Christian Creed
All the articles of the Christian Creed apiam in the revelation Jew-Christian. It is, therefore, the revelation in drops, sufficient to feed the faith of the people of God. He is enough to believe to it the truths disclosed contained in the Creed, its two versions. Hell, purgatrio, limb, soul are not part of the Christian Creed, therefore, they are not faith substance. The Christian Creed does not speak in salvation of the soul, but in resurrection of the meat: the fragility of the entire creation, especially of the human being, meat and bone, with life spiritual. It is not treated to save the soul, but the human being, entire man and woman. It is said in the salvation of the soul for influence of gnose, platonic and neoplatnica philosophy, of maniquesmo, that they divide the human being in body and soul, identifying the body (substance) with the evil and the soul (spirit) with the good.
Being thus, the salvation of the human being consists of disdaining the body and valuing the soul, therefore it will only remain after the death. However, this doctrine is absolutely contrary to the resurrection of the meat, the basic truth of the Christian faith, that includes body and soul, restored for Jesus. The meat is so serious that Jesus assumed it pra to rescue the fragility human being and of the entire creation, not only to save souls. For this, since the incarnation, the Son of God inaugurated the resurrection of the meat, of the pecadora creation, of the human being all, body and soul. For the dualistas philosophers, the soul is dismissable of the body and saved without it. For the faith Jew-Christian, the soul means the human being complete, destined to the eternity, not only? psich? opposing? sarx? (corpse). For the Jew-Christians, soul is ' ' nephesh' ' , opposing ' ' bazar' ' , meat.