Foundation Carlos Gomes
(Porfrio Lazarini, Annex -) the musical experience lived by the Lazarini brothers in the decades of 70 and 80 was basic for the implantation of a Band of Music in the City, therefore it was in its as mandate, in 1997, that Antonio Lazarini together with the Secretary of Education at the time Elvira Comerlato, had had the initiative to become reality the implantation. Then the Mayor desired to mount a band to the molds of that its father, Mr. Jose Lazarini participated in Dracena? SP, that is, a center of musical convivncia where young seusestudos musical comedies by means of blow instruments would exercise what it could also help in the development of the city. The first initiative was to make an accord with the Foundation Carlos Gomes de Belm of Par, that offered instruments and indicated Professor Flvio Jardilino to give the first lessons of music in the city of Uruar. 4. THE MUNICIPAL BAND DIEGO YOU QUOTE OF 4,1 MORAES INSTITUTION SALLES (1985) affirms that the majority of the conservatories traditionally, destines it the education of the piano, of it sings and the violin the music band, becomes, the school of music of the people. The main test of that is the colonial period, when the Jesuits used themselves of small instrumental groups, in order to educate the indians religiously.
Of these groups the band of music in the current model appeared. In Uruar, as well as the experience of musical education by means of music band did not exist conservatory, appears with the Professor indicated for the Foundation Carlos Gomes, Flvio Jardilino, natural of the Cear, that gave to the first lessons of flute and instruments of blow. In the year of 1998 the pupils of the regular schools of Uruar had been invited for lessons of music with initiation in flute candy. As in the city not yet it had a space for these lessons, the first ones had been given in the Educational Institute of Uruar and later in the Melvin School Jones.