German Ideology
' ' This distinction between proprietors and not-proprietors is the foundation of liberalism and is express with extreme lucidity for Kant' '. (op.cit P. 17) Kant attributes a superior direction to the law: he is so sacred, so inviolable, that it is crime even though to place it in quarrel. It is the regulating instrument between property and freedom, representing the sovereignty of the people, but he is above of this sovereignty. It is the typical liberal vision of the Rule of law. ' ' The sovereignty of the people must be delimited by some laws that are above of it and are inviolvis, unquestionable: the right of property, the association, meeting, expression, freedom of speech. Freedom that, in the practical one, is usufructed only by who will have resources enough to enjoy of them ' '. (they ibidem).
The CONCEPTION DE KARL HEIRINCH MARX – (1818-1883) Marx, in contrast of the liberal thought, establishes the connection enters the civil society (joint of the economic relations) and the society politics (the State), that they are presented interlaced, being an expression of the other. ' ' The society politics, the State, is expression of the civil society, that is, of the production relations that in it if instalaram' '. (they ibidem, P. 26). In the workmanship the German Ideology, Marx synthecizes the essence of its conception between the economic development, the State and the ideologies.
' ' (…) it is not the State that establishes the civil society, that absorbs in itself the civil society, as it affirmed Hegel; for the opposite, it is the civil society, understood as the set of the economic relations, that the sprouting of the State, its character, its laws explains, and thus for diante' '. (Ibidem, P. 27). When arguing the marxist conception, Gruppi makes a necessary and eloquent boarding: ' ' Escravista state guarantees the domination on the slaves, the feudal State guarantees the corporations, and the capitalist State guarantees the predominance of the capitalist relations of production, protects them, (…) guarantees the extended reproduction of the capital, the capitalist accumulation (…) ' ' (p.28).