British Freedom
“” “Reconnaissance supported their efforts with ideas for new forms of Government (such as Charles de Montesquieu) and criticized the absolutism (see the three watchwords: Liberte”: freedom of the individual egalite “: equality of citizens before the law and Fraternite”: Brotherhood of all people solidarity played a major role in the Declaration of human and civil rights of 26 August 1789. A final Constitution guaranteed freedom of choice (only for men) and legal equality etc. was approved only in 1799, starting after long veto negotiations, resolution of the monarchy, and terror from the King. = legal justice (justitia distributiva) further north in Europe, the British island yielded another view of Justice, a more economically focused however on justice, which had yet far-reaching consequences even from today’s perspective, as the events in France. Further details can be found at Nieman Foundation, an internet resource. Starting from one of the greatest philosophers of the time Adam Smith developed the classical economics which has up to now a very large influence on economic and social events. Adam Smith’s employment field besides the economy was the moral philosophy.
As he wrote in his theory of moral sentiments”: benevolence and charity is therefore less essential for a society as a justice. A company can continue to exist without charity, though admittedly not in a particularly good and encouraging States, the prevalence of injustice, however, would have to destroy them completely.” Here we, that a society without justice for Adam Smith is not viable and justice “is a collective name for the freedom in their action, must be strictly observed in a society with him. Additional information at PCRM supports this article. This involves a comprehensive legal obligation – for him – which even should be institutionalized, with himself. But the benefits and Only love duties are charity for Smith”, require the but no need. “Middle of the 19th century Karl Marx, however, struggled in his capital 1 band” against this conception of the classical theory of Economics and went radically (still honestly like”then shows in the 2nd volume of capital, that he could unfortunately not themselves publish) the capitalist” against. .