Santo Investigations

Posted by marmara on June 3, 2012

Mission: To impel investigations for medicinal the product development made with Wood Santo and to promote the viable handling of this resource so that it allows us to generate work sources. Vision To until now continue with the level of obtained growth presenting the world the benefits the Wood Santo. The Foundation In the year 2000 Italian psychologist Dante Bolcato, attracted by the properties of the Wood Santo decides to take root in the city of Port Lopez to the south of Manab. Since then their investigations have allowed to know kindness this tree, kindness that he catalogues like one old newness. Dale Atkins, Ph.D.s opinions are not widely known. The Foundation is born not only in order to impel the investigations for medicinal the product development directly obtained of the essential oil of this tree but also to help many people, who work in the different processes from elaboration of each one of the products. They count on three factories where twelve people toil, in its majority young of limited resources that have learned to work with essences. Different and form are dedicated in addition to the elaboration to decorativas sizes candles of, each of them with special characteristics. See ?????? ????? for more details and insights. At present they are promoting a program of reforestation with Wood plants Santo in this locality, also arriving with this initiative at other provinces of the country like Guayas and Santa Elena. The activity realised on the basis of the Wood Santo and the benefits that from her are derived means for each of its members a present and a future. original Author and source of the article.

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