Park AG Dog

Posted by marmara on March 14, 2019

In the former cardboard factory in the Berna industrial and services park dancing dogs. On 14 and 15 September 2013 your dog dance held the dog dance troupe ‘DogDance Bern’ tournament. Under the responsibility of the tournament by Christine Szakacs, DogDanc Bern the international DogDance presented tournament in Bern. More than 50 dancers presented the experienced DogDance judges spectacular dog dances with stunning choreography. Regulations which the DDI DogDance international E.v. as a basis for DogDance established tournaments was established after the international DogDance. “According to the regulations of the DogDance International (DDI), DogDance has Bern” under the direction of Christine Szakacs and her team the international DogDance tournament in the former cardboard factory in the Berna industrial and services Park AG “played. Christine and her tireless team of aides had a splendid location, a superb ring and a great sound system.

Many viewers were able to admire the performances of more than 50 DogDance – Starter/innen free of charge. Was well catered for sustenance. The dog-man teams in total harmony is moving with rhythmic sounds or gentle Mozart. Almost seemed to forget that years of training and head work for man and dog go ahead participate in a canine freestyle tournament. “Was launched in the categories DogDance” and Heelwork to music “(footwork / foot positions to the music).

On Saturday, the 14th of September were the professionals (official class) on the series. Here started the seniors, class 1, class 2, the largest dance class 3 and the dancers in Heelwork to music. “On Sunday, the 15th of September I was practice day time”. There, each dancing couple immediately received an oral assessment to the dance after the performance of the judges. What is canine freestyle? If four or more feet and two feet on the dance floors are circling, the hearts of dog fans beat faster. A team of dog and man turns, jumps and runs to the music and delighted the audience with great tricks, spectacular deposits and great Choreographies.

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Economic Crisis: Finally Companies And Workers Become Active!

Posted by marmara on December 12, 2017

Nonprofit online community the nonprofit online community businesses, self-employed persons and for employees pursuing the common goal to find a way out of the current economic and financial crisis – according to the motto: you can see the good sailor in inclement weather “.” After the free registration, you can exchange experiences and tips, gets answered questions about the crisis, builds valuable relationships with the other members, and can get involved as a host actively. In the community is how employees deal with the crisis, what private safeguards you meet and what do employers to secure the jobs and what options you use communicated to avert potential problems in advance. Registered members receive also generous discounts N for promotional activities in a Web – and advertising agency in Esslingen a.. The community is new and is evolving constantly technically and in terms of content. Initiator of this comunity is Marco Pitrolo, owner of the company Internet – und Werbeagentur Sasha in Esslingen am Neckar.

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