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It destroys the health and the person, without no inaquality or preconception. We know that the problem is old in all the cultures and society, but the dimension where is taking and the projections of the Organization World-wide of Sade (OMS) on the subject in the future it is not nothing promising. We need to intensify our actions in the combat to the drugs, now. When I say we need, I do not mention myself only to the government, sectors of the public and private health, but a social comprometimento with the question. For if dealing with to an including subject and personal interest and the population, we can appropriating in them of one said popular one and to try to transform it into attitude, which is: it is better to prevent of what attenuating. I say to prevent, in the direction simplest of its expression, that is the practical one of the anticipated action to the problem.
To work in the bases of the structure of our society, that is, in the families, the schools, the companies and, mainly, the medias. The information always was a great weapon in the war for the power and today we have the Internet as one of the facilitadoras greaters of the interaction human being in the globalizado world. We go to use it in favor of this cause. The culture is a communitarian social construction, a form to transform the reality. It is the collective effort that constructs the moral and ethical values of a people. We have two allowed drugs: tobacco and alcohol, that already had proved of what they are capable, why some people insists on liberating plus one, marijuana. Because we must be fidiciary offices the customs that do not make in them well.
Possibly many people already know deep the problems related the drug and even though, they have an imprisoned dear being in its claws. These feel of close its fury. However, it is possible that many people do not have a clear vision in what says respect to the drugs, or, for the unfamiliarity of the subject, they do not obtain to perceive when this enters in its house or still they keep a distorted vision of the subject, interpreting as a question of moral values ' ' force of vontade' ' ' ' shame in cara' '. It is fact that the legal questions and the contraband of drugs must be lead by the governmental bodies, but we can make our part in looking for to know the subject better, to help to divulge its males next to our family, groups that be part and our community. One of the 0 variable in the process of contact and initiation of the use of the drugs it is the learned behavior, therefore, we must inside initiate the process of our house, in our family, with our friends. I do not intend here to create one ' ' chain of bem' ' , but I believe that if the people who read this article and share with me this idea could at least speaking regarding the problems and of the consequncias of the drugs with a familiar one, with a friend, a fellow worker or etc., schoolmate we would be contributing for the construction of a better life, without drugs. To think preventive attitudes about the gift will be able exempting in them to attenuate critical situations in the future. It is said by the popular wisdom: It is better to prevent of what attenuating.