Wahlkolnerin Institute
“If the ears are celebrating their senses EinKlangRaum invites the ears to celebrate their senses who can hear, listen not necessarily correctly”, white Claudia Kruger. It offers Institute and the EinKlangRaum listening for five years now in the TOMATIS for everyone, a pedagogy of listening. The French physician of Alfred A. Tomatis (1920-2001) developed as TOMATIS sound spa or Mozart therapy known method. It follows the Wahlkolnerin Institute offering and held on the anniversary a day of open door with lectures, a children’s program, music In the stream State”and much more. With sounds and enchanted sounds and music play music, the ears the decisive role. Claudia Kruger grew up with music and swears by the healing effect of the TOMATIS method. It is supporting the learning of foreign languages, in pregnancy and childbirth classes both Burnout, add/ADHD, or dyslexia.
There are TOMATIS for the elderly, listening and Voice training for teachers, coaches and musicians as well as TOMATIS for managers. And the TOMATIS -listening is special interest also in children. Children joy Agnes Schochli and Lola, the small cello”Agnes Schochli’s author specifically arriving from the Switzerland for the children’s programme. In his luggage, she has her book of Lola, the small cello”and also a real cello. Which may lovingly embrace the little ones and feel up close sounds.
Stress and pressure release it, so how it explains to Lola in the book. Lola means letting go and plays well also with adults”, reports the author and is looking forward to the anniversary guests. Sensory experience and listening In the stream State”cellist Katja Zakotnik won the audience prize of competition Ibla Grand Prize 2009. Known for its virtuosic and unconventional concerts she intoxicated IV on July 6th, from 16.30 – 18.00 in the Christ Church the senses of the audience with the suites I for cello solo by Johann Sebastian Bach. In the stream State”for the guests free and cozy to comfortable chairs the favourite pillow that enjoy music and let the mind wander in. It promises to enjoy the music at its finest and a feast for the sense of hearing. TOMATIS mobile would also help people for sick Claudia Kruger, who cannot come to the EinKlangRaum. The TOMATIS listening can help dementia, coma patients, older people who can no longer so good get, but even children with disabilities. A mobile TOMATIS device should be purchased for these people. 1,850 Euros. Support for TOMATIS “Mobile for the sick is therefore asked in the fifth, so even sick people soon get help outside of the TOMATIS Institute Cologne. Ears celebrate their sense of 6 July stands under the motto of listening pleasure for the ears and senses. Guests can go on the track so to speak the sense of hearing. There is much give opportunity for encounters and new experiences in the EinKlangRaum and TOMATIS Institute Cologne.