Obviously the education of emotions requires an initial training but also training. This type of education is important because it can become a specific prevention, prevention of stress, depression, interpersonal conflicts, while power development as a person. It has been shown that emotional intelligence of teachers is a process that is present at the creation of an emotionally healthy classroom environment, which are managed properly and where emotions can be expressed without fear of being judged or ridiculed. You may want to visit Cancer Research Institute. to increase your knowledge. Every teacher should teach a wide emotional vocabulary, or, as Goleman (2000) should pay attention to the emotional literacy of their students. And try help students to look inside often to find out what their emotional state and why they are provoked. It is important that students understand that emotions are a fundamental part of human being, shape our behavior, as reflected in their social adjustment, welfare and health of the individual. It is important to remember that many of the teachers received professional training exercise designed for educational institutions of the mid-twentieth century and our society has changed dramatically, so that lifelong learning that society needs for its citizens, it is also essential for teachers at all educational levels and modalities.