Brazil Organization
That is, ' ' como' ' of the creation of the knowledge in the company, of the structures and you practise of them that they transform the innovative vision of the company into technologies and products. The redundancy is important because it encourages to the constant dialogue and the communication. This aid to create one ' ' cognitiva base comum' ' between the employees and consequently it facilitates the transference of tacit knowledge. A time that the members of the organization share overlapped information, them can feel what the others are trying to articulate. The redundancy also spreads the new explicit knowledge through the organization, in order that it can be internalizado by the employees. Ahead of all the information and depositions of successes of the Japanese companies, I observe that the learning process it is strong on the culture of this people. Being able to be adapted inside of any organization, since that, the high administration if plans and creates strong bonds next to organizacional culture of its establishment. When I make an analogy the companies of which I have knowledge in Brazil I see one of the biggest barriers for the management of the knowledge here still is the communication enters all inside the hierarchic levels of the organizations. Total bureaucratic companies who do not evaluate opinions of its you collaborate of the laboring classroom. Destroying any attempt of participation of the classrooms less favored of the organization and undeserving the confidence of who really produces and guarantees if the company the delivery of its products inside of skillful time. Ahead of such facts, I see that many Brazilian companies must change its participativas concepts of management for management where ' ' good idias' ' independent of the hierarchic level that came is used to advantage and creating one I tie between company and collaborator in search of the success of both the parts, in search of the support of the business.