Group Tractebel Engineering

Posted by marmara on March 9, 2017

The present article has as proposal to elucidate the thirty and five years deluta of the population of the Xingu (in its majority indians) against the construction of the UsinHidreltrica de Belo Mount. A confrontation that to each decade comes if inciting ecausando controversies and debates in some scopes of the society. Word-key: Plant Hydroelectric plant, Beauty Mount, aboriginal population. The quarrel on Plant Hydroelectric plant (UHE) BeloMonte is not recent, for the opposite is in debate since 1975 when it was initiated the Studies of Hidroelectric Inventory of the Basin doRio Hidrogrfica Xingu. Currently considered amaior workmanship of the CAP (Program of Acceleration of the Growth), of the Federal.Desde Government there, the aboriginal peoples and other local leaderships demand the end doprojeto of construction and the preservation of its sacred lands and the norepresamento of the River Xingu.

The conflicts if had incited since a 2009 when foiapresentado new Study of Ambient Impact/Report of Impact Ambient (EIA/RIMA) elaborated for the LemeEngenharia, affiliated to the Group Tractebel Engineering, in turn tied aogrupo GDF Suez, and with the accomplishment of audiences. Foiintensificado still more in this year when the ambient license was set free and oleilo to be defined who would go to construct the plant. (ISA, 2010). In October of 2009, five months after the final version of the document to have been delivers to the Ibama, the agency arrived the same, and to Ministrio Pblico Federal (MPF), a relatrioalternativo, of 230 pages, intitled ‘ ‘ It analyzes Critical of the Study of ImpactoAmbiental of the Hidroelectric Exploitation of Monte’ Beauty; ‘. This was elaborated pormais of forty researchers, between them: anthropologists, sociologists, zologos, biologists, etimlogos, doctors in energy and planning of sistemasenergticos, historians, scientists politicians, economists, engineers, hidrlogos, ictilogos, among others, compose deEspecialistas a called group Panel. On the university and centers of einternacionais national research, that had made a detailed analysis of the studies of Beautiful Mount.

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