Academy Stars
Zeldovich was to reach 1094 g/cm3. For comparison, the highest temperature in the interior of stars is estimated about 108K and the highest density of matter in the interior of neutron stars reach gsm3 1015. It is true that in October 2010 year, was first discovered super-heavy neutron star the size of which "do not exceed the size of a small town, but the matter density is 10-15 times higher than the density of the atomic nucleus." Since the density of an atomic nucleus is October 14 g/cm3, the density of superheavy stars turned out to be 1.5 x 1015 g/cm3. Be compared with the density required for the birth of the universe. By assumption, one of the followers of the Big Bang theory, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences USSR IS Shklovsky, at a time when the universe was calculated void fraction of a second, it "was a 'drop' sverhyadernoy density, which for some reason, came to an unstable state and exploded." Did not explode, did not explode, and then went and blew up! And this without any outside influence, because in addition to "drop" is nothing no more. And in general do not understand why this substance is not annihilated drop. After all, any elementary particles are always produced in pairs with their opposites, for example, an electron and a positron (anti-electron), but having the opposite charges of the same name and the masses attracted to each other by electrical and and gravitational forces cancel each other out immediately after his birth. .