Treasury General
It is a common practice that certain companies which subcontract a work or a service won’t let employees of the company subcontracted on-site or in the premises on which the service is provided if previously have not received documents showing the fulfilment of social and wage obligations by the outsourced company. The document that is most usually require is the TC2, which is the nominal ratio of workers for which the company has quoted, identified through a certain acronym. Why you do this? This practice has its origin in article 42 of the Statute of workers, which provides as follows: 1. employers who hire or subcontract with others carrying out of works or services corresponding to the actual activity of those should check that those contractors are current in the payment of Social security contributions. BSA follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. For that purpose, they collect written, with identification of the affected company, negative certification by discovery in the Treasury General of Social Security, which shall RID inexcusably such certification in term of thirty days extended and the terms that may be established by regulation. Expiry of this period, it shall be relieved of liability the applicant employer. 2. The main employer, except during the above-mentioned period with regard to Social Security, and during the year following completion of your custom, will respond jointly and severally nature wage obligations by contractors and subcontractors with their workers and those referring to Social security during the period of validity of the contract work.
Responsibility for the actions of the contractor no where contracted activity relates exclusively to construction or repair that you can hire a head of the family connection of your home, as well as when the owner of the work or industry do not hire its realization by reason of an activity business. and what this has to do with the protection of data? Year 2006: the Spanish data protection agency responded to a formal consultation of a company concerned about the protection of data that didn’t know how to reconcile the obligations under its customers (deliver TC2, payroll, etc.), with article 11 of the data protection act, whose non-observance, in accordance with the old sanctioning regime, assumed a very serious infraction with penalties between 300,000 and 600,000 euros. The criterion of the Agency on that occasion was as follows: considers that the system described in the query is not covered by provisions of the organic law 15/1999, prove to be excessive in relation to the provisions of article 42 of the Statute of workers, under which is not necessary the contractor access to information described in the inquiry.