Barbed Wire Gurza. History Of .

Posted by marmara on January 6, 2022

The first of the property of good barbed wire fences is that they should be simple to install. Others including Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra, offer their opinions as well. For installation need only stand and wire. No special training to the employee-installer on the fly is needed. Pair of strings fence with planks screwed to it with a sharpened wire. After a couple of years, his invention was officially recognized and has undergone improvement. Only fifteen years after the invention of the production of barbed wire has been adjusted to such an extent that every year for sale came out a couple of hundred tons of goods. Promotion of barbed wire on the market has played a huge role in the development of animal husbandry, because now you can simply, quickly and without serious cost to install the fence on the outer scale space-walking to the field of livestock.

The distance between the supporting pillars are elected according to the local landscape and can vary from about 3 to 50 meters. For agriculture, barbed wire is manufactured in several forms: soft and supple. They are made from various types of steel and a mandatory subject galvanizing, which prolongs the time of use. es. Elastic barbed wire – the most sophisticated, more reliable, better tolerate tension and temperature changes, but it is not so easy to install. Soft barbed wire – not too long maintained, used only for narrow spans fence, but more elementary to use.

It happens that in the prickly fences provide outlets for small dogs – the main Shiftmen for grazing livestock. Not secret that barbed wire has been widely used to protect vegetable gardens to improve the efficiency savings from the intrusion of outsiders. It is mounted on top of the fence to prevent the colonies shoots, and even in time of war to build and strengthen the defensive fence, which is called in common “Spotykach. It is used to impede progress on foot soldiers. Separate type of barbed wire – cla or Reinforced barbed tape. It can cause quite serious injury to animals and people who want to go through the fence. Are many cases of death from bleeding in this case. Realistically, without tools the hands of such a fence can not be overcome. cla was invented in Germany during the First World War. Today, it represents a tape with spines of wire, which when installing rolled coils. In common and literature such tape styled Concertina.

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