International Organization
Although notables the quantitative and qualitative advances from years 90 of the passed century, what he consolidated the RAIS while census of the formal work is important to observe that for bigger levels of aggregation of what 26 subsectors do not exist a good correlation with the code of IBGE.Outra comment is that the basic unit of the research is the establishment, and when these present more than a productive activity, only the main one is considered (more significant). How much the international comparabilidade of the data must be observed the recommendation of the International Organization of the Work? OIT, and the updates of the CNAE.A Brazilian Classification of Occupations? CBO is the document that recognizes, nominates and codifies the headings and describes the characteristics of the occupations of the market of Brazilian work, its updates are correlated the conjunctural and structural scenes. CBO 2007 contains occupations of the Brazilian, organized and described market for families. Each family constitutes a set of similar occupations of the corresponding market to a domain of work ampler than that one of the occupation. This new version of the CBO is only contemplated from the RAIS 2003.Entretanto, although the limitations presented for the data base that it will be used in the research, the objective of the project will not be compromised, in view of that during years 90, a time that the covering came close to 97% of the organized sector of the economy (MTE, 2007) .5.4AJUSTE AND TREATMENTS OF the DADOSO data base considered in this project he is sufficiently extensive, the MTE disponibiliza long series for the statisticians of job, remuneration and establishments, what it becomes RAIS one of the main references of the market of work in the world and Brazil. For this project the importance biggest of this source not this solely in the evolution of the disponibilizada statistics, but basically in its particular contribution to understand and to analyze the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of the Par.Em this direction, the challenge biggest of this section is to present the elements that constituro the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of Par and to answer the questions central offices of the research as: which the economic activities that present greater concentration for? where they are job agglomerations? Which the behavior of the income composition enters the R.I of the State? For this a quantitative analysis of the cities of the state of Par becomes necessary using indicating statisticians, between which, Quociente Locacional (QL), the Index of Concentration of Hirschman- Herfindahl (IHH) and the index of Participao Relativa (PR), using for all the existing activities in the given State of the Par.Os of the RAIS, presents certain limitation that criticizes many it for it to contemplate only the formal data, leaving of the informal gamma of activities or services is all that the state presents. tion.