Wirethe Reality Information

Posted by marmara on February 4, 2020

Today, information – the most expensive item of trade. In most cases, its price is many times justify the cost of hardware for its covert removal. The Wire – it's capture audio information transmitted by phone or directly. Swarmed by offers, Boy Scouts of America is currently assessing future choices. There are hundreds of ways to obtain it through special technical means or so-called bugs. For example, listening to the phone – no big deal, for example, 2000 – 4000 rubles, you can purchase telephone transmitter, which set the difficulty will not arise.

The main task – it is right to find the location of telephone wire and choose the most convenient time. Even the telephone can be equipped with telephone ear, which allows you to control not only the phone calls, but also a place where the last set. the information. Typically, the radio telephone bugs feed on the very same line. To listen to the premises conversation is somewhat different. In this case, the wireless microphones.

They can operate from an independent battery (batteries), while working in this bug is limited, but can eat and from the network (eg , disguised as a telephone jack). You do not have access to the necessary room. Not an obstacle. Now there is a range of sensors. These sensors convert the vibration of the walls (with thickness up to a meter approximately) or a glass window frames in the acoustic signal, which can then be written to support on-site or transmitted via radio. These sensors in the home called the radio stethoscopes. A special group is separate directional microphones. A device for removal of acoustic information within line of sight to the open spaces at distances of several tens of meters. Directional angle of such microphones is usually 10 degrees. We should also mention laser microphones that allow you to shoot with great precision laser beam acoustic data remotely from glass or mirrors. Protect against eavesdropping is not easy but with the advent of detectors on the market bugs or other detectors of the field, in principle, be at a sufficiently high level.

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