Posted by marmara on February 19, 2022
Elinor Ostrom, the sign of the times will be remembered Teodulo Lopez Melendez my continued assertion that the primacy of economics over politics has been one of the causes of most of the evils that have sprung up in modern times in matters relating to the social impoverishment. He claimed, therefore, that policy must regain its primacy over policy and pointed out that this is one of the desirable characteristics to the global world in birth. The fact that a political scientist wins the Nobel Prize in economics indicates, I think, a sign of this reordering of priorities. It could also be called a socioeconomic Dr. Ostrom, because it is valid now speak of sciences which are intertwined and form new specialties.
The economy can not be a cold where the social science is diluted in the macroeconomic or where systems do not prioritize the man, the true object of all economic and political action. To make matters worse, Elinor Ostrom has focused on institutional diversity, the action collective use of land and the theory of public action, among other issues where he has laid a real school. The Nobel was won by his demonstrations of “how the commons can be managed effectively by a group of users.” In other words Ostrom departs from classical economics. His work has influenced biologists, on considerations concerning ecosystems and the development of the tenets of what has been called the commons. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Nancy Lublin. A simplistic view of economic systems never took into account the immense opportunity that exists between the market and the interventionist policies of the central states.
Posted by marmara on February 18, 2022
Unemployment in the world, increases mostly in Europe, the United States in much of Latin America. In Europe the product of the international crisis that the stock market collapsed, the bankruptcy of many industrial giants, led to hundreds of companies to fire workers. THE GOOD The good, unemployment is many employers say they can get cheap labor. That is, the benefits and see why and how. Learn more at this site: Keiser Family. Having thousands of unemployed, each one has a job offer, with limited job vacancies, we have presented a bid for the few places of work hundreds of people. Just look at these ads weekend newsletters seeking job offers two executive secretaries.
The day of the appointment at the door of the employer bidder, are presented to 120 young ladies, graduates of colleges, academies, CEOs, university, with no experience, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, elegant, hearty, and so on. The same is true when they say that technicians need electrical, mechanical, welding, masonry, office. Under most conditions Nancy Lublin would agree. The appointment date for submission of resume and interview we see long queues of people, similar to those seen in sports stadiums on the eve of a football match involving the national team. Nearly 250 people wait in long lines for a chance to interview. All the faith in your documents, letters of accreditation that are sure to succeed in being hired. Employers to have so many people on their doors can afford to choose only four and 250 as such is the desperation for a job, they can offer lower remuneration, ie pay less than it should. Nancy Lublin has much experience in this field.
Posted by marmara on April 26, 2019
Although notables the quantitative and qualitative advances from years 90 of the passed century, what he consolidated the RAIS while census of the formal work is important to observe that for bigger levels of aggregation of what 26 subsectors do not exist a good correlation with the code of IBGE.Outra comment is that the basic unit of the research is the establishment, and when these present more than a productive activity, only the main one is considered (more significant). How much the international comparabilidade of the data must be observed the recommendation of the International Organization of the Work? OIT, and the updates of the CNAE.A Brazilian Classification of Occupations? CBO is the document that recognizes, nominates and codifies the headings and describes the characteristics of the occupations of the market of Brazilian work, its updates are correlated the conjunctural and structural scenes. CBO 2007 contains occupations of the Brazilian, organized and described market for families. Each family constitutes a set of similar occupations of the corresponding market to a domain of work ampler than that one of the occupation. This new version of the CBO is only contemplated from the RAIS 2003.Entretanto, although the limitations presented for the data base that it will be used in the research, the objective of the project will not be compromised, in view of that during years 90, a time that the covering came close to 97% of the organized sector of the economy (MTE, 2007) .5.4AJUSTE AND TREATMENTS OF the DADOSO data base considered in this project he is sufficiently extensive, the MTE disponibiliza long series for the statisticians of job, remuneration and establishments, what it becomes RAIS one of the main references of the market of work in the world and Brazil. For this project the importance biggest of this source not this solely in the evolution of the disponibilizada statistics, but basically in its particular contribution to understand and to analyze the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of the Par.Em this direction, the challenge biggest of this section is to present the elements that constituro the dynamics of the productive structure of the State of Par and to answer the questions central offices of the research as: which the economic activities that present greater concentration for? where they are job agglomerations? Which the behavior of the income composition enters the R.I of the State? For this a quantitative analysis of the cities of the state of Par becomes necessary using indicating statisticians, between which, Quociente Locacional (QL), the Index of Concentration of Hirschman- Herfindahl (IHH) and the index of Participao Relativa (PR), using for all the existing activities in the given State of the Par.Os of the RAIS, presents certain limitation that criticizes many it for it to contemplate only the formal data, leaving of the informal gamma of activities or services is all that the state presents. tion.
Posted by marmara on October 27, 2013
The equity represents the values that the partners have in the company in a certain date, being resultant of the asset less the liabilities. It represents, of certain, the wealth of the partners in determined moment. Independent of the theories of boarding of the subject (for example, the theory of the proprietor? where the Equity is equal to the asset less the liabilities? or the theory of the entity? where the asset is the somatrio of the obligations with the Equity), theoretically, in a preliminary analysis, any action of practical effect carried through by the company, that is, any modifying or mixing countable fact (it excepts the compensativos or permutativos countable facts, therefore they only modify the composition of the patrimonial elements), will have consequences in the equity, either it which will be. Thus, in case that a company has, for example, a great increase in the liabilities? she will consequentemente have consequentemente the reduction of its equity. In this point it comes the intelligence of the norm, therefore when establishing a minimum value of equity, it does not allow, for example, excesses that diminish or compromise the general situation of the liquid value of the total of the goods of the company. 2.3.De the Current ratio Moreover, we have the question of the Current ratio. The liquidify ratios (immediate, dry? acid test, etc) evaluates the capacity of payment of the liabilities of the company, being that, in some cases, high one index can not mean a good financial management? therefore the possibility exists, for example, of an excess of availabilities (with consequent financial loss for not the application of these resources). But, of certain form, in case that it is superior the 1, it means invariably that the company has availabilities to pay its debts. In ours in case that, the Current ratio has that to be equal or superior the 1.