Sigmund Freud
To finish citations: ' ' Dogs love its friends and bite its enemies, different good of the people, who are incapable to feel love pure and have whenever to mix love and hatred in its relaes.' ' (Sigmund Freud). With these citations and examples regarding the importance of the dogs in our lives, we go what it interests. The society today does not worry in special about the dogs. With the nomadic dogs, with the dogs that are covardemente used, as rent form, to protect houses and lands. It is not worried about the captures made for employees of the city halls, that later ' ' depositam' ' in the municipal kennels, with said the ONGs that if consider to take care of of the abandoned dogs and when they find difficulties to keep them (and it costs expensive) they give up this activity. With the dogs that are presenteados to mimar a child, who later nauseates of the animal poor person and the untied one or abandons in the streets. If it does not worry about the old animals that are played far from its residences.
Or even with people ' ' piedosas' ' that simply they lead for its residences, dogs that find in the streets and running of the time, if come across with a considerable number of animals and they do not obtain to feed them, vaccine them, to desverminar them and to offer conditions reasonable of shelter and comfort. But the society if worries very yes and about what we will see from now: Millionaire leaves US$ 11,3 million for cachorros and US$ 1,6 million for the son; More expensive dog of the world is vendido by R$ 1 million to the Chinese millionaire. Woman spends R$ 300 a thousand more than to mimar cachorros. Hundreds of referring citations to these examples exist. But we go to be alone in these three.