HBO System
As the masters of the combustion mixture gazovrzdushnoy slower than benzovozdushnoy due to the composition – a more homogeneous. Therefore, a crank mechanism does not threaten the rapid wear. In a gas, no lead and sulfur, which destroy parts. It all helps with the long period of time not to think about the overhaul of the engine. Gas suffers less from the environment. The positive characteristics of the gas make it possible argue that it the best fuel. Many have heard that there are different HBO: HBO 1st generation, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th.
Although, it should be noted that this separation is not official. Installers and vehicle owners also unanimously believe that it is more convenient. Gas for cars is available in two versions: in the form of liquefied natural gas – propane and butane in the form of compressed – methane. The cheapness of methane is reduced to zero its volume, and hence the weight. Because of them in the trunk is virtually no free space. In addition, the cost of the equipment under methane – above. Propane and butane – is mineral oil.
16 atm – the pressure required for liquefaction and storage of the gas. HBO includes such components as: switches, tanks, mixer, multivalve, solenoid, gear '_mce_rel =' nofollow 'onclick =' javascript: _gaq.push ('_trackPageview', '/ outgoing/article_exit_link/4080691');' href =''> reducer' > '> HBO gear. Gas equipment can not do without maintenance. Masters recommend 10 000 km to visit the service station. The procedure involves cleaning the outside of nodes, draining the condensate from the gearbox, checking connections, control of HBO. Every 20 thousand miles, other than those listed above works, in addition purified gas valve and replace the filter. Some gas precarious. And often in a completely made-up reasons. First reason – it is unsafe gas. But more dangerous is it than gasoline? And the petrol and gas are fuel. So by the explosion are the same. In each case, a prerequisite for the explosion could be delayed passage of maintenance. That is, if you'll spend time checking everything is in order. In addition, remember that the fuel tank is made of fairly thin material, as opposed to gas cylinders. Well LPG compared to gasoline is less flammable. Whoever made the decision to install gas equipment can be use one of two options: install it yourself or entrust it to the masters. Generally, HBO with their own hands – it's not too hard. But at the end of the installation will need to run through the appropriate authorities, necessary because more testing equipment, and later made the repair of HBO with their own hands. The original masters of the same treatment to the company concerned will relieve you from all of the 'joys'. First advantage of this treatment – the warranty (free maintenance), the second advantage – something that does not need to worry about checking HBO, because such firms in this type of work has a license.