Strategic Session

Posted by marmara on August 11, 2015

In the life of every business there comes a point when you want to check their intuitive decisions, to understand whether the company in the right direction, systematically analyze the business, look at it "from outside", ask yourself question "what next?". And many companies are looking more and more modern forms and approaches to strategic planning. Faced with various problems in this work, companies are realizing that operate and grow your business spontaneously, "at random" – is extremely dangerous. Every company needs to meet ever-changing world around them – to seek and develop their own competitive advantages, to set new goals, create new strategy. What happens when there is a strategy only in the mind of the owner and the managers do not know the strategy and can not articulate it to others? What happens when managers are afraid of change and do not know what tomorrow will bring? What happens when a company lives "fire" tasks? The company transformed into a chaotic system, where everyone is trying to survive. Developing such a system? No.

Just a clear vision of the company and clearly formulated a strategy shared by all team members, and help them become self-developing, cohesive and dynamic moving to their targets. In practical terms, the strategy serves as a connecting element, which "glues" the organization, forcing it to act as a unit and brings it into motion. Ambition and perseverance of the company – a definite plus, but not calibrated strategy to achieve high results difficult.

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