Cultural Capital
We thank our Vanessa person who orientates for being always in alerting, presenting reading suggestions, contributing to optimize our time of research. We thank all the familiar friends and who had contributed with incentives, suggestions, force and support so that we continued our studies. To the Bank of Brazil for providing this meeting with the Sustainable Development. We are thankful, at last, to all that had crossed our way during this experience of growth and learning. ‘ ‘ This we know. All the things are on as the blood that joins the family Everything what happens with the Land, happens with the children and children of the Land. The man does not weave the teia of the life; it is only one wire. Everything what makes to the teia, it makes itself mesmo’ ‘.
– Ted Perry, inspired by the Seattle Head? SUMMARY the sustainable development has as primordial factor the reinforcement of the Human Capital, Cultural Capital stock and Capital, base for the social transformation, for the collective conscience, of cooperation and confidence. This work had as objective main the understanding of these capitals in the support of a solidary enterprise, in special the Cooperative of Catadores de Materiais You recycle and Ecological Agents of Canabrava? CAEC. From the Social Residence one searched to verify as if they form these capitals in the cooperative, its joined influence in the support and difficulties. For the achievement of the study interviews not structuralized had been carried through, analyzed statute and internal regulation and simple comment. In the theoretical referencial we approach the diverse concepts of these capitals, the Solidary Economy and the boardings on support in solidary enterprises.