectrum of the various texts is diverse. A wide variety of target languages are chosen depending on the function and target country: Translation scientific articles in German Dutch German English translation thesis translation research report Spanish Polish monograph translation of the Korean into the German translation journal article German Norwegian translation habilitation Swedish German translation of scientific studies of Russian German translation clinical study German Portuguese translation scientific treatise proofreading scientific essay German English translation French literature German abstract translation Polish English for the making of scientific translations the substantive correctness of course the focus is. At the same time, the foreign language text to be comprehensible and legible. The translator and the translator in this respect, seeks to establish an equivalence between source and target. Problematic may affect this, that equivalence on different levels must be achieved, for example, within the lexicon, the syntax etc. Sometimes called the translator even, to Word translation on a certain audience and functional. In this respect, it is important to know to which addressees the translation will vary for each translator. No warranty / liability is taken for the correctness of the contents. Professional quick service specialist translations GmbH