Start Announces: we have launched a free climate winning quiz in which there are to win a brand new, climate-friendly electric bike. Who are we? AIR man-Advisor-portal for climate-friendly action. The policy alone can’t do it. We climate people “act now and help to promote the necessary change. This is done by knowledge and in particular the purchase of climate-friendly products to stimulate the innovation spiral. The Portal provides the necessary tools for this process. Our concept comprises knowledge, presenting and evaluating climate-friendly products, attractive shopping benefits for these products, climate quiz games with attractive climate-friendly profits, various forums and news. A difficult issue is to bring the issue of climate protection to the people.
We want to trigger a movement, a trend with air man and support, which should be fun (instead of to show wag his finger at someone and say “You must now…”). It should be fun, its CO2 emissions to reduce, to seek, to acquire knowledge in our quiz, etc and save some money for cost-efficient, climate-friendly alternatives and products at the consumer. Here the link to the Quiz:… Dr. Gunter Meisinger